Mamacita 2 from PA.

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This picture was taken at my cousin's wedding a few years ago. We had a great time too.

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   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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And welcome to a new page my friend!
25/Jul/07 9:09 AM
   Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
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Hi, Mamacita!

I got your message in my e-mail, but it wasn't posted to my page because I was working on it - adding more pictures. I really don't have the time to be fiddling with the page, but once I get started with something, I can't stop!!! Thanks for all your help!

Cheers! Jane
27/Jul/07 4:24 AM
   andrĂ©  From england    Supporting Member
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Just calling in to watch the man himself. Wonderful to listen to. How are you? Well I hope. It seems everyone is jazzing up their pages I must try and do mine when I have a minute. Take care xx
27/Jul/07 4:58 AM
jeb  From ks
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Sammy, what can you say... We got to see him star in 'Stop the World' at a theater in Chicago, never to be forgotten. Thanks for putting that up.
27/Jul/07 5:50 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Hi Mamacita! Really enjoyed Sammy Davis, Jr.'s Mr. Bojangle. Whoa, does that take me back!
Visit me and listen to the R & B style of a Japanese song. I thought of you when I found it. The girl playing the koto (Japanese harp like instrument) is really talented. I tried learning to play one but ouch! Just like being on a electronic bass guitar, very, very hard on the fingers. I remember the blisters after only one jam.
27/Jul/07 6:48 AM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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Good choice - I've been lucky enough to see Sammy twice) performing Bo Jangles (Tahoe & Greek/LA.

Thank you for your comments on remembering our soldiers and their families in prayer, regardless of where one stands on the war. I didn't want to see our returning soldiers treated as the Viet Nam vets were. It is starting to happen in Portland, OR.

I would hope everyone, regardless of their stance on the war would see the presentation on the following website:
It is a true depiction of our troops in Iraq - turn up the sound, get some tissues. Then offer another prayer for them and our country to value their service.

