dino from sth Gippsland

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Smile welcome to my page.Smile 
I don't post much these days, but I do keep in touch. Stay here as long as you like. May your day bring you joy, happiness and peace.

The book... finally finished

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   jamie  From aggieland texas    Supporting Member
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Dino - couldn't resist after your comment in the Easy section!!! It is fun to see who drops by our pages, though, isn't it.
I will be back later to check out your pictures.
29/Jul/07 9:50 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Dino! Thought I'd drop by for a surprise visit after seeing your comment like Jamie did! Enjoyed all your photos. Guess I need to learn more about Buddhism since I didn't know nuns could have children? Is your knee surgery over with now? Hope you are doing well.
30/Jul/07 6:56 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Dino! You must like music or be a musician - based on your avatars! I 'see' you often on the SA page, but rarely 'meet' you anywhere on site. I want to wish you the very best with your surgery (knee replacement?) on Friday! The orthopedist tells me I'm heading in that direction, but no rush. I hope your hospital stay is not longer or shorter than necessary, and wish you a complete recuperation! I suspect having Merlin nearby will be a significant help! I can add prayers, if you would like.
01/Aug/07 5:10 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Hi Dino! My prayers go with you! I know any joint surgery is a bear! Take it easy, listen to the doctors and physical therapists. I remember saying that my pt (physical therapist) was really my personal torturer! But you'll get up there and moving!
02/Aug/07 7:45 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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DINE, thinking of you as you prepare to become bionic woman with the new knee! Wishing you a full and not too uncomfortable recovery! Remember, take your pain meds! You do not get points for delaying taking them. Pain is easier to keep under control than to relieve once it becomes severe. So ask early, ask often, you deserve it! Research shows that people with adequate pain relief after surgery recover faster and with fewer complications!
03/Aug/07 1:11 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Dino, thinking of you. Hope everything went well. Take it easy.
04/Aug/07 9:41 AM
   Rose  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Dino, Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement. It has been a difficult 6 months that has been made easier through the wonderful friends I have made on this site. I think you hit the nail on the head with your comment and it sums up a mother's frustration.

I love your photos - especially like some of the arty style ones - the sand dunes is a favourite.

