Becky from Ohio

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   Max  From Saratoga, NY
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Thank you for visiting my page.
06/Jul/07 4:01 PM
   Max  From Saratoga, NY
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If you guys and ladies liked my soccer video than you will like what I put on this site. Just go to clips and go down to movie trailers and theres ratatouille.
07/Jul/07 12:45 AM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Becky and my apologies for not having stopped by sooner, there is just no excuse.
Thank you for visiting and yep, Emily is doing really well with her ballet at the moment. Its only going to get tougher I'm afraid to say, not to mention new costumes for me to make.
I promise to call in again real soon.
08/Jul/07 9:16 PM
   Beth  From Georgia    Supporting Member
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Hi Becky,
Thanks for the welcome. I'm sending some boiled peanuts and some fish and grits your way!
09/Jul/07 9:02 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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BECKY, I had an idea! If you use your Shadow avatar when you are on the SA page, and someone does see it has changed if they are reading EASY back posts, well, they would know you were on the SA and could come join you! Sort of like a secret signal, you know? something we Supporting members cannot do!!

When life gives you a glitch, make use of it hehehe
09/Jul/07 9:03 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Hi Becky! I thought I would visit since nobody has been around today! Wow, 'Chewy' is a blast from the past! I can't believe how many old songs you can find on youtube. It is amazing! I hope you're having a good day and here are some flowers to brighten it. I'll catch you later on SA. Take care!
13/Jul/07 6:13 AM
   Beth  From Georgia    Supporting Member
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Enjoyed Chewy!!
My son-in-law is from Akron.
When my daughter's friends ask how she found such a great guy, she tells them she had to import him.
14/Jul/07 7:31 AM
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Thank you Becky. If there is a pet-Heaven, I have a four-legged Guardian Angel looking over me.
14/Jul/07 11:07 AM
   andrĂ©  From england    Supporting Member
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Hello Becky just called in to see how you were and to thank you for visiting my page. Leaving you a parcel of chocolate to enjoy x
17/Jul/07 7:55 AM
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Thank you Becky. I still come home and expect to see him in his favorite spot.
We are actively looking to adopt another rottie. Jim visited the Humane Society in Broward and tomorrow he will go to the one in N Miami. With luck we should have another friend by next week....if it is meant to be.
17/Jul/07 9:46 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Becky...This is one of my favorites...I loved it by Al Hibbler, but couldn't find it on you tube...Wish I had thought about the 'blue eyed' soul brothers, as we use to call them. They do a good job! I am really enjoying them.
18/Jul/07 3:40 AM
   BobC  From New Mexico    Supporting Member
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Hi Becky, This is a return visit and thanks for stopping in. What corner of Ohio are you in? I grew up in Western PA just North of Pittsburgh. Retired now, living and loving it here in Southern New Mexico. If you like the out doors, this is a wonderful place to be. If you are looking for golf courses, casinos, race tracks and ski resorts then you need to look elsewhere. There is no lack of other things to keep one busy though.
If you ever want to get out to this area, give me a shout before you do.
Take care and thanks again.
18/Jul/07 10:36 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Becky, Its working now, I can't believe I remembered that song, havn't heard it for years LOL. Thanks for putting it up.
23/Jul/07 1:39 PM
   Anya  From PA    Supporting Member
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Becky, yes we are neighbors...I was in Cleveland about 2 weeks ago. I was there on business, but my primary reason was the R & R Hall of Fame....WOW...does Ohio proud.
I've left you some of our Niagra Wine, it is really good cold, on a hot day...
Thanks for the cheese, made a fondue w/ it. YUMMY
26/Jul/07 11:36 AM
jano  From Lebanon
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Hello Becky
Beautiful pictures
no picture for you??
30/Jul/07 3:49 PM
   Rose  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Becky, Thank you for your words of encouragement. We are so hoping she has turned the corner - the first of the results are back and they are negative, which is a good thing. She is over her bug now and has really picked up her feeding and is now also taking some rice cereal each day as well. Hopefully she'll be chubby and growing in no time and I will be able to stop being so obsessive about everything. Being obsessive is so fatiguing!
Please drop in for a chat again some time. Rose.
04/Aug/07 10:51 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Hi Becky! I keep missing you on SA so I thought I would stop your place to see how you're doing. I'm still unpacking and unwinding from my vacation while trying to get in gear to get the 3 kids ready to go away to school. We have a conflict with S#2's first day of school (they're starting a day early) and getting D#2 to boarding school on the same day. There's always something! Brendan is leaving for college on the 17th, hubby will be 50 on the 18th and Brendan's 18th birthday is on the 27th. We have to find time to squeeze in their birthdays before everyone is gone. Well, I hope you had a great day! Here are some flowers to help brighten it. Take care! ps: Gath started a new SA3 page to help the posts go through faster. Also, the song on your youtube is one I tried to get my son to put on my phone as the ringtone. He hasn't done it yet though.
09/Aug/07 9:35 AM
   Rola  From Perth    Supporting Member
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just popping in to say Hello Becky. haven't seen you in a while, not that I have been on the site much my self in the last few weeks. Hope all is well.
10/Aug/07 1:05 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Congratulations Becky for getting the photos up on your page. Woohoo, well done. Loved ole Bubba. What's the Christmas doggy's name?
