Kate from Sydney

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View from top of hill behind Bar Point house

You Tube: Blind aboriginal singer, Gudjuk Gurrumul Yunupingu singing Djarimirri about the Rainbow Surpent. He is from the Gumatj nation, his mother from the Galpu nation both First Nations peoples from North East Arnemland.

Taken from the top of the hill after my first walk up there.

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   Colleen  From Kelmscott West Aust
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Hi Kate
Thanks so much for my birthday message. It has been such a long time since I have been to this site I was overwhelmed with good wishes from my sudoku acquaintances!
Hope you have been well and not getting too wet!
Love Colleen ;-)
29/Feb/12 1:25 PM
   Colleen  From Kelmscott West Aust
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Hey Kate - yes I still post occasionally on Flickr. Spend most of my time on Facebook (playing games - guilty confession). Sorry to hear you haven't been very well. Looks like you have been busy from the photos on your Sudoku page.
29/Feb/12 9:14 PM
   HalT  From S Carolina
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G'day Kate. Thank you for visiting my gallery. Your kind comments on my pictures are greatly appreciated.
I really thought that I had visited your gallery some time in the past, but was surprised when I visited today and realized that I hadn't seen most of the pictures. Did you post some of the "septic tank saga" pictures on the puzzle pages? They looked familiar.
Anyway, I shall get back to your gallery ASAP and make appropriate (?) comments.
01/Mar/12 11:45 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Thank you for the birthday wishes, Kate!

02/Mar/12 10:22 AM
Kate  From Sydney (Ku-ring-gai)
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Hello! Thanks for the message on my page! Yes, I still dip into Sudoku!
04/Mar/12 10:47 AM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Kate, thank you for your reply. Anglesea is by far my favourite spot. We have been going there for at least 30 years for holidays. Not too frequently these days now that the children have flown the coup, but we plan to revisit this year for a week or so before Christmas
18/Mar/12 11:33 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Kate. I hope all is well with you and yours. I just wanted to thank you so much for the birthday greetings. You helped make my day a little extra special. Cheers!
26/Mar/12 6:37 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Hey Kate! Thanks for visiting my page. I'm sad, too, that we did not hook up. CP is going to be here in a couple of weeks and I am looking forward to seeing her again - even if it only for the day...she has a real "whirlwind" trip planned with her hubby.
I love seeing your photos...always interesting sites and detail descriptions.
You know that you and the kiddo are always welcome here if you ever get out our way.
30/Mar/12 1:34 AM
   Chris  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Hi Kate, thanks for your best wishes for the half marathon tomorrow. The temperature at the 7am start is likely to be in single figures so I'll need to run fast just to warm up! I should be finishing between 8:40 and 8:45am so there will still be plenty of time to get home and have breakfast at an almost decent time.
14/Apr/12 5:53 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Oh Kate - so grateful for the tip...I, too, find it difficult to take the time with my spassy left hand when I'm in a hurry. Now I have something I can do to help out a bit.
I think you guessed the location correctly (of the koalas and their babies)...it was a stop a long the Great Ocean Road that had a lighthouse and all along the route in there were trees with koalas. We picked a nice spot to picnic under those two mums. I was tickled pink...getting to hang with them in the wild. I hope I can save my money to come back for a longer visit next time.
23/Apr/12 1:39 AM
   Rayray  From an Egg    Supporting Member
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Thanks for your compliment about my poems.
I have tried to keep up-to-date by posting poems in my page gallery. Quite a few - though not all - recent poems are there if you want to catch up. I find it more difficult to get round to writing these days - especially because my arthritic right hip slows me down and distracts me so much.
25/Apr/12 7:51 PM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Thank you for my b'day greeting! Yesterday my family went out of their way to celebrate my day!!
I guess this advancing in age day isn't so bad after all! not when friends like you wish me kindly!!
14/May/12 12:17 PM
   Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
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Thank you for visiting my gallery, Kate, and for leaving such nice comments! Not too many people visit these days. Of course, not too many people visit "Easy" anymore, either. Sudokuland is a mirror of life: constantly changing!! Anyway, it's always good to hear from you!!
15/May/12 11:07 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Thank you for the Birthday Wishes Kate.
Peter is taking me out to dinner at the local Chinese Restaurant this evening.

