Julie from IL, USA

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   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Julie, I popped in to visit just in time to welcome you to your third page. Hope you figure out the avatars, and looking forward to some pictures as well! Take care and stay smiling!
12/Jun/07 10:06 AM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Julie, thanks for dropping by and checking out our new 'help and info' page, if you still have any problems, just let me know or post a question on there.
16/Jun/07 2:24 PM
Dave  From Pretzel City, IL
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Hi Julie....thank you for you kind words. Yes, this is a neat part of the country. You ought to come back and visit. The Lincoln Douglas Debate square is very neat place. It is right next to a ice cream parlor.

Did you have Dr.W or Dr. A? Last year I had Cataract surgery on both eyes and now only have to wear glasses to read. How different things looked.
Have a great weekend and again thanks for sharing
16/Jun/07 11:09 PM
   Jane  From Mississauga
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Hi Julie, for the beautiful flowers and the mints - I will put them out so my visitors can help themselves .

Mississauga is a suburb of Toronto, Ontario. I might have used the maple leaf as my avatar, but I wouldn't want to copy Canuk Greg. You're right, my avatar is actually a snorkeller - the only gif I have of a scuba diver wouldn't resize properly. But I am an avid scuba diver - especially in warm southern waters. I still dive in the Great Lakes but each year it feels colder & less inviting.

Yes, I took the picture of the squid. It was a lucky shot - a night dive & I knew they were around but I couldn't really see what the camera was aimed at. You & your husband are in for some really amazing times under water. Good luck with the course.

And again for the warm welcome.
17/Jun/07 7:13 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Julie, yes, I like your avatar! To change them, you go back to your page, 'update details' ,and then look for 'manage avatars'. Select the one you want, and then scroll down to update details again! That should change it.
17/Jun/07 7:20 AM
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Julie! A baby bath and no camera????? Thats....thats....like..... A SIN!!!

Get yourself an inexpensive digital. It does not have to be top of the line. To put to film (ok a disk now) our treasured moments is priceless. Besides, when the babies grow up you can use the photos to blackmail them into good behavior.
18/Jun/07 1:11 AM
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Glad you like the photos. Part of the fun of taking them is to know that they will bring smiles to friends, or that I will be able to teach something new to persons that have not visited S. Florida - yet.
18/Jun/07 1:12 AM
   dino  From Sth Gippsland    Supporting Member
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oohhh yummy chocolates and beautiful lilies you left. Was at an incredibly beautiful performance of 'Pie Jesu' from Faure's Requiem yesterday, so am sending you the vibes!
18/Jun/07 7:13 PM
   Jenni  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Hi, Julie. I was on the SA page about 3 and a 1/2 hours after you went to bed & I left you a message on pg 217. You'd better watch out - you may get a reputation
18/Jun/07 8:27 PM
   vdV  From Melbourne
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G'Day Julie, thanks for dropping by my place the other day. I've been a little busy so sorry for the delay in responding. I think Mikayla is beautiful to, but I may be a little biased
19/Jun/07 12:19 PM
   Jenni  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Hi, Julie. Just to let you know that I'm creating a new SA page (called Sudokuaholics Anonymous 2). You will find it in the usual place. Gath will close off comments to the old one.
20/Jun/07 1:17 PM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Hi J U L I E
For your kindly visit and your interestof my page.
For your lovely wishes for our trip to Los Angles.
For your wonderful Cinnamon bread rolls I already kept it in my habd bag.Hope the Customs Authority people don't take it in the USA airport,I will let them know it is Your gift,Sure they will be very kind.
Goodbye and will leep in contact from Los Angles .
20/Jun/07 3:02 PM
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Hi Julie: Thank you for stopping by my page. I try to change the photo daily. I am so glad you like them!
22/Jun/07 8:31 AM
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Julie! Thank you so much! I am honored.
Photography is simply my passion - and psychiatrist . Actually, I am enamored of nature and I try to do it justice through the lens.
Again, thank you so much!

