Betty from Boston

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Judy  From San Diego
Love and prayers to you, Betty. Remember all of the good times with Dick, and spend time with those you love. XO
15/Dec/07 4:24 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Betty, May the saddness only linger for a short while, as its pushed aside by the many happy memories that were a part of your life. Your family circle has been broken, but Dick will be with you in spirit until the last person who knew him has departed....and tht will be a long long time. May peace be with you and yours.
15/Dec/07 4:31 PM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Betty, my condolences for the death of Dick. Know that we're here for you. Nothing can ease the pain but time. However friends can lighten your day and for a while you're a member of the day to day human race. Come often and we'll give you a chuckle or two, draw you into a conversation, give you a reason to come out of your shell. I care and will look for you.
15/Dec/07 4:37 PM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Betty, I'm so sorry to hear about Dick. Please take care of yourself.
15/Dec/07 6:07 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Betty, my heartfelt deepest sympathy on the death of your husband Dick. Thou he may have left this world, he will always remain deep within you.
15/Dec/07 7:01 PM
   Judy  From Bendigo    Supporting Member
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Dear Betty, it's hard to put into words the sadness that we all feel for you in the loss of your husband. Please know that you and your family are in the prayers of many people throughout the world.
15/Dec/07 9:19 PM
   dino  From Sth Gippsland    Supporting Member
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Betty, it must be hard for you that your husband failed so quickly. and so close to Christmas My prayers and sympathy and whatever loving support I can offer to you and your family as another member of the sudoku family.
15/Dec/07 9:37 PM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA
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Dearest Betty, I was so very sorry to hear of the death of your husband, Dick. I hope the thoughts and prayers of all of us will help you at this sad time. I know your grief is all encompassing now. May your special memories and thoughts of the happy times you shared be a comfort to you. Blessings to you and your family.
16/Dec/07 2:45 AM
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Thinking of you and your family Betty at the sad loss of your husband, he will always be with you in spirit. Take care xx
16/Dec/07 3:52 AM
   Liz  From South France    Supporting Member
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Betty, was so sorry to hear your terrible news. I pray that his soul may rest in peace, and that you can soon come to terms with hos passing. God bless;
16/Dec/07 10:00 AM
   Liz  From South France    Supporting Member
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hos = his
16/Dec/07 10:01 AM
   Linda M  From Columbus OH USA
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Betty, so sorry to hear about your husband. Remember your friends, here online and your friends and family, are thinking of you at this difficult time.
16/Dec/07 10:10 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Dear Betty, I have only just read the sad news about your husband's passing and am sending you my deepest condolences. I can only hope that knowing we're all thinking of you is a comfort to you in this difficult time. Please stay in touch with us and we shall do all we can to help you.
With loving thoughts and cyber hugs,
17/Dec/07 9:46 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Betty, I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. I hope you can take some comfort in the thoughts and prayers sent to you by me and those from this site. Please take care of yourself.
18/Dec/07 8:31 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Betty, just popping in with another cyber hug for you and your tribe. Hope the days are going as easily as possible.
20/Dec/07 9:36 AM
   Cyndi  From sc/usa    Supporting Member
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Betty, my thoughts and prayers are with you especially now. I hope you are surrounded by family and friends this Christmas and draw love and strength from them.
Your Sudoku friends around the world are with you in thought and prayer and love.
21/Dec/07 7:05 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Betty, Wishing you and your family, health, peace, love, and happiness throughout the New Year! Stella
28/Dec/07 2:48 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Betty, so you are still here! I hadn't seen you in ages.
Glad to see you back posting.
03/May/08 3:58 PM
   win  From Myanmar
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Hello Betty,

Thanks for your kindness for caring of me. I'm now safe but lots of people are suffering after the storm.
Aids are pouring in from all over the world.
There are lots of death its really terrifying here.
'coz of your prayers our place is ok now after the storm.
But that day was a night mare to us. Never experienced in my life with such a terrible storm.
Thanks again Betty and i'll write to you again soon.

21/May/08 1:34 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Betty! I came to tell you I loved your "a-door-able" comment about the cat photo today. Very clever!! I have read over all the comments on your page & am very sorry I did not know about the death of your husband. You have my sincere sympathy. Hope you are doing okay - at least you have maintained a good sense of humor! Do you have pets & other family nearby to keep you company? Please stop by my place in Florida sometime. I love having visitors.
26/May/08 11:02 AM
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Taking the time to say thank you for your message of love and support through the tough times with my mum, and her death. My heart has been lifted by the warmth and love shown to me here.
05/Jun/08 2:02 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Have a truly wongerful day.
12/Aug/08 9:49 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Gosh Betty, I haven't seen you post in a long time. It was good to see your post today on the Hard Sudoku. Glad you're still around.
19/Oct/08 7:13 AM
   momofm3  From Waltham, MA
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Hi Betty,
Yeah, we could be neighbors! I live in Waltham near the KFC, and I work in Waltham over by the reservoir. It's great to meet people nearby in Sudokuland!
13/Nov/08 12:50 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Betty, thinking of you.