I hope all went well with your operation yesterday. I will be thinking of you and hoping you have a quick and as painless as possible recovery.
04/Aug/07 11:23 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Gday Dino, not sure if you're getting back to your page at all but just leaving you some and wishing you all the best for your recovery.
12/Aug/07 3:32 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Dino. Thought I'd stop in and see how all was with you and yours. Glad I did, as I enjoyed the Claudio Arrau selection you have on your You Tube. A truly great artist! Thank you, and cheers!
16/Aug/07 4:21 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Remiss. How is the knee? Are you now the 6 million dollar woman?
16/Aug/07 4:22 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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WELCOME BACK TO SUDOKULAND Dino!! So happy to see you had dropped in to SA3 , and sorry I missed you there. I hope you are up and around even if gingerly! Do let us know how you are getting along, would love to hear from you !
24/Aug/07 9:34 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Hi Dino! I have been thinking about you and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I'm sorry to hear that you are still in pain. Hopefully, that will be gone shortly! Take care and stop by when you feel up to it.
ps: They are bringing back the Bionic Woman tv show here. Have they recruited you yet?
24/Aug/07 9:58 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Dino! How nice to see you back posting! I hope the new knee is coming along well and the recovery goes quickly! I haven't been able to spend much time at SA3 lately, and the next 2 weeks will be away from a computer. As I suffer my withdrawal symptoms, I'll be thinking of you and all the other SA regulars. Just think, it will "almost" be spring for you by the time I can post again. Take care, and I hope to "see" you again soon! (Give Merlin a big hug, too!)
25/Aug/07 2:45 PM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Oh Dino, speaking from experience (bone graft in ankle-had to have a cadaver donor. The surgeon sawed through my leg bone to get to the ankle. Now I have two large pins in the leg bone and two smaller pins in my ankle bone) Keep off the leg until the doctor's ok, then GO to the therapist regularly!!! Some of the exercise look crazy and sometimes humilitating but just do it. And know there's a rainbow at the end. Good luck! for the pain.
25/Aug/07 3:33 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Today is a glorious day. Lovely to hear from you. Hope everything went well. I can just imagine Merlin having a wonderful time.
25/Aug/07 4:28 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Glad to hear that things are going well and you are starting to feel like the $6 million woman. Can you spare some change? Cheers!
26/Aug/07 6:55 AM
   Tree Sheila  From Deniliquin, NSW
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Dino for your thoughts for me today. I am glad to report that I have got through it and am out the other end quite well. I did keep very busy though.
Hope it doesn't take too long for your knee to stop hurting. I know a few people who have had this and they all (eventually) say it's the best thing ever and they should have done it years ago.
27/Aug/07 9:19 PM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Was glad to read that you were able to get to the beach today. Hope that each day it gets easier for you.
02/Sep/07 2:24 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Hey Dino, good to see that you are getting more mobile..
03/Sep/07 12:24 AM
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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Dino, so glad you enjoyed my Bream offering, and your Chopin performance was very pleasant as well. Interesting how appearances deceive. I would have never expected that kind of music to come out of his fingers.
03/Sep/07 5:39 AM
   mariane  From barooga, australia    Supporting Member
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hi dino!
how lovely that you popped into my page! i've been really busy and don't get to chat to people as often as i would like at the moment. had to smile at the youtube. will have to go looking for a new one as soon as holidays get here.
ok, how come you needed a new knee, and yes, i do want to know more about buddhism - i want that amazing calm and well being of being at one with yourself and the world! i'll try to get to your links asap - as you can see it is very early and i should be in bed. have found haven with the computer from a snoring husband and then found that number one son has been racking up enormous phone bills to a mobile - he is in love! will have to deal with that later today, without bruising a fragile self image!
look forward to chatting to you again soon!
05/Sep/07 3:10 AM
   mariane  From barooga, australia    Supporting Member
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me again. thank you for the chopin. i gain so much pleasure from classic fm - drive with it all the time and have it blasting at home whenever the rest of them are out!
05/Sep/07 3:12 AM
   Hugh  From Canberra
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Shikia is my six-year-old grand daughter. About fifteen months ago she fell and bumped her head causing her to become drowsy. She was taken to hospital where she was scanned. The scan revealed a tumor, which is inoperable, and proved to be cancerous, although of a low grade. More...

The tumor was/is growing around the duct that allows the excess fluid around the brain to drain away into the body. This caused hydrocephalus (water on the brain) that was causing her headaches and had, over time, caused her skull to be thinner than normal. She was also a little clumsy. The answer was to put in a drain through her neck. There were two methods apparently, one being more dangerous (to perform) than the other but would give a better outcome in the long run. They were able to do this but it meant the removal of part of her skull hence the removal of the screws tomorrow. Shikia has to have the tumor monitored by scans every six months for the rest of her life. To date the tumor has not increased in size, which is good news. The tumor could have very well been there from birth, no one knows but since the operation she has improved considerably becoming more confident, outgoing and happy where before she was shy and moody. We don’t know what will happen or how the tumor will affect her longevity, we just hope that it doesn’t grow and she can have a long normal life.
05/Sep/07 11:02 PM
   mariane  From barooga, australia    Supporting Member
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hi dino
barooga is on the murray in the middle of wagga, shepparton, albury and echuca. it is in nsw, but we have a victorian postcode, which makes for lots of difficulties with computer generated purchases - insurance, registration etc etc. lovely little part of the world, but very dry at the moment! have you guys dried out yet after all your floods and rain? did any of it make it into catchment areas?
08/Sep/07 6:17 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Congrats dino, just read on SA that you are off the crutches. That's not even 6 weeks! Outstanding.
11/Sep/07 10:53 PM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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Hi dino! Just saw your post on "easy" and would like to add my congrats on your trading in of the crutches for the walking stick.
It is indeed a sucess story! Surely hope the pain has subsided and you'll be running that 10K in the near future Way to go!
12/Sep/07 10:11 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, dino! Since I so often miss you on SA3 pages, I wanted to stop by and congratulate you on being off the crutches! You must be doing everything right! Hope you have a wonderful day!
12/Sep/07 1:01 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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DINO, dropping in to visit a bit this morning. Love your photo of Merlin, good shot. I can just see him now, chasing the seagulls!