PS: If I ever need a PR person I know I can count on you.
23/Jun/07 1:58 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Julie! It just dawned on me today (now that I have no kids around & can think straight!) that you never let me know what you thought of the Vegemite? I'm sure you're probably just trying to be nice. Did your Mom teach you like mine did that 'if you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all.'? Don't worry, if you didn't like it, I won't tell any of the Aussies!
24/Jun/07 4:20 AM
   Fiona  From France    Supporting Member
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hi Julie - thanks for the birthday message for Carla - she's having her party with her school friends today so busy afternoon in store!
24/Jun/07 6:19 PM
Scrappingmami  From Illinois USA
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hi Julie, thank you for dropping by and welcoming me. the mints are delicious and the flowers really help decorate the place! I am leaving you som Ted Drews frozen custard and some crispy creme doughnuts for you and your guests to enjoy!
24/Jun/07 11:36 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Just a joke Julie, but I'm glad you enjoyed it! I appreciate your comments. Thank you.
25/Jun/07 9:28 AM
Scrappingmami  From Illinois USA
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Hi Julie, thank you so much for your visit! Yes, Ted Drew's is a local chain, and they serve frozen goodies of all types. It sounds a bit like the chain you mentioned in Wisconsin. Will you be swimming today? We also had a lot of rain yesterday, and are all looking forward to a hot day so we can go to the pool. Happy Monday to you and yours! Also leaving a little box of Godiva chocolate just for you to enjoy!
26/Jun/07 12:45 AM
   Fiona  From France    Supporting Member
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many thanks for your birthday wishes Julie!
26/Jun/07 5:51 AM
   Fiona  From France    Supporting Member
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ohh I was your 100th comment!
26/Jun/07 5:52 AM
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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thank you for the lovely birthday wishes for my 50th birthday celebrations. I have great memories to keep.
receiving messages from all around the world is very humbling. I love to send the messages to others, but receiving them is something very
we share a lot here on site and I love the feeling of the huge 'sudoku worldwide family'.
water of course
27/Jun/07 7:05 PM
Illinijs  From St Louis
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Hi Julie
Didn't know these personal pages existed.

You asked about how to pronounce my user name.

I am a graduate and big fan of the University of Illinois in Champaign, Illinois - home of the Fighting Illini, my initials are JS
28/Jun/07 12:00 AM
   Freddi  From US
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Thank you, Julie for the lilacs (my favorite) and the box of Frango mints (very yummy, never had them before). Sorry for the delay in thanking you, I have been out of town for a while, visiting my Mom in Maine.
Oh, here I brought you back some lobster and new peas. Enjoy.
28/Jun/07 12:16 AM
   Freddi  From US
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Thank you, Julie for the strawberries, they taste like summer. Thought I would drop off some new cherries for you to enjoy, just picked them up this morning from the fruit stand. I love this time of year!!! Need to get working or they will fire me, have to have the job so I can buy fabric, hahahaha. Have a great day.
28/Jun/07 11:44 PM
   Lynda  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Julie the same thing happened to me! I just got a blank screen with Service Unavailable on it. It happened last night when I was talking about Rola, we think she has a bug on the site!!!!!
29/Jun/07 12:24 PM
   Lynda  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Julie don't worry about the spelling. I can't see any reason why you should be banned. I have just read through some easy and SA2 and it seems several are having trouble. Try again later. Did you want MizT's email address? I know a way to get it without being too public. Take care, see you soon.
29/Jun/07 5:56 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Julie, that is a good idea. I remember when Glenn did that and I tried to get my large family to do that as well for D#1 who was a freshman, but only a few did it. My brother was actually offended by the request, which to this day I don't understand. Last year at Thanksgiving she said she had never received any mail. I felt so bad that I sent her a postcard or two every day in December. The postcards were pictures I had taken of our Disney Chrismas tree (yes, we have a separate small one for Disney!). When she put them on her wall, they made the whole tree. And the last postcard was a picture of her nativity that she picked out when she was in kindergarten. She really liked it and so did the other kids in the dorm. I'll have to get everyone's email address.
29/Jun/07 10:51 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Julie, Just wanted to let you know that I think you have made a smart move that will bring you much happiness in the long run. It will be tough for a short period, but the benefits will be long lasting.
30/Jun/07 7:35 AM
   Jane  From Mississauga
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Hi Julie. Glad you liked the YouTube - I was a bit concerned that Americans might not take it the right way.
Sensible people use a dry suit in the Great Lakes. I still use a wet suit - 7 mil. Lake Erie is the warmest lake because it's shallow but it will probably be in the 50's at the bottom this early in the season. I'm hoping not the 40's! I might dive here more often if I got a dry suit but I don't want to wear more lead & I don't want to spend the money. And I am getting bored with seeing the same wrecks every year... Tomorrow's are new to my group, which is why I'm braving the cold. If I'm not shivering too much, I'll give you a report either tomorrow nite or Monday.
01/Jul/07 12:41 PM
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Hi Julie: Thank you for your very kind message. I had been meaning to visit the park at night for a long time. My hubby had his trepidations about this as it is gator matting season and they can be a bit unpredictable. I finally told him I was going and extended an invite with the promise that he could stay inside the car as the mosquitoes can be rather - How could I say this politely? - rather nasty.
Off we went. Me silently praying we'd see one of the panthers living in the park, but not planning to do much shooting as it is pitch black in there.
After a very stormy day, we drove in and the full moon just shined through the clouds. I could not help myself. Grabbed my tripod and camera and stood outside to take this photo. It was magical. The whole swamp was alive with the sound (not music) of a million different insects, frogs and night birds; in addition to the loud call of the gators 'in looooove'. If there were mosquitoes (my hubby said yes) I did not feel them. Hubby thought I had gone totally mad as he watched me walk up the road for the best shot possible.
I - God willing - will be back next month when the moon is full. A lot better prepared to take much more photos, the park is THAT magical at night.
Sorry to be so long winded. When I start talking about the Glades I just cannot stop. I am in love with my local swamps.
01/Jul/07 10:45 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Julie, , I seem to keep missing you on SA so I thought I would stop by your place and say Hi! Hope you're having a good day! Here are some flowers to brighten it! Take care and catch you later!
03/Jul/07 2:54 AM
Dave  From Pretzel City, IL
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Hi Julie..Sorry I am slow in replying. I have been real busy driving around the mid west doing dealer trades for a dealer here in town. I had both eyes done but two weeks apart. I have perfect vision in my right eye and 20/25 in the left eye. Only use glasses to read or when driving in Chicago. Have a great fourth of july
03/Jul/07 6:15 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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JULIE, I use the percentage ones on Paint to shrink my graphics. It takes some math, and you work with first width and then height, so get out your calculator. I can get close with guesses, but then I have worked with reducing and enlarging a lot with a copy machine and percentages, when working in a copy shop and publishing newsletters.

