vwhite1212 from Taylor, AZ

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   Shelley  From Ballston, NY
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I am pleased to be the first to welcome you to your new page. I'm impressed at how organized you are, you've already decorated and everything! I've brought some oatmeal cookies and hope you enjoy.
11/Feb/08 5:39 AM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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to you to Sudokuland, along with a Strawberry Cream Cheese Pie for you and your guests.

There’s lots to do around here, places to visit and chat. I'm just around the corner, stop in anytime for more pie and a video.

11/Feb/08 7:24 AM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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Yes people do do the 16x16. To avoid loneliness and to wake up when your eyes get crosses: Open up the site in a second window. That way you can go back and forth and not loose all of your puzzle entries & possibiities. Have fun!!!!
11/Feb/08 8:57 AM
   vwhite1212  From Taylor, AZ
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for two of my favorite desserts. I left to bake several coconut cream pies for us to share. Now it is almost dinner time so come on over for some BBq ribs roasted slow and lightly dressed with sauce. (More on the side if you want) Add some homemade macaroni and cheese, a selection of winter veggies and a salad. Enjoy and nice to see you.
11/Feb/08 11:02 AM
   Orianne  From Ottawa,Canada
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to your own space vwhite1212, what can we call you for short...I appreciate all the lovely food you prepared for us and brought you a handful of balloons to help you decorate. Enjoy Sudokuland as much as I do!
11/Feb/08 11:28 AM
   Orianne  From Ottawa,Canada
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oh yes ...a question? Is sassy the same one as Susie Q? and are they little mice or??? Cute things...I like them...but a bit afraid of spiders.
11/Feb/08 11:29 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Welcome Vwhite1212. That's a long name. What do we call you for short? Nice photos on your page, and I'm glad to see you participate in the special Olympics.. I'll leave you my traditional double chocolate fudge beavertail pastry from Ottawa as a page warming gift. Cheers!
11/Feb/08 11:40 AM
   vwhite1212  From Taylor, AZ
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You guys are too kind. V works, that is what they call me at school (Short for Virginia)

Orianne: SusieQ and Sassy are not the same creature. You can tell (sometimes...) Susie by the white blaze down her face. Sassy is a darker gray all over. And, they are ferrets. They don't really smell like people say - unless they are bathed too much. Then they secret more of the musky smell to replace what is washed away. They are carnivores and their teeth can be really scarey, but they are not vicious like some people claim. Just like dogs and cats, it depends on how they are treated what their temperament will be. Unlike dogs and cats, they never seem to grow up and retain their cute baby stage of playfulness.

I don't like spiders much either, but that picture was just too good to resist...

Thanks Greg for helping me break my diet! I like being fat anyway.
11/Feb/08 12:01 PM
   vwhite1212  From Taylor, AZ
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Shelley, I hope you don't mind, but Susie and Sassy loved your warm oatmeal cookies as much I did. They had to share only one though, because cookies are not a natural food source for them.
11/Feb/08 12:02 PM
   Madby3  From Gold Coast, Australia
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Welcome to our happy home. Come to my page and have some home made Rocky Road and Baileys on ice... I will also show you my new dance.
There are some Chinese New Year decorations to check out too.
Glad to have you aboard.

11/Feb/08 3:45 PM
   Madby3  From Gold Coast, Australia
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PS can we call you VW for short??
11/Feb/08 3:46 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Gday and vwhite. Sorry I missed your arrival, I only just got here but it was great that you posted on easy, I knew to come on over cos there'd be a party over here.
I'd like to add my goodies to the food table, a bottle of Aussie bubbly and a plate of nibblies. I've also brought a bunch of roses from my page but the pics got lost in the 'crash' in January. Must put them up again!
Drop in any time, there's still heaps to look at. See you there sometime.
11/Feb/08 4:43 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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vwhite1212, the High Country is a spectacularly beautiful and rugged part of Australia. I hope you make it.
11/Feb/08 9:41 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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V! Hope you have fun visiting all of the pages and doing the puzzles! Here are some flowers to help brighten your day! Stop by anytime! Have a great day!
12/Feb/08 12:36 AM
   Orianne  From Ottawa,Canada
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Thank you so much for your answer, now I know more about ferrets a good thing you posted it on my page also, it could have taken me a long time to get your answer...
12/Feb/08 2:39 PM
   Shelley  From Ballston, NY
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Hi V, Glad you enjoyed the cookies. The girls have scolded me because Jack was left out so I have returned with some doggie biscits as we like to call them around here. Come back and visit any time.
13/Feb/08 2:36 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi V, Virginia .....VW.........I think you've been dubbed....It will probably stick.
We ozzies love being to give someone a nickname...
I have to say you TOTALLY, ABSOLUTELY put me to shame........
I still haven't manage to put up any photos or even an avatar.....I haven't even taken down the Christmas tree on my page because I couldn't stand it if my page was all bare!!
Hope you enjoy this wacky, wonderful world of sudokumania - visit and post often and let us all get to know you.
ps. Greg's traditional double chocolate fudge beavertail pastry are certainly worth throwing all caution to the wind when it comes to healthy eating and weight control!!
14/Feb/08 9:38 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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HI V, I must have missed your entrance, but when I saw a new name posting on EASY, decided to check it out!

Welcome to sudokuland! Hope you find a comfy spot and stay a while.