Thank for visiting my photos on my page

Hey did you know I am heading to Sydney in June.
June/Epping is organising a gathering on Sat 16th June.
16/May/12 4:59 PM
   Karen  From Texas
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Kate, like you told me, I do not envy your house building. Especially, having to boat everything over and it looks like carrying everything up. Hope it is not as frustrating as it looks.
20/May/12 10:56 AM
David  From Wobby Beach
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Hi, my parents used o belong to bar point base a long time ago, when we had a boat called Wyoming. Just wondering if you knew them?
21/May/12 9:26 PM
aussie  From NSW
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Hi Kate, Thanks for looking at my pics and thanks for all the nice comments. I've often wondered if your avatar is an old Halvorsen on the Hawkesbury.
31/May/12 11:14 AM
   Robin  From Kurrajong, Australia
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Hi Kate
That was an understandable hiccup in your note on hard today..Ive noticed lots of old and new pics in haphazard order and I would certainly feel the same at my age coming across one so special. best wishes, Rob
31/May/12 6:13 PM
   Shiela  From MI
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I am always away on my birthday weekend at the Indianapolis 500 car race, so I am a bit late in saying for the birthday greetings!
I always enjoy the wishes from my Sudoku friends very much ...almost as much as I enjoy all of your wonderful photographs on the site! Thanks again!
01/Jun/12 1:04 AM
   Kate  From Sydney
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Hi Robin, saw you comment yesterday but didn't quite understand it. I've looked at the date you made it now & it all makes sense! Thank you very much for your thoughts!
03/Jun/12 5:36 PM
jacalmi  From Canada
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Thank you so much for taking the time to inform me of the links to Port Gregory.I did get the first one, and the history was very interesting. I couldn't get the Pink Lake one, though. They informed me that this page could no longer be found. Unfortunately, this does happen quite often.I love all your photos, as I'm sure you already know. and once again thank you.
07/Jun/12 2:35 AM
jacalmi  From Canada
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Thank you again,Kate for taking time to send me the web address of the coral coast. Unfortunately though I can't seem to get it.I still get the page can't be found notice. Drat!
08/Jun/12 2:45 AM
   Karen  From Texas
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Oh, Kate, everything is going at a nice, slow speed here. I say nice, because packing up this house is not going fast, at all. The only time, I can work upstairs is early in the morning when it is cool, it starts getting extremely hot up there around 10, or that is the time I cannot stand it any longer. It does not cool down, up there, until, I am too exhausted to move. The sun set on the front of the house, and it takes forever for it to cool down, up there.
Since, we pay cash for everything, we would like to sell this house, before purchasing another, but I would like to get the girls settled before school starts, hence why we are pursuing the other house, again, we are not moving fast on that one either. Mike estimates, 4 to 5 weeks before we move in, after we make the close.
There is a broker, that is supposed to be getting in touch with us, incase this house, does not sell, before school starts.
And if we become homeless, before school starts, you know MIL is more than willing to take us all in. I just hate the thought of changing schools, after school starts. Might have to make that 20 minute drive, twice a day for 9 months.

