Plum from SW Michigan, USA

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Leave me a post, present, prayer, poem or puzzle (or something that doesn't start with "p"). LOL 

Take away a thought, a laugh or a bite to eat.

(I recommend the plum pierogi or the goats milk cheese).



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Cheryl  From Ontario, Canada
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Hi Plum to Sudokuland. You'll find a lot of very nice folks here that are both friendly and helpful. I'm sending you some pancakes and maple syrup as a welcome for breakfast, hope you enjoy. Drop by for a chat anytime, I'd love the visit.
23/May/08 12:28 PM
   Judy  From Oklahoma City, OK
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A great big to you, Plum. (Are you named after Stephanie Plum, by any chance?) Sudokuland is a great place to hang out -- I look forward to seeing you around. Take care!
23/May/08 12:54 PM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Dear PLUM.
You are,
You are more than to visit my own page any and every time you wish.

Now from:CA.USA
23/May/08 2:39 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Gday and Plum. Great to have you here with us.
I look forward to meeting you around the pages. Feel free to drop into mine anytime by clicking on the blue 'Check out my page' link. I love having visitors.
Have fun here in Sudokuland, we all do!
23/May/08 3:51 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Oh Plum, those pierogi have got my tummy juices going. I cannot wait to get stuck into them! You are extremely generous. I would love to see your recipe for them. Would you consider posting it in the 'Recipes' page in the 'Forums' section? I hope so because I have a chronic sweet tooth.
For you, I have brought along a bottle of Aussie bubbly to toast your entry into Sudokuland and a plate of nibblies to go with it. I also have a bouquet of camellias from my garden to help decorate your page.
Congrats on the tough puzzle. Any time you need another 'Gday' just pop back over my place!
24/May/08 12:02 AM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Plum and welcome to your own page here in Sudokuland.
Hope you have as much fun in here as we all do, and looking forward to getting to know you better.