Here is a big basket of tupips to help decorate your place. Hope to see you posting on the site. Do Drop over to Sudokuaholics Anonymous page if you get a chance, just more chat, smaller group. Find us through forums.
15/Feb/08 3:52 AM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL
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and a slighty belated - you must of come in as I was going out -- I hope you enjoy your day -- I'm near Chicago and Love Ribs !!! and of course, my horses - I collect model horses - so my stable is just dusty at times. take care, Mary
07/Mar/08 1:02 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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VW! Didn't see you earlier! Glad you are with us! Pays to come late! Seems to be lots of goodies here already! I'll add a plate of Mackinac Island chocolate pecan fudge for later! Nice horsemanship!
07/Mar/08 1:04 AM
Old Hickory  From SC
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V glad to hear someone else that reads Jordan. He was from Charleston. I have 12 books from this series. Book Eleven is "Knife of Dreams" and does not finish the story line. The twelth, which was released before Book Eleven is "New Spring the Novel: In The Beginning." I would like to hear more about Robert Jordan's illness as my wife of 49.5 years died of a rare blood disorder just one year ago. If you like this type of story I would be glad to make some recommendations.
Currently I have started reading some of my wife's books. I am reading Jan Karon's story about the town of Mitord and an episcopal pastor, Father Tim.

07/Mar/08 3:08 AM
Old Hickory  From SC
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The fictional town is Mitford and is in the mountains of North Carolina.

Old Hickory
07/Mar/08 3:09 AM
   Martha  From Tyalgum, NSW
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Hi Virginia

my eldest son, at uni in a city far, far away, sent me this email a couple of weeks ago:

"Fantasy writer Brandon Sanderson has been chosen to complete A Memory of Light, the final novel in the Wheel of Time series."
Yay! It'll be done!

My sons and I really enjoyed the series and were keenly awaiting the last when we found out that Robert Jordan had passed away, so we are pleased the saga will be completed.

Cheers, Martha

08/Mar/08 1:13 PM
Old Hickory  From SC
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If you like fantasy you should read Stephen Kings "The Dark Tower". While he generally writes horror this series is fantasy even though it comes close to horror in several places. There are seven books in the series.
Another excellent fantasy writer is David Eddings.

Old Hickory
12/Mar/08 6:24 AM
   Martha  From Tyalgum, NSW
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Hi Virginia

perhaps, like many artists, Robert Jordan was so wrapped up in his craft, he couldn't separate this part of his life from his personal one. it must have been some mission to continue the tale for so long.
12/Mar/08 10:09 PM
   Martha  From Tyalgum, NSW
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The only things I write are a lot of documents for work - though I did write the occasional poem for my kids when they were little, silly stuff that made them laugh.
14/Mar/08 8:44 AM
Stephanie  From Aggieland, TX
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Your girls are so cute! I had one when I was growing up. Her name was Ferret Fawcett, and we spoiled her just as much as any of the cats and dogs.
17/Mar/08 11:51 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Hello V, I just saw your post on easy, & knew I had never welcomed you to Sudoku even though you have been here for awhile. Leaving a carrot cake for you to enjoy. Drop by my page when you get the chance.
21/Mar/08 2:31 AM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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Replied on Easy (pg. 3)
30/Apr/08 3:03 PM
Ame  From Pgh, PA USA
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Hi Virginia, just read your posting on the 4/29 easy puzzle. I am a city girl so I am marveling that you made it though your younger years intact!

You are right about giving back and teaching our children the importance of thinking of others. This Mother's Day my 2 teenage daugthers will do what we have been doing for almost 10 years now and that is joining tens of thousands of people in the Race for the Cure walk to raise much needed monies to find a cure for breast cancer. You walk among survivors and families of survivors and celebrate their victories over this terrible, teriible disease. You morn those who are walking in remembrance of losing loved ones, but most of all you walk to make a difference!

Take care and continue to make your mark on the world, have a great day!
Aimee :-)
01/May/08 12:29 AM
Ame  From Pgh, PA USA
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Kind words from anyone are always appreciated, most especially when they come unexpected. Thank you. Yes, unfortunately I lost my mother-in-law to breast cancer very early in our marriage. She was a rare person and we all still miss her very much. I am sorry to hear about your marriage, that is a huge decision to make after so many years together and I am sure not one that was arrived at easily or without a lot of soul searching. I can tell that you are a very strong person.

Take care and keep in touch.
Aimee (the city girl)
02/May/08 12:16 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Check your private messages for some information about using the site.
12/May/08 2:26 AM
Judy  From San Diego    Supporting Member
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Thanks for the note, Virginia! Your critters are all adorable! Do they all run around the house together ... and get along? Your house must be lots of fun!
07/Jun/08 12:22 PM
   Linda M  From Columbus OH USA
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Hi, just wanted to say hi, I've been off-site for about 6 months (punishing myself for spending too much time here) but now I'm back and there are so many new faces and names! Enjoy these chocolate buckeyes, but don't get chocolate on the keyboard!
13/Jun/08 11:26 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Virginia - I am very sorry to hear what you have gone through. I sure hope things look up for you from here on out! I have left a bag of Michigan Apples, a gallon of Cider and a very delicious Caramel apple on your table for you. Please stop by my place sometime for a visit. The door is always open.

(I am leaving on Wednesday and will return around the first of November.)
14/Oct/08 6:35 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Virginia. It is good to see you back on the site and making a post. I was saddened to hear about what you have been through, but I hope you stay strong, focused and positive. It is hard sometimes to forget yesterday, but it is important to stay focused on tomorrow. Take care and stay smiling.
14/Oct/08 8:13 AM
   Susan  From Qld    Supporting Member
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Hi Virginia. Welcome back. I also was sad to hear of your hard times, but I guess these only make us stronger.Best wishes.
14/Oct/08 10:21 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Wow, that was some post you left today!
I wish you all the very best for this next phase of your life.
14/Oct/08 10:22 AM
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