15/Dec/08 4:40 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Wishing you all the very best for the Festive Season

21/Dec/08 3:03 PM
   Sophia  From Country Vic, Aust.
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Hi Betty, read your comment I am not sure about money transfers and payments but just thought to let you know that a lot of places here in Australia are closed for the Xmas break till after New Years most go back to work 2nd Jan some later. Maybe send another msg to Gath I am sure he will respond to it soon, hope you had a Merry Xmas and all the best for the coming New Year cheers.
31/Dec/08 9:05 AM
Kate  From Sydney (Ku-ring-gai)
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Betty and family!
31/Dec/08 11:29 PM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Dear Betty.
Wishing you a very,

13/Apr/09 2:56 AM
   Jude  From Dwellingup W Aust    Supporting Member
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Betty - so sorry to read the bad news about your companion. Have just been through the doggy cancer thing myself and it's not easy.

Take care
25/Jun/09 4:12 AM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Betty, I just had to stop in and tell you that you're in my thoughts. I know how devastating the news must be; I lost one of my beloved pets to cancer many years ago and I still miss him. And just now I've been reading your page and have learned about the passing of your husband. Such a tough time for you, and now this. I'm teary as I write to you, but please know that I will pray for you and your dear companion, and that you will have many loving months ahead together. I'll also pray that when the time comes, that your cherished friend be free from suffering. I'm here for you, Betty--don't hesitate to visit and share. Wishing you comfort and peace.
25/Jun/09 6:40 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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I'm so sorry to hear about your dog, Betty. I know you will do everything you can to help him through his illness. Remember, he knows you love him and he has been as happy with you all these years as you have been with him
25/Jun/09 7:08 AM
   Linda  From Pioneer
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Betty, I came to your page to tell you how sorry I am about your dear companion dog - and then I read that you also lost your husband a while back. You have certainly had a difficult road in the past couple of years. I send you wishes for comfort and serenity.
25/Jun/09 8:49 AM
   Judy  From Oklahoma City, OK    Supporting Member
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Betty, I just read your post from today's sudoku. I am sorry to read about your dog and I wouldn't know what to tell you about treatment. I know a lot about having to let them go and bless your heart and send you support in whatever you must do. Of course there will never be another dog like this one, but we do have to soldier on, my dear. Take care and thanks for reaching out -- a good idea.
25/Jun/09 3:32 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Betty, so very sorry to hear about your hearing dog who I am sure has been a huge part of your life. I hope with all my heart that you will find some positive outcomes in your search for treatment.

25/Jun/09 7:47 PM
   Jude  From Dwellingup W Aust    Supporting Member
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Hi Betty - glad to hear that Dexter is enjoying himself, eating well and playing. That's the best and most important thing - he still has quality of life.

With our boy we went through 6 months of chemotherapy, then he went into full remission for three months. He had just one week short of a whole year of quality life.

Take care and give Dexter a big hug from me
29/Jun/09 11:38 AM
   fii  From NT
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Hi there Betty,

You were interested in the photo of the lily pods that came up on the HARD Sudoku on 4th July and I have now posted the following information on that day as an explanation.

I haven't been around much.. and I'm sorry that I was unable to give you an explanation on the day.

Though locally known as red lilys or by their indigenous names- see below for some official download from internet ... Heidi is correct and they are classified as Lotus.
I may be wrong but I think this particular type is peculiar to the Daly Region in Northern Australia.

When we went hunting at the end of the Dry season, the water had generally dried up (just as well or I wouldn't have gone near those croc infested ponds). We paddled in the mud WELL aWAY FROM the waters edge and picked pods on stalks that were standing, we didn't use our feet to locate the pods.

The pods gathered contained little nuts that tasted a bit like raw peanuts. they looked like tender little green acorns (minus the cupcap) and had to be peeled to taste good.

Other parts of the pods are gathered at different times and used for varying purposes BUT we went gathering the nuts of the red lily pods.

I googled for some more info and this may interest you. ary.pdf

Marita Sambono
Two of the most important aquatic plants for
Aboriginal people in north Australia are the Red
Lotus Lily, Nelumbo nucifera, and the floating leaves and flowers of the Water-lily, Nymphaea macrosperma.
The Red Lotus Lily is called miwulngini, it has a
number of uses. The large green ‘seeds’ (actually fruit)are eaten raw or lightly roasted; they are very good to eat and occur in large numbers in the mid dry season.
The roots are also eaten after roasting and they are used as medicine to treat constipation. The new leaf shoots are eaten raw. The large concave leaves can be used as a hat, as camouflage when hunting in the billabong or to carry water and to wrap food when
This species is considered sacred in India, Tibet and China being the padma devoted to Brahma (sacred red colour), cultivated throughout south east Asia for food; ‘seeds’ remain viable for several hundred years in river mud.
The Water-lily is called minimindi, it also has a
number of uses. The fruit contain many small oily
seeds that can be eaten raw or lightly roasted, they are very tasty. The flower stems called mintyangari, are also excellent bush tucker and taste like celery.
The tubers are used as food and are also used to treat constipation. The flowers can also be eaten.
Collecting Water-lily fruits is one of the favorite activities of senior women at the Daly River. The fruit are found on the bottom of billabongs, as the fruit swell with seeds they get heavy and fall to the bottom.
The fruit are located with the feet while slowly
walking through the water.
07/Jul/09 9:09 PM
   fii  From NT
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just read about your hearing dog Betty. All the best with the treatment for him
07/Jul/09 9:11 PM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Betty, do take care of yourself. Take it easy especially when you start feeling wheezy. My son who was never really ill all his life, got a horrible bout of pneumonia while he was in boot camp and had to go on light duty for a month and finished his training with the next group. I let the government have my son and look what they do with him! Haven't trusted them again!
26/Jul/09 2:33 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Sorry to hear you have been so unwell. Please look after yourself and double up the vitamins!
26/Jul/09 1:18 PM
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