to help you settle in.
24/May/08 12:32 AM
   Cathy  From Detroit
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Thanks for the fossil/petrified lesson. Welcome to Sudoku! Lilacs and lily of the valley are in season here in Michigan so that is your present from me. Smells great!!!! Where do you live now?
24/May/08 12:41 AM
Cheryl  From Ontario, Canada
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Hi Plum, thanks for the pierogies. You have painted such a picture that my mouth is watering... I love pierogies. Well, I'm so glad that you got through your first Hard one... now that's a good reason to become a member - you're going to have fun on this site, and you can add your two cents worth to any of the puzzles any time you want to - that's the fun part. Wow, to make quarts and quarts of your own maple syrup you must have had a great many trees (and a lot, a lot or work). My neighbout had only a few trees and once gave me a pint of his syrup. He had boiled it many times more than what you can buy - you could taste the wood in it. Sounds awful but it was fantastic... he didn't ever give me more and I've since moved - woe is me... but is was yum. So glad you came by, do come again, the door is open.
24/May/08 1:49 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Plum, and a belated welcome to the site! I'll leave you my traditional page warming gift, a double chocolate fudge beavertail pastry from Ottawa. Enjoy, and have fun here!
28/May/08 4:22 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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to your own page, Plum!
Sorry, I seem to have missed your move in.
I have brought a of Maryland Cream of Crab Soup for you and your guests. I live near the Chesapeake Bay in a very "crabby" area. I'm so glad you've joined us! Stop by my place anytime, door's always open
28/May/08 5:18 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Plum, Welcome to your own page here in Sudokuland. Leaving a bouquet of lilys on your table. I am the Sue who's picture was on hard today.
28/May/08 7:02 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY
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Plum (belatedly).... I've only been a member less than 2 weeks myself, so I'm not quite in the groove yet. I saw where you were wondering why the puzzles hadn't changed in the early morning. This site is on Aussie time, Melbourne, I believe. I think it turns over at midnight there. It changes over at 10:00 a.m. Eastern time here in the USA. How's that for an explaination, fellow newbie?
29/May/08 12:00 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY
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Hey, I'm only 1 mile from the Hart County line! Small world.
I don't see much info on driving goats (my husband is on the board of directors for the state goat association, and it's first president), but I see a LOT on driving horses, which I do. Buggystuff on eBay (or you might try googling them, I've never tried) had lots of great books and videos on harnesses and driving. Except for bitting, the principles should be the same.
It's great hearing from you.
29/May/08 1:55 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY
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Actually, used to make and sell goat carts. They make lots of different carts and carriages. You might want to check them out.
29/May/08 2:23 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Plum. This is a slightly late welcome to sudokuland. It's a lot of fun here! Here are some Tasmanian raspberries for you. and some flowers from my garden
29/May/08 12:57 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY
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I bought a Doctor's Buggy from them last year, and it's gorgeous. Unfortunately, my driving horse suffered a stress fracture in his rear leg shortly thereafter, and I've only used it once. I hope to get him back in harness next week. The Vet thinks his leg has healed enough now.
29/May/08 2:08 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hello again, Plum. The photo of the raspberries was taken in Tasmania last year when we had a short holiday there. They were growing beside the road. It must have been early in the season because there were not many ripe ones, but the ones I tasted were delicious!
30/May/08 3:37 PM
   Lee  From Cleveland Qld    Supporting Member
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Hi Plum . Just dropping by to say a belated a few goodies to help you enjoy your time on the site. Enjoy
30/May/08 5:18 PM
   Shiela  From MI
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A belated Plum!
to the wide wonderful world of Sudokuland!
Glad you could join us!
SW Michigan is near & dear to my heart. Used to live in Kazoo for 16 years. Miss it. SW Michigan is, by far, superior to SE Michigan where I live now.
02/Jun/08 9:07 AM
Kate  From Sydney (Lane Cove)
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Hi Plum! OK it wasn't really much beyond cool even in the early morning - in fact I went out in just a long-sleeved shirt without a jacket, though I took the jacket with me - its more that May was very dry and mild, so the contrast of the wet days as soon as the 1st of June ticked over, makes it feel wintry. I suppose if I were to pick a figure I'd say we conider 5 degrees cold - though we do get frosts in Sydney so it obviously gets colder than that overnight. It's all a matter of acclimitisation really - we get hot humid summers so a few degrees feels cold. Right now its warmed up to a mild 18 odd degrees - very mild really.
02/Jun/08 12:59 PM
Kate  From Sydney (Lane Cove)
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And Saturday 31st May - the last day of Autumn - was a glorious day!
02/Jun/08 1:00 PM
Kate  From Sydney (Lane Cove)
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... and I really forgot to spell check that first entry (or rather typo-check) ...
02/Jun/08 1:01 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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The weather is okay today. It's been raining & is cloudy. I just checked the thermometer & inside is 18*C (70*F) & 17*C (62*F) outside, so the cloud is keeping the place a bit warmer. Last week when it was sunny we were getting temperatures in the 20's during the day but single digits over night! We have a slow combustion wood burning fire which works very well. We don't get black outs very often unless a tree comes down in a storm or something like that, but we had a bad storm last Wednesday evening (lots of thunder & lightening) & we were blacked out for a few hours. I couldn't see any lights anywhere near us. Last night there was only rain & I could see lights in the houses behind us (west) & in the street to the north as well. It probably had something to do with last weeks damages! We live in Sydney about 1/2hr train ride to the Sydney CBD, so it's very suburban!
02/Jun/08 2:46 PM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Plum, I use to use a regular camera but have used digital for the last few of years. I do like my regular camera but film and developing has got so expensive. With digital you don't have to keep every picture can choose the ones you want and delete the rest.
for your nice comment on my picture.
03/Jun/08 3:18 PM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Plum - I see I have not officially welcomed you. I am sorry about that especially since you are a fellow Michigander! So here is a great big My husband lived in Union Pier when he was a boy. He still has an aunt and uncle there. That is pretty amazing about seeing the Sears tower at sunset. It must have been very pretty against the sun. I have brought you a warm Rhubar Pie for a house warming gift. Please stop by my place for a chat sometime. The door is always open.
04/Jun/08 11:12 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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woops - Rhubar = Rhubarb
04/Jun/08 11:13 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Plum!!!! Please tell me about Yerba Mate. I have never seen it. Where is it sold?

Thank you so much for the delicious Perogies. Yummmy!

Shiela/Michigan is the artist. She has done some very beautiful paintings!!! These are in a coffee shop here in SE Michigan.

And.....what about those Wings? How exciting!

I must share this with you. My grandmother always said that the fruits and vegetables grown on the west side of Michigan were always more tasty. She thought maybe because the soil was more sandy? Any way, that was her philosophy.