You can use the shrink in paint, or you can take the graphic to http://www.shrinkpictures.com/create-avatar/
and do them there, they only do square ones on that site and great for avatars.

OK, in Paint, say your photo , just for ease of math, is 100 x 150 and you want it 50 x 50. first, you gotta look, is this going to distort it too much? Some pictures it will, some it will not, just try and see.

now you take what you want, the 50, and divide by what you have, in this case, 100

so 50 divide by 100 = 0.50 which is 50%. write that one down.

Then work for the other measurement.

50 divide by 150 = .33333 so you use 33 percent. Enter the numbers in the boxes in the shrink part, and save the greduced graphic. Go to atributes and check what numbers you got. NOW that 33 percent might give you 50 pixels or it might give you 49, but that is OK.

in ATRIBUTES, just under shrink in paint, where you check your pixel rate , If it is one pixil off like that, just erase that value and enter 50.

OK, why can't we just erase and put 50 in under atributes? cause it CUTS to 50x50 and you get only a tiny part of your photo. but when it is one picel either way, well, most of the time it is not going to matter so just change it.

Now, you also can just guess and then do it again and again, checking atributes after each time till you guess it, but math is really easier.

Hope this helps,

08/Jul/07 11:12 AM
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Julie: thank you so much! We just came back from the animal hospital. He will be there until after the surgery. I will never forget the look on his eyes...as if he was asking for help and there was nothing I could do.
Thank you my friend. Knowing that he is in everyones thoughts and prayers help.
08/Jul/07 12:47 PM
   Jim  From Jupiter
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Hi Julie! Sorry I took so long to say thanx for the Frango mints from Marshall Field. Note I did not say 'Macys'. I refuse to shop at any Macy's, ever, ever, ever, because they tried to charge 200 bucks onto my wife's credit card after she was already dead, and then refused to stop demanding the money for six months. When my lawyer told me it would be easier to just pay them, I responded I would pay any price to not let them get away with stealing from families of the recently deceased. I have no doubt this is a systemic, despicable practice. Eventually they dropped the charge (when threatened with a lawsuit) but the damage is done, I will never go there again and will take every opportunity to badmouth them :) BTW I used to live in Lisle, IL, and my late wife grew up in Dixon, IL.
09/Jul/07 11:06 AM
   Sarah Beth  From Littleton, Co    Supporting Member
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Julie, funny! If Sean and Ashley had had trouble conceiving, that is the first thing I would have recommended. Fortunately, he has a well balanced active lifestyle! I do know some guys who ride so much, it is amazing they can perform, much less have active swimmers!
10/Jul/07 4:31 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Julie, thank you for your kind words about my pics. Sweetie, if I can do it, anyone can!
When I first tried it, I could not get my photos from the set-up stage to my page but then, next time I logged in, they were there! I think Gath has corrected this problem. Now when I upload more photos, they are immediately on my page.
Good luck trying.
Hope you can pop in while your daughter is visiting, hey bring her too!
10/Jul/07 8:41 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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ps Danke fur den Apfel Struedel und cider.
Noice way to start the day!
10/Jul/07 8:49 AM
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Thank you Julie! - Posted update in my page.
Knowing so many are praying and sending positive thoughts Rocko's way helps tremendously.
11/Jul/07 1:40 PM
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