Anne from Albany W Australia

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 Little Beach at Two Peoples Bay, Albany

West Australia's Sunday Times, 13 Jan, 2013, quote:-

"The turquoise water and white sand of Little Beach near Albany,

has been named one of Australia's top-five secret travel spots in a national survey."

Little Beach, Two Peoples Bay, Albany

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Judy  From San Diego
Thanks for the beautiful shot of the Knoll, Anne. We walk or hike every day, and I love seeing the places that others are walking. If I could come over and join you in this place, I would hop on a plane immediately!
17/Sep/07 12:32 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Beautiful picture Anne! Looks like you had a lovely day for niking!
17/Sep/07 12:36 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Lovely photos, anne. thanks for sharing your part of the world with us.
17/Sep/07 12:37 AM
appy  From india
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hi there Anne..havent been around your place for quite sometime..looks like you had wonderful time hiking..and very nice pictures..
17/Sep/07 12:47 AM
   Vera  From Alexandria, Egypt
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Hi, Anne!
Just looked through your pictures. They are so inviting, that I wish I were there.
Besides, you are great photographer.
Here is some flowers
And oriental sweets for you and your guests to enjoy.
17/Sep/07 1:43 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Anne! Looks like it was a very nice day for a hike! Will look forward to seeing more photos soon. Took a look back through your Flickr photos while I was here. Hadn't seen the ones from France 2005 - beautiful! Rob & I have just booked our next big trip - in 2008 we'll be going to China & Tibet in May. Can't wait!!
17/Sep/07 7:24 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Stunning photos Anne. Thank you for sharing them with us. How was the weather?
17/Sep/07 11:23 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth    Supporting Member
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lovely photos Anne of the Stirling Ranges
17/Sep/07 12:13 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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LOL...Anne...I'm sooo subtle, that I commented under one of your photos thinking I was commenting must be time for me to go to bed...thanks for the visit.
17/Sep/07 12:27 PM
   Vera  From Alexandria, Egypt
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Hi, Anne!
Thank you for your nice comments on my page.
Just looked though your new pictures, they are absolutely wonderful. As I mentioned before, you have an eye of an artist, all your pictures certainly can be used as a cover for a fancy magazine.
Thank you for sharing.
18/Sep/07 1:11 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Bluff Knoll that's a fine name for that amazing hill, Anne! Thanks for you thoughts about my BIL. My sister would have been devastated! Also my parents. I've another BIL who's undergoing treatment for lymphoma!
18/Sep/07 12:33 PM
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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Thanks for the birthday greeting.
20/Sep/07 8:17 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Anne, will be down in Albany 27th Dec till the 12th Jan, hopefully we can catch up when you get back from your holiday away - 6th Jan (you said).
21/Sep/07 5:18 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth    Supporting Member
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not on the 6th Jan obviously or the 12th , but somewhere between the 6th and 12th ...
21/Sep/07 5:19 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Hey Anne, thanks for the Holiday Wishes... am so looking forward to being away for the week.. time to relax and smell the roses..

