Anne from Albany W Australia

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 Little Beach at Two Peoples Bay, Albany

West Australia's Sunday Times, 13 Jan, 2013, quote:-

"The turquoise water and white sand of Little Beach near Albany,

has been named one of Australia's top-five secret travel spots in a national survey."

Little Beach, Two Peoples Bay, Albany

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   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Welcome to page 13 Anne!
13/May/07 2:57 AM
   andrĂ©  From england    Supporting Member
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Happy Mothers Day Anne xx
(We celebrated it on the 18th March! But I can do it again xx)
13/May/07 10:16 AM
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Happy Mothers Day!
13/May/07 10:39 AM
   Rola  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Have a great time up with your daughter and Grandies.
14/May/07 9:32 AM
   Rola  From Perth    Supporting Member
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to both Kirrilee and to Jammie
2 for the baby ladybugs.
14/May/07 9:44 AM
   Jenni  From Canberra
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Hello Anne, thanks for dropping by. Am glad you enjoyed my Youtube - Robbie Williams is a great entertainer, and I love the DVD of the concert at Knebworth. I do think that his music has gone off a little lately though, but maybe that's because I haven't seen him do it live, or watched a DVD of him singing them live.
14/May/07 11:56 AM
   Mary  From Bibra Lake West Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi Anne, have a great trip and enjoy the warm sunshine while you'll still be cold and wet in Albany on your return
15/May/07 1:53 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Anne, welcome home. I hope your journey home was painless. Thank you for taking the time to post a message on my page. Anne and I are pottering along happily, thank you. Your story of your granddaughter's party bought back memories of a sleepover party we held when we were in Port Moresby. We kept the children separate by having all the girls sleep upstairs and all the boys downstairs. All the bedrooms were upstairs so the boys slept where they could - on the furniture, mattresses on the floor, carpet, wherever. In the morning before breakfast they all went for a swim in our pool. When Anne called them in for breakfast, the girls came up straight away but the boys were reluctant to leave the pool because they were having too much fun. She couldn't get the boys to get out, so I leant over the balcony and called out 'The last boy out of the pool is a girl.' You should have seen the mass exit from the pool! It was a great party. Anyhow, welcome home.
21/May/07 3:37 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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HI ANNE! Welcome home from Wickham!! Hope you had a fantastic trip and a safe journey home!
21/May/07 4:17 AM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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Welcome back. I hope you had a nice break away in Wickham. I have left you a bunch of flowers and some white chocolate and cointreau cheesecake. Enjoy.
22/May/07 12:34 AM
   Mary  From Bibra Lake West Oz    Supporting Member
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Thanx Anne, hope you enjoyed the warm sunshine...back to Albany brrrr.
22/May/07 10:59 AM
   Rola  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Hey Anne. How was the holiday with Ladybug and family ..
Thank you to Kirilee and yourself for the Birthday Wishes.
22/May/07 11:09 AM
rj  From Melbourne
Hi Anne,
really enjoyed your photo's. Never been to Wickham - furtherest I've been is Onslow. York street still looks much the same - oh those beautiful beaches.
Fantastic sunset in Wickham. Piroshki - yum.......I'm on the next plane!
24/May/07 1:49 AM
jano  From Lebanon
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Hello Anne ,am glad you liked my photos,thank you for your visit .
24/May/07 2:00 AM
   Amelia  From Robinvale Aust
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Hi Anne have popped in for a cuppa & bought a choc cake to go with it. Have a good day.
24/May/07 8:22 AM
   Linda  From Minnesota    Supporting Member
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Hi Anne, once again great photos. The sunset photos at your house look very similiar to the sunset photo on my page. Guess we aren't so far apart are we?
25/May/07 12:40 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Hi Anne,
Just dropped in for a visit, enjoyed your pictures and seeing places I have never been before. Thank you so much.
25/May/07 4:35 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Anne. Stopped in to see your latest Flickr pictures. Beautiful, as usual!
25/May/07 10:54 AM
   Hugh  From Canberra
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Anne - Ed has it!
25/May/07 1:34 PM
   Hugh  From Canberra
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Meant to comment on your pin-cushion hakea - beautiful shrubs, arn't they!

Hope they grow in Tassie. Difficult here in Canberra, need protection from the frosts when they are young.
25/May/07 1:36 PM
   Hugh  From Canberra
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Anne - this has been posted on the site before.