Please come and visit again!!
06/Jun/08 12:35 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Plum - Thanks for the info. Just in case you might be interested, my Rhubarb Pie recipe is in the "recipe page" in the Forum. It is my husband's aunt's recipe and it is sure to please!!! I hope you have a great day.
13/Jun/08 4:17 AM
   Simo  From Australia
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Hi Plumb

Thanks for your message on the box elder. Firstly the box elder does not grow in Australia.

As I am also a pen turner I probably have spoken to your husband on the pen forums where I go by simomatra.My web site is

I have never seen any in the hand but have seen many pen made by people from the US and the kook beautiful

Many thanks again if your husband is on the pen forums give us a hoy


17/Jun/08 7:48 AM
   Maureen  From Dubbo, NSW    Supporting Member
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Hi Plumb, Thanks for the lovely food for my birthday. I got lots of well wishes for my birthday. It was great!
17/Jun/08 9:29 AM
Alfred  From Sydney
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Plum, I gave more solving details for todays Tough on the comments page (in case you didn't open the page).I only seem to get these out when others describe them as "easy" !
18/Jun/08 11:28 AM
Alfred  From Sydney
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Thanks for your kind words,pleased my comments were helpful.
19/Jun/08 12:15 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Plum - I am just stopping in to say, "HI." Is it chilly over your way? It was in the upper 40's here this morning. It has been good working weather, but that is about all I can say for it. Our grass is a pretty green and our garden is growing. We are very fortunate. Have a great day!
19/Jun/08 11:16 AM
Clark  From Michigan
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Hi Plum,

I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner but I was out for a while and didn't see you comment until now. Anyway, I live in the Detroit area. Also, when solving these tough sudokus, it's very useful to have a program like Simple Sudoku where one can load it up and skip the setup work.
21/Jun/08 11:21 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Plum! See you have had a page for almost a month now. Sorry I've not been by to say I have lots of connections in Michigan - the main one being it's where I met my husband at the U of M in 1965! Rob's parents lived in Ann Arbor til their deaths in 2002 and 2003 so we went back to visit many times. Also, Rob's brother lives in Chelsea & keeps a sailboat in Whitehall, plus I have a cousin who lives in Lansing. So what city do you live in? Glad to have you with us in our Sudokuland worldwide community!
22/Jun/08 2:50 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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I can't believe you know where Valrico is! Even people who live in FL don't know where Valrico is - ha ha! I went to the ssi website to see what that's about. I'm not as liberal as you might think based on my having been a student at U of M! I chose that school for it's excellent school of nursing. Too bad I never finished, but I did find a great husband there & of our three daughters, two became nurses. I'll bet your daughter enjoys working with the "good" type kids that institute probably draws. How old is she? Do you have other children? It's interesting that you googled buntings to learn more about them. I find myself googling so many things that are mentioned or shown on the Suddoku site. I enjoy the puzzles, but have grown to love the people & information from around the world even more!!
23/Jun/08 9:42 AM
Ame  From Pgh, PA USA
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Thank you for your endless curiosity. I used your link to see what the entire grass tree looked like. If it wasn't for your posting I don't think I would have bothered and would have missed out on seeing yet another beautiful piece of the magnificatn nature all around us. Thanks again!

Take care and have a wonderful weekend!
Aimee :-)
28/Jun/08 3:12 AM
   Fiona  From France
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hi Plum, many thanks for the birthday wishes you sent - I had a lovely day, thank you.
28/Jun/08 11:33 PM
Aimee  From Pgh, PA USA
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Just read your post about your daugther's tuition. I am right there with you. We just moved our daughter into her dorm this weekend. She will be starting the summer session this Wednesday. I am still in sticker shock. I feel as though I will not have a life for the next 6 years (our youngest daughther will be junior in high school). Maybe we can commiserate from time to time so I don't feel like I am the only one who has ever gone through this!

01/Jul/08 3:06 AM
Clark  From Michigan
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About yesterday's proof, first of all the work is messier than the final result, since I remove unneeded steps before I post it. It wasn't as difficult to see at the time as it looks in the proof. Once I did the basic cleanup, I saw the 3s had enough rows and columns with exactly 2 possibilites to be interesting, and that there were a lot of 3s to clean out.
01/Jul/08 3:08 AM
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