Enjoy the coffee with Mary at Dylans !!!
24/Sep/07 12:09 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Anne thought I'd answer you sudoku question here. You're probably at work now! There are usually over a hundred sculptures. The event's been going since sometime in the 90's. There's also one in WA at Cottesloe Beach in Feb/Mar I think. Some sculptures appear in them both. There's more info at this site:
If you just want see some of the range from 2002, 2003 & 2004 go to my Flikr page & click on th appropriate set! I think I've submitted about 17 from 2002 of which we've seen about 7 (some of those more than once!). I think I've put some up (for puzzles) for '03 & '04 as well (I'd have to check my book!)
25/Sep/07 8:06 AM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Thanks Anne, I'm just beginning to feed a selection of photos into my Flickr page. Hong Kong today.
25/Sep/07 4:47 PM
   andrĂ©  From england    Supporting Member
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Hello Anne it seems like ages since I have popped into see you. Hope all is well and you are enjoying your 'Queen' status. Loved the photographs. How is your family getting on in New Zealand? I hope things are going well for them. Take care xx
25/Sep/07 7:13 PM
   Lori  From Adelaide
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Hi Anne, loved your photos. Fancy having those magnificent views out of the window!! Some of the scenery looks a bit like the Flinders Ranges up where my mother-in-law lives around Port Augusta. Bluff Knoll looks a bit like Rawnsley Bluff at Wilpena Pound. (Same sort of geology going on I wouldn't mind betting).
25/Sep/07 10:51 PM
   mariane  From barooga, australia    Supporting Member
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Anne - loved your potatoes!
Haven't had a chance to visit regularly lately - too much competition for computer time at my huse, and I have been very busy.
Wish you could send a few more of those raindrops our way - I hear your water storages are full to overflowing!!
No sign of rain here. The farmers are all turning their crops to silage - there won't be much of/any harvest here tis year, and the frightening thing is that the orchardists will be lucky to get enough water to even keep their trees alive, let alone get a crop. Scarey times!
Didn't mean to be a Henny Penny - hope the sun shines for you and you have a lovely day.
26/Sep/07 7:12 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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A special day today Anne! Cheers!
26/Sep/07 8:56 AM
tom  From vancouver    Supporting Member
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Anne - thank you so much for welcoming me to my own webpage and for the Wignalls Late Harvest (it's so difficult to get in our wine stores). I'm afraid I'm not very regular (in the Suduko site participation sense of the word) and of course am completely intimidated by the talent and creativity displayed in your page and others. As a result, I've completely neglected my own. But I am pleased and gratefule that you took the time to drop in. I must admit to surreptitiously visited your page on occasion to review your wonderful photos of beautiful Albany and elsewhere. (Perhaps I can use you as inspiration to post a few photos of my own beautiful province, instead of leaving it totally up to poor Canuck Greg). Thanks so much again.
28/Sep/07 5:02 AM
   Jenni  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Anne, thanks for your birthday wishes. It was really great to come home from a hard days work and read all my birthday wishes on this site, it really did cheer me up.
Your photos are really lovely, it really looks like a beautiful part of the country.
Cheers, Jenni
28/Sep/07 2:34 PM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Anne, bless you for taking time to write yet another thoughtful message. We pray, find laughter where we can, and take each moment as it comes. Kind words from friends near and far mean more than you'll ever know.
29/Sep/07 1:17 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Hope you have a great meet with Mary. Lots of cyber love to you both
29/Sep/07 8:04 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Great photos Anne.
01/Oct/07 12:26 AM
   mariane  From barooga, australia    Supporting Member
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Anne are you a professional photographer? You should be selling these to WA Tourism! Downside of that idea is that other people will find out how beautiful it is and mess up "your" beach!
How lovely are they? I know why so amny people are heading west!
01/Oct/07 7:24 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
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Hi Anne,Thanks for dropping in We have had about 3 inches of rain in the last week and rivers have broken they banks again. No real damage but the wind as caused alot of trees to come down. I have lost a cootamundra wattle. the Stirling Ranges looks alot like our Norfolk Ranges... Our son is getting married in "west" in March... Great pics. Happy snapping.
01/Oct/07 4:10 PM
   Tami  From Florida
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Anne, thank you for the birthday wish. I love the photos in your gallery. Albany looks like a beautiful place. I would love to visit it someday.
02/Oct/07 8:56 AM
   billy  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Anne - lovely to hear that you a great rendezvous with Mary, although I am somewhat surprised that you let her get away with eating her bacon with maple syrup (and in ALBANY!), personally I would have snatched her plate away and told her to eat properly...
Have a great day and I think I have reprimanded Mary enough (poor love) - we can't have our standards
02/Oct/07 10:01 AM
   billy  From Perth    Supporting Member
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I forgot to say....absolutely beautiful photos, I shall have to try and make it down to Albany next year...
02/Oct/07 10:04 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne
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Hi Anne.
Lovely of you to drop bye. I'm looking forward to getting some reno's done and decorating the place a bit. Will need to keep out of the chat room though if I'm going to do that - soooo very easy to get distracted and forget you have another life and responsibilities. Will need to set the timer next time!
I didn't really slip in under your radar. Hadn't been using my page because I was having an identity crisis. I had been posting for a while as rj and when I got my own page it wouldn't accept anything less than 3 letters. Being perverse,[and stubborn], by nature I didn't use it until I solved that stumbling block....decided to change my name! Love your photos - bring back lots of lovely memories of time spent over in the west. Next time I drop in I won't be in such a rush and I'll bring you some gifts and we can party. Love blue cheese so I know we will get along! [and spanokipita] Ciao
02/Oct/07 10:53 AM
   billy  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Conto's Beach is a little bit south of Smith's beach. The walk on the beach then up along the cliffs took us about 2 and a half hours, but we had the most glorious day and the wildflowers were out - we couldn't have asked for more...
Do we have a b'fast menu at your D&B&B? I'm rather partial to EB...I'll definitely call on you for a bed if it's ok! You know the offer goes both ways. x
02/Oct/07 7:08 PM
   Tree Sheila  From Deniliquin, NSW    Supporting Member
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Oh Anne. I am just speechless. Your photos are just beautiful. I have seen a lot of West Australia touristy photos but yours show a lot more of the not so well-known places. It really makes me want to see more. You would never get more different places than here in the Riverina with its plains and dry dust and where you live. Hard to believe it's all the same country. Keep up the photos, they are truly a credit to you.
02/Oct/07 8:52 PM
   billy  From Perth    Supporting Member
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How about D&D&G&C&B&B? I added dinner and chocs in that lot...and do you turn down your doona covers and put a little choccie on the pillow? and turn the corners over at the end of your loo roll? you'll be getting a 5 star rating from the tourist board at this rate!
02/Oct/07 10:02 PM
   billy  From Perth    Supporting Member
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...well now that you've good are your hot choccies? i only like the pink marshmellows with it (in case you're wondering), are your towels fluffy ( i have delicate skin)? Do i get tucked in at night (to stop draughts getting into bed with me)? which way does the window face (the morning sun might blind me)? I could go on, but it might make me seem a little demanding...x
02/Oct/07 11:35 PM
   billy  From Perth    Supporting Member
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btw - your workmates have no appreciation of the finer things in life...keep doing the right thing with the loo paper...etiquette makes us humans civilised...well you and me anyway...
02/Oct/07 11:41 PM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Well, Anne, day by day, things will get better. I've got my weepy moments still, of course, and more will come in the weeks ahead when we struggle with boxing up possessions, preparing to sell the house I grew up in ... but there will be stories too, and some giggles, I'm sure. Thanks for always taking the time to check in with me and see how things were going. It meant a great deal to know that so many people cared and I always told Mom about her friends from Australia who were wishing her well. Maybe she's smiling at you now, thinking "she's the one!" Cheers, Anne.
05/Oct/07 9:21 AM
   Jaz  From Melbourne, Australia
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Anne, Thank you very much for your good wishes on my birthday, I had a wonderful day and look forward to a great year. All being well I also look forward to getting over your way sooner rather than later I would love to meet you and see some of that beautiful countryside in your pics.
06/Oct/07 9:08 AM
Bella  From Angola
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for wrighting on my page
06/Oct/07 8:33 PM
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