As a friend wrote back after seeing this, the begining reminded her of what Sheriff Joe Arpaio said to complaining inmates in his 'Tent City Jail': It is over 120 in Iraq, not only are our boys living in tents, but wearing a lot of heavy gear. You have it a whole lot better than our troops who are protecting our country and freedoms....they didn't even commit a crime!
27/Jul/07 6:53 AM
   Jenni  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Hi Mamacita. Thanks for your message on my page and sorry I haven't been back for awhile. I have been really busy trying to get my head around Uni, plu lots of other things happening. I am going to be on the SA page for awhile today so may see you there.
27/Jul/07 12:11 PM
   Wilodene  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Mamacita, thank you for visiting my page and viewing my corner of the world. I have enjoyed your comments this last year, but haven't taken the time to view pages (including my own) until recently. Your pleasure in your family is obvious and they thrive because of it. Congratulations on your long marriage! And I love your animated waterfall! Thanks for adding a sparkle to Sudokuland.
28/Jul/07 1:17 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Mamacita, it was easy to think of you when I found this song. I was looking up Sukiyaki and was amazed at the various treatment of the song. I was blown away by Taste of Honey. You have always come across as a genteel lady who loves jazz. My kind of people! In my mind you're as beautiful as the singer because of your writing which shows your soul. If ever I go to Pennsylvania or you come to California, I'd love to have tea with you!
28/Jul/07 6:29 AM
jeb  From ks
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My only regret is that I didn't think of it first. What will never be known is would I have had the courage to carry it off.
28/Jul/07 3:32 PM
Spellmaster  From Oz
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Hello Mamacita...thank you for visiting my page and for your kind words. I don't visit the site very often these days, and your warm welcome was greatly appreciated. Cheers!
29/Jul/07 11:20 PM
   Jane  From Mississauga
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Hi Mamacita. I'm so glad that you liked the pictures. Most people say 'Belize - ummmm - where is that, exactly?' - you're the first to say that some of your ancestors lived there . I spent most of my days and nights on a dive boat, so I saw very little of the country. But the people that I met were friendly and worked hard. And they make wonderful hot sauces - I especially like Marie Sharp's. One day I'd like to go back and spend time on land - I've heard there are some great eco-tours.
Thank you for all of the goodies - I've left you some Canadian maple syrup for your next pancake breakfast. Take care.
30/Jul/07 7:43 AM
   jamie  From aggieland texas    Supporting Member
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Mamacita - thanks for the notes!! I am really glad for you about your new priest. Our latest search commitee is to begin looking at names August 1, then they will send any they want to the bishop, then he will send us a list back, and then we/they (the committee) can begin doing interviews.
I expect we will be very lucky to have another candidate to vote on much before the end of the year. That puts us exactly where we were a year ago. I also found out today that one of the ladies that was on the committee with me is probably leaving the church. She went through 'heck' during the process, and then she caught unmerciful grief from some congregational members.
This has gotten long - I will try to e-mail with family news in a day or two.
Our son and his fiancee have set their wedding for next June 7 - Jeanie said she would be very interested in looking at a trip for July 4.
30/Jul/07 1:44 PM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Hello, Mamacita, and so glad you dropped by to pay me a visit. You're always a very welcome guest on my page. I love your waterfall!
Looking at your comments, I see you've just celebrated a special anniversary with Sully--may you both be blessed with countless more precious times together.
We have a busy week planned--my birthday is tomorrow, my husband's on August 2 (I'm two days older!) and our 25th anniversary is on August 7th. We'll celebrate well--we're boarding a sailboat on August 18th in Monte Carlo then we'll cruise the French and Italian Rivieras, ending with two days in Rome. The trip of a lifetime, and we're very excited. Meanwhile, we've got a family wedding to attend, and a charity barbecue, so life's very full indeed. We are truly blessed. My mother continues to do well and is also looking forward to her grandson's wedding. And our three cats are healthy and keeping us entertained. Thank you for caring to ask, and for your treasured gift of friendship. Bless you and have a terrific week!
31/Jul/07 1:38 AM
   Angie  From Wisconsin
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Hey Mama, Just checking in. New computer gave me a few problems, but I think I have most of them ironed out. Hope all is well in your corner of the world :)
31/Jul/07 1:42 AM
   Beast  From MA, USA
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Hi Mamacita--
Sorry to take so long to get back to you. I've been on a mini-vacation, but am now home again and back to work... Waaa, boo hoo....
My family, at this stage of life, all have four legs. But I've dear friends with two legs who make a great surrogate family!
I've often thought how miserable people must be who cannot appreciate others--animals and people, too! Cheers
31/Jul/07 12:42 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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just popped in very quickly to say G'day seems I am either logging in or off when you come on line these days. I've started sewing again so I'm hoping we can catch up real soon as I have one costume that needs to be sequenced and beaded. Over the years I've found its easier to do late at night, no one to hassel me, so I look forward to chats with you then. I Miss you.
Have a great day.
31/Jul/07 1:33 PM
   GrannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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Hi Mamacita. Thank you for the note. I have not been posting but do try to call in and read the posts as often as possible, otherwise I would have to set aside a whole day to play catch up.
I have been busy golfing and also setting up a small 'business' on the internet. (Well it keeps me off the streets!) It is amazing how much slower my brain seems to work now. Learning to set up spread sheets to keep a track of what I am doing is time consuming but so much faster(so I am told) when in use.
I hope it will be possible to meet up next year. At the moment I am trying to organise a trip during next winter to visit the family. The length of the trip will depend on whether I go alone or with Steve. On my own I will only visit Singapore. With him we will continue on to Australia.
My weight has remained on a plateau in fact I regained about 4 pounds. I think it is down to all the time in front of the computer and, of course the ghastly wet weather when neither the dog nor I wish to walk very far. I haven't reached my 2,000,000th step yet but I am on course to do so around the 10th August.
Hope you and Sully are enjoying your summer.
31/Jul/07 9:34 PM
bert  From bwi    Supporting Member
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Hello Mamacita. How are you? Thanks for your faithfulness. Your notes are sweet. Don't be silly, girl... you've done nothing to offend me. Who has time for that nonsense? 'been busy as a bee buzzin' up and down the east coast; heading west to work a project in California late August, Sept and Oct. (Look out Napa!) I am great, just swamped, and that's a good thing. Cheers, doll!
01/Aug/07 2:28 AM
   Kate  From TX
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Mamacita, thanks for visiting me and looking at my grandbaby again! yes, she is growing and she is nearing one year-actually eight months so on the up side of a year.
checked out your pictures and you have a great looking family!
03/Aug/07 12:22 PM
   Kate  From TX
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oh and by the way, your wonderful you tube of Sammy Davis, Jr.- the song 'Mr. Bo Jangles' was written by Jerry Jeff Walker a native Texan. See, all roads lead to Texas, y'all!
03/Aug/07 12:26 PM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Mamacita, you're the best! I'll likely be taking you up on your offer to help with the photos on the site (once all the merriment here has died down). Thanks as always for your gift of sharing your talents--you've got a big heart.
04/Aug/07 5:07 AM
   Mary  From Bibra Lake WA    Supporting Member
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Hey Mamcita, thanx for the Billie Holiday clip.I had heard of, but never actually heard, her. Lovely!
04/Aug/07 8:57 AM
   Liz  From South France    Supporting Member
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Have just read your post on GrannieMo's page - WHAT?? you will be in our part of the world next April?!? I do hope that I will get to meet you, and see for myself that such a kind, thoughtful person really does exist in the flesh! Please let me know the 'when's and 'where's. Don't have much time to post at the moment - too busy with visitors, garden, heat... Hope to be in contact, soon.
06/Aug/07 7:53 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Mamacita. Stopped in to say hello and I enjoyed the Billie Holliday clip. Thanks. I thought you might like to listen to this one...
I'll post it on my page unless you would like to post it on yours. Enjoy!
07/Aug/07 5:39 AM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Sorry its taken me so long to respond, it seems there is never enough time in the day for me these days.
Thank you for your smilie, I love it. I have copied it and am awaiting Gath to approve it at the moment.
07/Aug/07 12:05 PM
   Linda  From Pioneer
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Mamacita 2, first I want to thank you for your visit and all the yummies you brought. Some of Philly's best. My husband and I enjoyed them while listening to the incomparable Billie Holiday.

