Elizabeth from Portarlington

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   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Gday and Elizabeth. Great to have you here.
I hope you are having a wongerful day.
20/Mar/08 7:25 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Elizabeth and a very belated Welcome to Sudokuland and your own page.
I just spotted your comment over in the jigsaws, and had to drop by and say "ello".
Hope you enjoy your time here as much as we all do.

as a small welcome gift.

Is Portarlington, the one here in Oz?
31/Mar/08 4:53 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Hello Elizabeth,
I just noticed your comment in the jigsaw puzzle pages in regard to getting your own Avatar.

If you click on the link that reads "forum", scroll down and find the link that reads Members special features - help and info page.
The instructions on how to update your page, create a avatar etc., use all the features are listed in there.
Once you have managed to find your picture, you then go to your own page, and go to "update Details" to submit your avatar.
If you have any more questions and need any help, just click on the "check out my page" under my name, and post me a comment.
Have a great day.
01/Apr/08 1:50 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Hello Elizabeth
Woohoo, way to go, looking good. As for your avatar being to big, when you went into the shrink site, did you ask to have it reduced to 50? If so and its still to big, try reducing your original pic first before going back to shrink site.
04/Apr/08 12:59 PM
   Judy  From Oklahoma City, OK
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Cute avatar, Elizabeth -- is that your own photo?
04/Apr/08 4:16 PM
   Judy  From Oklahoma City, OK
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Hi, Elizabeth, and thanks for your note! What wonderful news you had to share! It's a good group -- very nice people, and lots to do. I'm so glad we have the Internet -- what great good fortune is that? Take care and keep that pretty smile going! I look forward to getting to know you.
04/Apr/08 4:55 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Elizabeth, I see your Avatar is up!
So nice to finally put a face to the name.
Next step..get your own private smilies..theres no stopping you now!

Have a great weekend.
04/Apr/08 8:33 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hello Elizabeth. Another slow response to a new member, but I just saw your comment today and hadn't noticed you on site before. Welcome, and enjoy mt traditional page warming gift, a double chocolate fudge beavertail pastry from Ottawa. Enjoy!
06/Apr/08 11:15 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Elizabeth, I too just saw your comment on jigsaw today. Hope you enjoy the jigsaws and Sudoku as much as I do. Leaving a carrot cake for you. Come visit my page when you get the chance.
06/Apr/08 1:18 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Elizabeth and welcome to Sudokuland. Although I am shown as coming from Sydney, I am a Victorian by birth - and I know Portarlington and the Bellarine quite well.
It sounds to me that you are a good photographer, so why not share your photos with those of us who also enjoy good photos?
There are several avenues, you could create a photo gallery on your own page, you could submit them for use in Sudoku or Jigsaw puzzles (although there are some fairly tight restrictions on file size) or you could create your own page on Flickr - an offshoot of Yahoo. Or you could do all of them. If you need any assistance, just ask.
Welcome and enjoy your association with those lovely, caring, sometimes crazy people who inhabit the site.
26/Apr/08 9:05 AM
Cheryl  From Ontario, Canada
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Hi Elizabeth - After seeing your comments today about your photos (and again a great big congratulations), decided to look at your pictures... alas, you don't have any on your page. I don't know how to do all this 'stuff', in fact I don't even have an Avatar, just not compuiter literate but I'll keep on trying. I didn't realize you were so new to the site, I only joined the end of March myself (not much before you). Soooo let me belatedly welcome you to sudokuland along with the others. I'm sending you a plate of pancakes and some maple syrup for breakfast tomorrow. You'll find the folks on this site to be first class, what a nice bunch they are. Drop in any time, I'd love the visit.
26/Apr/08 1:51 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Elizabeth, you were related to the famous Bill Gravell - you are now much higher in my list of contacts than you can possibly imagine.
I first met Bill when he was lecturing us at RAAF College, Point Cook, I was a cadet and he was a lecturer in Air Power Studies. I was posted back to Point Cook several times in my career, once as a flying instructor, when I lived in the Mess as a bachelor and shared stories with Bill over a beer or two. Then later I returned as Commanding Officer of the Officers Training School, I had married Anne during the intervening years. By then I was appointed to be President of the Mess Committee and we renewed old acquaintances.
Bill was a gentleman, friendly and helpful and much loved by all who were touched by his influence. A couple of years ago I revisited Point Cook to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of our graduation. Bill was invited to join us but we were told that he was too ill to attend. I am saddened, but not surprised to hear of his passing.
I will finish this after a cup of tea.
26/Apr/08 2:33 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Part 2.
I have looked through you photos and they are wonderful - they are creative, thoughtful and original. They deserve to be shared around. To submit them to the Sudoku sites you click on the 'Submit your own pics' at the top of any Sudoku page - there you will see the requirements. They look a bit daunting at first glance but there is help available. Just click on FORUMS at the top of the page and select 'Members Special Features - Help and Information'. It contains some very helpful advice from Angie. I cannot advise you unless you are using an iMac.
There are no such restrictions of size and format if you want to put your photos into your gallery - but I guess you know that because you already have one there.
If you want to use Flickr you will need to sign up with Yahoo first. It is not difficult. You can control who sees your photos - full public access, or limit the viewing to friends and family or just family.
Good luck.
26/Apr/08 3:19 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Elizabeth, I couldn't imagine anything more delicious than a jar of your tomato relish and we will be down to pick it up, but probably not before summer (north in winter and south in summer is our plan).
The pleasure is all mine.