Ed Keen -
25/May/07 7:13 PM
   mariane  From barooga, australia    Supporting Member
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anne thsnk you for your photos - i've got wa very high on the list when my boys leave home and i have time and money to travel! thank you for the insight into your world.
25/May/07 8:15 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Anne just had to pop in to see your photos. I think I may have said this before, but you are amazing with a Camera. Ever thought about selling some of your photos? The current picture of the Pin Cushion Hakea, would make a fantastic Jigsaw.
Keep up the good work, loving all of them.
25/May/07 11:26 PM
   Amelia  From Robinvale Aust
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Hello Anne love your pincushion such a beautiful colour have a great day.
26/May/07 11:45 AM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Anne. I have just composed a long response to your kind comments but when I looked back POOF, it's gone. D*mn. I think this is what I said -
Thanks for dropping by. Anne and I are both well but I am a little concerned that you seem to be a bit weary affter your trip. Perhaps the effort of trying to keep up with a bunch of lively grandchildren has taken it out of you? But I am sure that a good rest and a return to your normal routine will see you back firing on all six cylinders again.
I love your new photos, you show a different and revealing side of Wickham. The isolation must be a bit of a burden for your daughters.
I am jealous as heck of your Pincushion Hakea. We bought a new house when we lived in Canberra (many years ago) and I spent many months establishing a garden of only native shrubs and trees. The PH was one of my favourite plants but I was never able to get my hands on one. It remains one of my all time favourites and that is a lovely photo.
26/May/07 2:27 PM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL
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I dropped in to enjoy the flowers in your garden - mine are just now blooming. I'm a laid back grower - I pop the seeds in or the plants and hope for the best - I have a 'wild' look to my spread. Have a good day - leaving a Blue Moon beer - It's one I just discovered at the bowling lanes and enjoyed. Take care and have a good weekend. Mary
27/May/07 9:06 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Anne, I love to travel and enjoy my pictures such wonderful memories they bring. I really do love Spain but it was nice to be able to go to London and Paris this past winter. Glad it was nice when we were there. What wonderful places have you been?
27/May/07 1:23 PM
   Rola  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Hi Anne. I have just added text to my page as well. Still got to get #1 son to help me with flikr and photos !!!!
Love the picture of the Hakea... and the photo on Hard of your Daughter and the statue ..
27/May/07 6:58 PM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Your visit to my page really have pleased me too much,and when I visit Yours now I found myself stay looking a long time to this wonderful picture ofyour 'Pin Cushion Hakea',how beautiful colours? ,I like it too much.
Sure You have a wonderful garden ,hope to see One Day .
Thanks for Your visit and Your interst and You are Welcome to Your Second Home in Egypt any time You wish.
Have a very nice Day.
27/May/07 8:56 PM
   LynnDee  From WA, USA
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Hi Anne, Thank you for stopping by my new place and the Chardonnay.I took a little time to check out your pictures on flickr and they are beautiful, of course. What beautiful flowers on your Pin-Cushion Hakea and love the pics of sunsets, too. I think I may have asked you this a while back, are you a professional photographer? If you aren't, maybe you should consider it. Hope you visit my place again soon.
28/May/07 6:01 PM
   Roger  From Wantage, UK
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Hi Anne,
Thanks for the welcome. The Lat and Long of my home is 51 degrees 35 mins 43 secs North by 1 degree 24 mins and 51 secs West. Or in English, about 18 miles south west of Oxford. The town of Wantage is set on the edge of the Lambourn Downs (racehorse training country) in the Vale of the White Horse. We are on the web at I looked up your'piroshkis' on the web - I hadn't heard of them before - they sound really tasty.
Good mAEn. (It is six o'clock - not really evening but too late for afternoon)
29/May/07 3:08 AM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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from Kevin, Utah, glad we could give you a good laugh about the typo on Rola's page, I make a lot of typo's myself and some of them are very silly, and come out the wrong way, Love the pic of the pin cushion Hakea, it looks sharp but guessing it is probably soft not like cactus? Well glad to hear from you and thanks for visiting my page, always enjoy your posts on the puzzles, though most of the time I just do them and then go to work with
out commenting, mabey that will change with my new status, oh btw what is Gath talking about when he says SM's have puzzle solving tools that the others do not?
29/May/07 1:09 PM
appy  From india
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pin cushion..what a perfect name!!so now i know how/where you store all your pins!!wonderful picture..
29/May/07 7:24 PM
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Hi Anne. Don't know what happened with the email. Still using the address you have. But, we are having B-I-G pooter problems, so don't know if that is affecting it. Our ''new'' computer is supposedly now fixed but we don't have it back yet, maybe next week. Try again then, or maybe forward through others - Angie, Rosemary, Col, Fi, Ian?
30/May/07 9:59 PM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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Wonderful photo Ann.
31/May/07 12:45 AM
   Cyndi  From sc/usa    Supporting Member
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Anne, that's the best kind of fun. An 'intimate' group of ladies who knnow each other and play for the fun of it.
I don't even know anyone who owns a bathminton 'set' anymore. But I'd like to find a group of ladies interested in doing anything ogether on a regular basis. I think that's one problem with being the first to retire.
31/May/07 10:31 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Anne, I've just had another look at your pictures. They're wonderful!
31/May/07 1:49 PM
   bluey  From Port Kembla    Supporting Member
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I also love your pics Anne! Lovely group of grandchildren you have!
I used to play badminton back in the 70's but have not since, and admire your energy!
Western Aus is very high on my list of 'when I retire'. My good friend from Perth and then Karrarthur, has recently relocated to Kalgoolie, so I feel she is getting closer. (We worked together in Canberra). Anyway thanks for the photos!!
31/May/07 9:01 PM
   bluey  From Port Kembla    Supporting Member
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Anne, forgot to say that I love the pic of the girls in front of that huge truck!! My girlfriend's (whose name is Meg BTW) partner actually drives them and that is what he has gone to Kalgoolie to do!
31/May/07 9:09 PM
   Chalkboard  From FL, USA
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Thank you for the chardonnay and for the birthday wishes!
31/May/07 10:47 PM
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