I am still hoping to find a photo of your beach, but I know, difficult to take a camera and a cane both with you. someday, it will happen, then I can imagine walking the beach with you.

Hope all is well and soon even the cane is not needed. Hugs to you and a scratch of the ears for Merlin.
18/Sep/07 9:58 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Dino. Yes I have read it. It is an inspiring story. Pittwater, where it's based (in the latter part of the book) runs into Broken Bay a bit closer to the sea than where the Hawkesbury does so it's not far from where we are & the terrain is very similar.
20/Sep/07 12:48 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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What can I say mate?
So lovely to meet you. I felt like we were old friends from the first hug.
Till we meet again.
02/Oct/07 8:49 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Dino, thank you for your concern for my sciatic problems. Off for a scan and Xray tomorrow and a bit better pain management in the mean time.
Hope your knee is continuing to improve. My MIL had hers done at 85 and is now 93 and it is still going strong. She came out of hospital and walked up 16 stairs to her appartment!
Enjoyed your Anzac Bridge photos. Drove over a couple of times today and it really is a spectacular bridge, and even better at sunset!
04/Oct/07 8:33 PM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Dino, your kind words brought me a lot of comfort. Every thoughtful act, every moment spent reaching out to someone, has value beyond measure. Thanks for thinking of me. (And I so love the dog!)
05/Oct/07 7:21 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Dino, I really enjoyed your utube on Victor Borge! It really made me laugh! Thanks!
06/Oct/07 11:07 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, dino! I like your new avatar. I'm thinking it's the same good-looking lad that's on the top of your page right now. Merlin looks like an excellent companion! I hope your recovery is going well! Hope to "see" you on the SA pages one of these days. (My timing getting there is very erratic recently.) Hope you'll enjoy this apple streudel and apple cider in the morning!
07/Oct/07 10:55 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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That was excellent Dino, thank you. When I saw you had Victor Borge on, I told hubby and we watched it together. Tears streaming down our faces! We both grew up with Victor in our homes, hubby particularly. It brings back fond memories for him of family nights sat around the TV watching Victor fall off his piano stool or some other antics!
07/Oct/07 7:05 PM
   Dorthea  From San Francisco
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Did you know that the page turner was victor's son?
07/Oct/07 7:25 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Hi Dino, I got the results last Friday and the main problem is spondylolisthesis which is due to osteoarthritis. ie one disc has slipped and resting on another disc and pinching the nerve. At the moment the pain is fairly constant and I am taking too many pain killers. Dr said it would ease "in about a week". That week is almost up and I really see no improvement. About to look at physio or whatever may help. As we all know, as we get older deterioration cannot be reversed. There is also some scoliosis.
Thanks for Neil's birthday wishes. He lives in Melbourne but was in Sydney a week ago so we celebrated his and his son's birthday which is today. I kept that one quiet. Rhys is my youngest grandson and is two today.
Glad you are making progress with your knee. It is marvelous what the doctors can do these days.
Loved the photo on Gails page of you both.
10/Oct/07 1:31 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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That's great news Dino. You'll be chasing seagulls yourself soon! Give my love and smooches to Merlin.
10/Oct/07 11:13 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Dino. I am a lurker on the SA page, as the gang there seems to have much more time to interact then I do do, and I'm not a chatroom type of person. I saw your comment about most of the stress and depression in this world relating to people felling they have to be doing something useful. That is the biggest problem in the modern work environment, as many people feel frustrated my the fact they don't see the usefullness of their work. Hence, stress, depression, burnout, and physical illness. I hope your writings address that. This seems to be the biggest problem today in the "modern" society.
13/Oct/07 8:40 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Heck. I'm here, so a little push can't hurt can it? Push.....
13/Oct/07 8:41 AM
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