Sandy from Garden Grove, CA

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Smile  Welcome!  I hope you enjoy browsing through my photo gallery.  Check back now and then as I'll be adding new pictures when I can.  Enjoy the video below.  It is a very touching story of Christian, the lion, and his keepers. Remember:  Every day is a gift . . . that's why they call  it 'the present'.  Wink

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Ame  From Pgh, PA USA
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Welcome to our website. I hope you enjoy it as much as we all do. Please post comments so we can get to know you better. Until then, take care of yourself and have a wonderful day in this beautiful country of ours!

Aimee :-)
26/Jun/08 2:10 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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to your own page, Sandy!
I have brought for your table. Please stop by my place for a visit. I love having company! I'm so glad you've joined us!
26/Jun/08 2:52 AM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL    Supporting Member
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I'm near Chicago and raining today after a break of only a week. Taste of Chicago is gearing up - big food fest - Enjoy your time on the site, Mary - dropping of some Chicago pinic favorites and one of mine -
26/Jun/08 3:22 AM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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to you to Sudokuland, along with a Strawberry Cream Cheese Pie for you and your guests.

There’s lots to do around here, places to visit and chat. I'm just around the corner; stop in anytime for more pie and a video.

26/Jun/08 5:35 AM
   Grass-hopper  From Qld
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Welcome to our little slice of the world!
This place is addictive so don't fight it, just join in the fun.
26/Jun/08 6:02 AM
   Sandy  From Garden Grove, CA
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Wow!! Thank you for so many nice 'welcomes'! Actually, I have been sudoku-ing for many years, and have been enjoying everyone's jokes, comments, recipes, etc. for quite some time! :-) I have prayed for people's hardships & surgeries, celebrated births and birthdays, and mourned with those who have lost. I feel like I already know so many of you, so I figured it was time to do a bit more than watch from the sidelines. I may not always have a lot of time to make comments, but I will when I can. Again, thank you for such a warm welcome into Sudokuland! With love, respect, and much admiration to all.
26/Jun/08 7:00 AM
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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Welcome, Sandy. My traditional page warming gift is a Redwood burl, since that's the part of the state I'm from. May it decorate your page well, and grow into a mighty tree.
26/Jun/08 7:40 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Sandy, and welcome ro an old-time lurker! It sounds like you have been around long enough to recognize every one's foibles. My traditional page warming gift is a double chocolate fudge beavertail pastry from Ottawa. Enjoy, and come visit us all on our pages by clicking on the 'Check out my page' link that follows our names. Cheers, and
26/Jun/08 7:50 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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P.S. - Where did you take the 'Bridge to Nowhere' photo. It's awesome!
26/Jun/08 7:51 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Sandy - to your own page in Sudokuland! It is great to have you with us! I have brought you a warm Rhubarb pie to welcome you.... Please stop by my place sometime for a chat. The door is always open.
26/Jun/08 8:16 AM
   Liz  From Melbourne-Australia
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G'day Sandy

to sudokuland,
I hope you have as much fun as the rest of us do,
feel free to come and visit my page anytime.

26/Jun/08 8:50 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Gday and Sandy. Great to have you here with us. I saw your post on easy, it was a lovely introduction. Really enjoyed your picture gallery too.
I look forward to seeing more of you around the pages. Feel free to drop into mine anytime by clicking on the blue 'Check out my page' link beside my name. I love having visitors and the kettle's always on.
Have fun here in Sudokuland, we all do!
26/Jun/08 9:17 AM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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and welcome here to your own page in Sudokuland. Hope you have as much fun in here as we all do, and I look forward to getting to know you. Love your Picture gallery, amazing photo's.
26/Jun/08 12:38 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi Sandy to your own page here in sudokuland. Hope you enjoy all your visitors and can find time to post occasionally so we can get to know you. ENJOY!! [we all do]
26/Jun/08 1:41 PM
   Elise  From Pt Macquarie, Aust
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26/Jun/08 7:57 PM
   Roger  From Wantage, UK
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Welcome to Sudokuland Sandy.
26/Jun/08 9:20 PM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Sandy, Welcome to your own page here in Sudokuland. Leaving a plate of chocolate chip cookies on the table. Come visit me when you have the time.

27/Jun/08 12:05 AM
   Aileen  From California    Supporting Member
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Welcome, Sandy!
I am your neighbor just a little to the south.

Enjoy some fresh-picked lemons off my tree...

Shosho suggested a SoCal Sudoku get together to include Judy/San Diego, but they're both out of town. Maybe we can plan something when she gets back from Florida?
27/Jun/08 5:16 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Sandy....Welcome! I was going to comment on your pictures,but they were all so wonderful that I would simply be repeating myself continually....also congrats on the acceptance of your fall leaves picture too....good luck!
Glad to have you join us in an active way...super! A basket of goodies representing some Philadelphia favorites such as cheese steak sandwiches and soft pretzels, and some wine to accompany it are being left as a welcome to the site/page gift...hope you enjoy! Peace.
27/Jun/08 5:46 AM
Ame  From Pgh, PA USA
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I so enjoyed looking through your photo gallery. You are quite an accomplished photographer with a good eye and artistic flair. Do you do this for a living? Also, do you and your daughters dress for the faire? I know friends of friends who do so around Pgh and from what I have been told it is quite elaborate and period perfect down to the tools, tents, clothing, food and so on. I love the flower wreaths!