I've enjoyed my visit with you. What a beautiful family you have. Our children are such blessings, and grandchildren bless us beyond words. Congratulations on having been married for 51 years. My husband and I celebrated our 39th last year. It is so encouraging to see that many more may lay ahead!

Please feel free to stop by any time. I'd love to chat.

Cheers and happiness.
07/Aug/07 1:35 PM
   Kate  From TX
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Here is the link to Jerry Jeff Walker's website. He wrote Mr. Bojangles in 1967 I think it said.
Since you have family here, I think it is about time you got yourself down here, Missy!! Where about are they in this big ole state?
08/Aug/07 3:14 PM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Mamacita, I can always count on you! Thanks so much for dropping by with your kind anniversary wishes. We've been blessed these last 25 years (and 8 1/2 years of dating), sharing much laughter, traveling, looking after our cats and being together during those tough times. We look forward to a bright future and creating more terrific memories. Bless you for thinking of me. Wishing you a special day with those you love.
08/Aug/07 11:41 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Hi Mama, you've done it again! Beautiful window! I like that song too, it reminds of the old black and white movies I used to watch all of the time. (I was a bit of an addict to the bw era) I keep missing you on SA so I wanted to stop by and see how you are doing. I'm still unpacking and unwinding from my vacation while trying to get in gear to get the 3 kids ready to go away to school. We have a conflict with S#2's first day of school (they're starting a day early) and getting D#2 to boarding school on the same day. There's always something! Well, I hope you are having a great day and staying out of the heat. Here are some flowers that won't wilt to help brighten your day. Take care!
09/Aug/07 4:38 AM
   Mary  From Bibra Lake WA    Supporting Member
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Hey Mamacita, I can see why you like the new picture...very cool and refreshing! Who and what is the video? It's very nice
10/Aug/07 8:46 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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I don't believe it! A rainfall! You are too much, too techno-talented, too grand a lady! No way of catching up with you. I have got to try harder. You're inspiring! I toast you!
10/Aug/07 12:27 PM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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Great video music & photography - very relaxing. Regarding your top picture: How much longer till that stret floods?

Your guess of 324 fits into the bracket of over 300 [301-325]. Tomorrow will tell the results.
10/Aug/07 1:46 PM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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Thanks for participating.
10/Aug/07 1:47 PM
   Ruby  From Ruby, SC
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Mamacita, the Philadelphia Inquirer is sponsoring the first (they think) US Sudoku Championship October 19-21.

Love the rain picture!
10/Aug/07 2:53 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Mama2 - took your (pl.-you & CG!) advice & posted the video on Clips. Never tried that before but got it done okay. I love your new rain scene! Very cooling to look at. Hope all is well with you, Sully & the whole family.
12/Aug/07 9:36 AM
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Hi Mamacita: Thank you so much for stopping by. I am so glad you enjoyed the photo and song.
Nitro is proving to be all dog. He continues to be a very well mannered pup, very easy to entertain, but so fearless!
How ironic! As I was finioshing typing the above sentences I heard a loud crash. Our fearless Nitro had thrown a toy up in the air and it landed on the glass I had on a table next to the computer. It took me twenty minutes to pick up all the glass and clean the floor.
I LOVE my dog! Never a dull moment when he is around.
As the wedding date approaches everything seems to be falling into place. We have the perfect wedding ceremony area - on the beach close to the parking area but at the same time secluded. We found a very reasonable florist and the restaurant owner worked out a perfect menu.
I imagine there might be a couple of mishaps - there always seem to be - but since the wedding is so laid-back we will figure out how to best incorporate the 'disasters' into the plans.
12/Aug/07 2:30 PM
jano  From Lebanon
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Hello Mamacita
Thank you for thinking of me , i love the rain on your picture . and your you tube .
12/Aug/07 3:26 PM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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Hello Mamacita. I love your new picture. Sorry I have not dropped in for quite some time. I am very lazy sometimes and forget to do the things I should. I had hubby home for two weeks and then just last week my nephew in hospital with Pleurisy and tomorrow (13th) is my birthday. Getting way too old to keep counting but
I guess it is better than the alternative.
Having a joint celebration with my brother-in-law next weekend. Haven't got any birthday cake to leave you yet. Hope you forgive me for being inattentive.
12/Aug/07 8:58 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Thanks Mamacita! It's nice to do a duet with you. I do hope Sully dosen't mind!
13/Aug/07 8:24 AM
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