18/Aug/07 4:41 PM
   rob  From utah    Supporting Member
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becky~~~great photos! after looking thru the comments on your page i realized that i have never been here before. so i need to welcome you to your own page. i am bring to you some flowers to decorate and a bottle of bubbly to share with your friends. sorry for my lateness in welcoming you. thanks for visiting my page and your comments about roary.
19/Aug/07 1:19 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Becky! I haven't 'seen' you for a while in SA3. Hope all is well in OH! Thanks for letting us know that you have pics posted! They're great! I'm leaving some apple cider & apple struedel for you to enjoy when you get a chance to relax.
19/Aug/07 6:10 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Hi Becky! Thanks for stopping by, sorry I missed you! Thanks for the birthday wishes for hubby! Hopefully, I'll be able to catch up with you on SA3! I hope all is well! Take care.
20/Aug/07 8:37 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Hi Becky, for your best wishes for James 18th Birthday. It is such a big milestone for him even if he is still my 'little' boy. I can't believe all those years have gone by so quickly. It doesn't seem that long ago he was just a chubby baby. I was amazed when he finished school and now he has his whole adult life ahead of him.
20/Aug/07 3:35 PM
Fishing Guy  From Kent, OH, USA
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Hi Becky I have been to Holmes County quite often. We enjoy the Amish cooking and the Cheese Factory. I'm leaving some crappie fillets from a local lake.
I enjoyed your pictures.
20/Aug/07 11:59 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Becky! It looks like I missed you again. I hope all is well! I've been trying to catch up on the MANY new posts. I would also be interested in knowing who was involved in the brouhaha. Thanks!
22/Aug/07 3:00 PM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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For your very kind and lovely greeting of Kevin's 2nd Birthday.
Have a very nice time.
23/Aug/07 12:06 PM
Fishing Guy  From Kent, OH, USA
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Hi Becky What great gifts. I love Holmes County Baby Swiss and Trail Baloney.
We go to the cheese factory in Berlin. We will have to try the one in Charm.
Just like all thing from your childhood the lake is smaller then you remember. Lake Hodgson is about 2 miles long and 1/2 mile wide. It is 80 foot deep in the middle. They built a dam on a glacier cut.
23/Aug/07 11:37 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Becky! I haven't been able to spend much time at SA3 lately, and the next 2 weeks will be away from a computer. As I suffer my withdrawal symptoms, I'll be thinking of you and all the other SA regulars. I hope the weather will show some improvement. Just think, it will "almost" be fall by the time I can post again. Take care, and I hope to "see" you again soon!
25/Aug/07 2:49 PM
   Shelley  From Ballston Spa
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Becky, Thank you for your kind words of support. I have many wonderful memories of my grandmother and know that she will always have a place in my heart. Thanks again.
28/Aug/07 10:51 AM
   dino  From Sth Gippsland    Supporting Member
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Hi Becky! Not only did I make it to the beach, but it was one of those most beautiful, sunny, clear days and Merlin got to chase some seagulls. Enjoyed your youtube clip
02/Sep/07 6:48 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth    Supporting Member
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thanks Becky, for the Peach Cake Receep!!
I made it this afternoon. Hubby and the boys really enjoyed it.
03/Sep/07 12:22 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hey Becky! It's been a while since I visited. Enjoyed your photos and think you you submit some to the site. The sunset photo would make a tricky jigsaw. The roller coaster made me dizzy! Cheers!
05/Sep/07 4:20 AM
Betty  From Boston
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Thanks for the gifts....all food greatly appreciated. We are healing slowly, but surely.
10/Sep/07 6:28 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Becky!
Just thinking of you and hoping all is well in OH! I'm glad the flooding didn't affect you! We are having a gorgeous day today, which, if you aren't having yet, should get to you by tomorrow! Hope to see you one of these days on SA3! In the meantime, enjoy these fresh cinnamon rolls!
10/Sep/07 7:35 AM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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I liked this song when it was out. I understand Betty Davis Eyes and "Betty Davis" - however, was it ever stated who "she" is - that has her eyes?

Good choice - brings back memories and unresolved questions!
10/Sep/07 5:00 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Hiya Becky, just thought I'd pop in to see how you are. Hope this note finds you and yours well. Here's a bunch of daffodils from my garden to brighten up your day.
10/Sep/07 9:51 PM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Hi Becky, and thanks for the bouquets! So nice to be greeted with such kind gestures on these very tough days. You're the best!
12/Sep/07 2:02 AM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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For your very kind greetings of our Anniversary and my Birthday.
Have a very nice time.
12/Sep/07 6:07 AM
   Linda  From Minnesota    Supporting Member
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Thank you Becky, it is hard but we all know she is better off now and waiting for us over Rainbow Bridge. I do smile when I think of her freedom from pain that she has now.
14/Sep/07 11:51 AM
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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Hi Becky
thank you for your good wishes for dad. he is doing really well and just a couple more minor tests, if they are all clear they will put it down as just an episode and monitor him for a while.
the rest of the mob here seem to have overcome the virus and are all up and about again.
17/Sep/07 11:12 AM
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