BTW, noticed the Trader Joe picnic food. We just got one here in Pgh. not too long ago. They are great!

Aimee :-)
27/Jun/08 5:58 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi Sandy,
Many years ago I lived in Garden Grove, on Lamplighter Street. My oldest daughter started school at Enders Elementary. Sudoku sure does make this a small world...
27/Jun/08 6:45 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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What wonderful photos! I was trying to figure out which one I liked the best, but they are all so great, I couldn't choose
01/Jul/08 2:57 AM
   Plum  From SW Michigan, USA
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Happy one-day-belated birthday. Once a year isn't often enough to celebrate YOU, so spread it out a little .

Very great photos.
02/Jul/08 4:15 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Sandy. Belated happy birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day!
02/Jul/08 7:14 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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A belated to you, Sandy!
A belated Too!
Hope your day fun!

Your galley was lovely! I am so glad that they do birthdays on the site, because I'd have never seen them!
02/Jul/08 7:55 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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No, you didn't get a new galley for your birthday. I meant "gallery"!
02/Jul/08 7:56 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Sandy, I see I missed your birthday. Terribly sorry!
Many belated greetings to you. Can we still celebrate?
I have here a bottle of Aussie bubbly, a Choc Mud and a bouquet of roses for you.
Hope you had a wongerful day.
04/Jul/08 6:13 PM
Betty  From Boston
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Sandy.... MY s-I-L is selling ceramics at the Orange County Fair. Her name is Dee Gill. If you see a ceramics demonstration....PLEASE say "HI from your sister in law, Betty". It will drive her NUTS. Please try.
Thanks I posted this on today's page also.
12/Jul/08 2:33 AM
   Lori  From So Ca    Supporting Member
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Sandy, have fun at the OC Fair. It's a fun fair...we live in Ventura Co now, so that's the fair we go to.
Good luck with your pic!
12/Jul/08 6:01 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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How did you go today?
The suspense is killing me!!!
12/Jul/08 8:22 PM
   Vici  From California
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Sandy - WHOO-HOO! Congrats on your prize at the fair. Can't wait to see the picture that got the ribbon and the shot our hubby took of you and your prize.
13/Jul/08 3:38 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Congratulations on a job well done!!!! I can't wait to see the picture!!!!
13/Jul/08 5:51 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Sandy, Congratulations on winning the Blue ribbon at the fair. After looking at the photos on your page I can understand how you won a photographic prize. Your photos are so sharp and detailed.
I have a similar photo of the bridge on the White Pass railway. We had similar conditions in'97.
13/Jul/08 6:45 AM
   Linda  From Pioneer
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Sandy, congratulations on your ribbon. Well done!
13/Jul/08 9:00 AM
   Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Sandy, what a beautiful picture...and some stiff competition - congratulations on a job well done
15/Jul/08 2:19 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Sandy! Congrats on your winning photo! Looks like you take LOTS of good ones. I enjoyed browsing through your Gallery. Seems there are many folks in Sudokuland who are good photographers. Have you ever visited the Pages of Nal from Miami or Catherine from France? You would probably enjoy looking at their photos on Flickr - they are practically professionals in my humble opinion. Glad you have joined us here in Sudokuland. There are so many wonderful people to get to know.
15/Jul/08 2:27 AM
   Aileen  From California    Supporting Member
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Good morning, Sandy!
CONGRATULATIONS on your ribbon-winning photo!
We didn't make it to the fair this weekend, but we WERE in the traffic on the 55 Saturday night on our way to dinner in Newport Beach...

Beautiful photo! Well done!
15/Jul/08 2:44 AM
Aimee  From Pgh, PA USA
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Sany, congratulations on your recognition, your photo does stand out well from the others dispayed! You should be very proud of your accomplishment, so take a moment and give yourelf a big pat on the back. Your husband's photo is lovely also, and that sky color is unbelievable! Thank you for sharing...take care and have a wonderful day.

Aimee :-)
15/Jul/08 3:01 AM
   Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Thanks for the birthday wishes and the picture compliments. My pond looks prettier in the spring, but I wanted to post some pictures of it anyway. Here's a REAL nice "pond"!
Sending along a piece of my b'day cake for you! Enjoy!
15/Jul/08 3:47 AM
   Lori  From So Ca    Supporting Member
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It was fun taking a stroll through your photo gallery... you have some gorgeous pics! Thank for sharing.
15/Jul/08 3:48 AM
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