26/Apr/08 4:52 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Yes Elizabeth, you got all the correct answers today. I have been reading the exchanges between yourself and Ian, and once again I find it amazing how people link up to the past through this site. I'm sure Ian was thrilled to to find out you were related to a past friend and mentor of his. You probably made his day! Cheers!
27/Apr/08 7:33 AM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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Saw your post, you must have slipped in while I was out of the room. Beautiful & interesting photo - great composition.

to belatedly you to Sudokuland, along with a Strawberry Cream Cheese Pie for you and your guests.

There’s lots to do around here, places to visit and chat. I'm just around the corner, stop in anytime for more pie, a video and a tour of Historic Jacksonville, OR.

27/Apr/08 7:38 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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I am SO glad you posted today since I missed your entry into the wide, wonderful world of Sudokuland! So... May I officially you... a bit belated, but glad you have joined us!
I WAS going to leave chocolate covered strawberries, but since Eve left you one of her yummy strawberry pies, I will leave a pot of hot fresh brewed coffee instead to enjoy with your pie!
27/Apr/08 7:57 AM
Cheryl  From Ontario, Canada
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Hi Elizabeth, how remiss of me not to thank you for your wonderful lemon butter. It IS one of my favourite spreads (love lemon) and to think you win first prize with it, no wonder it is soooo good. I put some on toast and yummmm. I still haven't figures out all the 'stuff' about pictures (not sure I ever will) but yes, I know there are a couple of folks (Angie namely) who are willing to help - now if I can only come up with some intelligent questions to ask... lol
Thanks again for lemon butter, drop by any time, the door is open.
01/May/08 2:12 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Elizabeth, anything that Bill Gravell wanted to be preserved must be important. I would be really interested to know what kind of information they contained, Above all, they should be cared for until their historical importance is established.
My initial thoughts are that they should be lodged with either the War Memorial of the RAAF Museum at Point Cook. If you could give me some idea of their contents I might be able to advise you. If you are concerned about privacy, please leave me a private message at the top of my page where it says 'Send Ian a Private Message'
10/May/08 9:38 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Elizabeth, I have just left you a private message. You can access it by clicking on the 'Inbox' on the very top right hand side of your page.
Sorry it ends a bit abruptly.
12/May/08 10:36 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Elizabeth. I've been going to visit for ages but......!Anyway I've finally made it! They're wonderful photos heading your page. Sounds like you're connected to the RAAF? My Dad was in the RAAF, spent my childhood moving around the country & a couple of places off shore - Wellington NZ & London England! I try to make it back a bit sooner next time!
03/Jun/08 2:18 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Elizabeth, Anne and I would like to thank you very much for a great lunch today. We both enjoyed your parents company and thought they were wonderful people. Enjoy your photography, you have a great new camera.
14/Jun/08 5:15 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Elizabeth, a very to you.
I have brought you a bottle of bubbly, a Choc Mud and a bouquet of roses to help with the celebrations.
Have a truly wongerful day.
11/Jul/08 12:13 AM
   Shelley  From Ballston, NY
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Elizabeth it seems that you and I share the day. Here's hoping that we both have spectacular days!
11/Jul/08 12:22 AM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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I have a delivery for Elizabeth

Elizabeth, hope your day is all that you wished for and much much more.
11/Jul/08 12:47 AM
   Rena  From ChristinaLake,BC,Can
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Elizabeth, have a wonderful day!
11/Jul/08 1:07 AM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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to you
to you
dear Elizabeth
to you

11/Jul/08 1:39 AM
   Fiona  From France
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Happy Birthday Elizabeth! Lovely photos you have on here!
11/Jul/08 2:54 AM
   Roger  From Wantage, UK
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Happy Birthday Elizabeth.
11/Jul/08 3:06 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Elizabeth - to you!!!! I hope your day is filled with love, joy, laughter and many surprises! Have a great one!
11/Jul/08 3:19 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Elizabeth, and happy birthday! I hope you have a special day, full of sharing fun times with family and friends. Cheers!
11/Jul/08 4:03 AM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL    Supporting Member
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and a belated to you, I love your picture - I love sunsets/sunrises. I'm near Chicago and it's raining this summer day, a fine arts faire will be going on this weekend downtown and that's always a nice time, Enjoy your special day, Mary
11/Jul/08 6:56 AM
Aimee  From Pgh, PA USA
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Hello Elizabeth, I wish you a very happy birthday surrounded by loved ones, doing those things that put a smile on your face and joy in your heart and hopes that those feelings will follow you long into your new year. Take care and also welcome to our site. Looking forward to seeing comments from you in the future.

Aimee :-)
11/Jul/08 8:32 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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11/Jul/08 9:00 AM
   bluey  From Port Kembla    Supporting Member
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Hello Elizabeth, and may I extend my very best wishes on your special day!! Hope it is filled with warmth and loving thoughts!
11/Jul/08 9:24 AM
   Liz  From Melbourne-Australia
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Hia Elizabeth
I hope you have a fabulous day today,
your birthday.

11/Jul/08 9:37 AM
   Mary  From Bibra Lake WA    Supporting Member
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Hey Elizabeth have a good one
11/Jul/08 9:53 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm not going to wish you a great day.... Instead, I'm gonna wish you a great YEAR! And I hope they keep getting better.

11/Jul/08 9:53 AM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Elizabeth, hope you day is filled with friends, family and laughter and the coming year is even better.
11/Jul/08 10:51 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Elizabeth. I hope you have the most amazing day ever.
11/Jul/08 12:10 PM
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