As for Mike and his toys, I perfer him to be as far away from the house as possible. He likes that smoke smell and I don't.
21/Jun/12 12:51 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi Kate, it was great to meet you too! I called it meeting old friends for the first time...
22/Jun/12 8:27 PM
   Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
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Thanks, Kate! We're just getting rain from the storm - so far! Poor Kathy is right in the path, however. She said they had tornado warnings this afternoon/evening, and they've had power outages and an awful lot of rain!
25/Jun/12 10:22 AM
   Karen  From Texas
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Thank you, Kate for Morgan's birthday wishes.
Each of my girl's were supposed to come on July 4th and each were scheduled to come out on a different day and each had different plans and came before their scheduled appointments.
M is the only birth where I actually had labor pains, just had discomfort with Kendall. Once the real labor pains started, I was given a wonderful drug, don't know a darn thing that happened after that. With M, we made it to the hospitatl at 12 and I did not get my favorite drug until 6:30.
As you can tell, I am still telling pregnancy stories.
25/Jun/12 10:35 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA
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Hi Kate. Thanks for your concern. We are fine here so far, just lots & lots of rain. Debby seems hung up in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico & is VERY slow moving so our area is being inundated with the bands of rain to the east of her. They predict we may be stuck with this heavy rain until Wed. or Thurs.! There is flooding along the coast, but our house is far inland so we are not too worried. Just have to keep emptying the excess water from the pool to keep it from overflowing! Tornados appear to have passed by our area, too. We'll be okay, I'm sure.
25/Jun/12 11:23 AM
   Amelia  From Medowie    Supporting Member
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Hi Kate,no worries I have done the same thing myself.
Now that we have met I find seeing your photo's so more interesting.
29/Jun/12 11:46 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Kate - thank you for visiting my Photo Gallery recently and commenting on my photos.
02/Jul/12 12:46 PM
   Amelia  From Medowie    Supporting Member
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Hey Kate, that was a good year then, we both found this site together.
04/Jul/12 7:50 AM
youkidme  From southern highlands
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Hi Kate, I've just finished today's easy, and found your photo 'somebody stole our house' Oct 10. I wish we could comment on these photos when they appear as jigsaws. The text tells us they 'are working on it'
There are so many which appear that are your photos you must have submitted a lot. I wonder who selects which ones to use, and the crietia they apply to know what will make a good jigsaw. Do they have a single template to stamp over the photo to make the pieces ?
05/Jul/12 11:01 AM
bargosal  From Bargo
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Hi Kate, thanks for all the lovely comments. you've made me enthusiastic now, I'll put a a few more photos.

05/Jul/12 4:02 PM
youkidme  From southern highlands
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Hi Kate, thanks so much for all that info. You are such a great communicator.One can see from all the comments listed that you are always willing to give a hand whenever needed. It is great to read through the many messages sent to you over the five years.
05/Jul/12 6:01 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Kate, thanks for your birthday wishes on Monday's Easy. I meant to thank you earlier but life cascaded out of control for a few days there. All's well now. Take care. Ian
05/Jul/12 8:50 PM
bargosal  From Bargo
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Hi Kate
Thanks for all your lovely comments on my photos.
They are very encouraging. I can see this site is going to take a heap more time than doing the odd Sudoku!
10/Jul/12 1:45 PM
youkidme  From southern highlands
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Hi Kate, Another beautiful photo and interesting puzzle on today's easy - Cerretti Memorial Chapel at Manly. Thank you
15/Jul/12 11:36 AM
youkidme  From southern highlands
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Hi Kate, I'm surprised at the botanist in you named the daylily (Hemerocallis) in today's photo as an Hibiscus. I have quite a number of these growing, and they are a great delight. The range of colours and sizes is amazing.
15/Jul/12 5:06 PM
youkidme  From southern highlands
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You're forgiven. I dare say it's all the stress of the new house. How is it progressing? we have been able to see such a lot of interesting work going on
with all the barges. It is a very big project to take on, but in such a beautiful environment I'm sure it is all worthwhile.
15/Jul/12 10:09 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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for the Grrreat b'day wishes! It is such a joy having so many Sudokuland friends to celebrate with.
16/Jul/12 4:43 AM
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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Hi yourself. Yup, I'm still alive and kicking. I've been away from home visiting family, so, not doing much but checking my.email on the Internet. Back home tomorrow, then I'll be back posting daily as usual.
20/Jul/12 9:38 PM
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