Vibrant Vici from California

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   Shelley  From Ballston, NY USA
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Hi Vici, Happy Easter and thank you for the nice Easter greeting. I hope that you had a wonderful day!
13/Apr/09 10:23 AM
   Shelley  From Ballston, NY USA
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Oh my gosh I forgot to mention your winter wonderland photos. Very nice! Do you live in an area where you get snow regularly during the winter months or was your winter storm an unusual wintery event? Regardless I enjoyed all of your pictures.
13/Apr/09 10:31 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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for the lovely Easter greetings. I hope your day was blessed.
After church we spent we had our two grandson's (age 3 yrs, the other 3 months) and their parents over. A lovely day.
13/Apr/09 1:38 PM
   Shiela  From MI
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, Where'd "we spent" come from in that thought? Incomplete editing, I suppose...
...maybe I should go to bed! It's almost midnight!
13/Apr/09 1:41 PM
   dino  From Sth Gippsland    Supporting Member
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VV, thank you for your Easter wishes. If you saw my post on (Aussie)Easter Day then you will know that I have deep respect for Christianity and its traditions. I hope you had a wonderful and joyous day.
13/Apr/09 4:41 PM
   Jill  From Richfield, Ohio
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Hi Vici, thanks for the Easter Greetings. I hope you had a lovely day. I would have loved to hop around Sudokuland greeting my friends, but I had plenty of hopping to do here with 20 people in the house. (10 aged 13 or less!)
13/Apr/09 11:17 PM
   Katitude  From Brisbane    Supporting Member
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With love and best wishes for a fantastic easter. Hope the easter bunny spoilt you rotten.
Take care
Catch you soon
14/Apr/09 3:40 PM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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Thank you for the Easter greetings. I've missed my time on the site, but with projects, taxes, conferences & emergency trips to So. Cal, time for fun has been limited (I have nearly a 1000 unread messages - that is an increase of about 800 in the last 2 months & I read probably 3 times what I left unread and deleted about as many as I left unread.) Occasionally, I did get to the site to do the puzzles, but didn't have time to get caught up on puzzles or what was going on. Thanks for thinking of me, its appreciated.
18/Apr/09 2:30 AM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL    Supporting Member
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Thanks so much for the Birthday greetings, Spring has finally arrived here and I am enjoying hiking in the Morton Arboretum - the spring flowers are in bloom. Take care, Mary
19/Apr/09 7:00 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Vici darling, have I told you lately how much you make my world shine.
just doesn't seem to be enough. Not only do you visit my page with the first and wonderfully elaborate birthday greetings, you also send me a card, which was amazing BTW! I am sorry it has taken me so long to get around to thanking you, but it makes the gratitude no less heartfelt.
You are my sunshine.
25/Apr/09 3:27 PM
   fii  From NT
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You're a sweetheart Vici, always going around encouraging people.

I'm glad you enjoyed my poem. I woke up this morning Anzac Day - thought of WW1 diggers including my grandfather and the peom just tumbled out of me. :) It was good to be able to send it around the family and post it on Sudoku site.
25/Apr/09 11:58 PM
   fii  From NT
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Oops that message went too seeon. I think that my grandfather was typical of many of that generation WW1 nad also the next WW2. They saw so much and lost so many that they loved that despite the physical, mental and emotional impact that war had upon them. they determined on their return to be grateful for life and to make their lives count.

We seem to be a bit more hazy on that one im more recent generations.
26/Apr/09 12:05 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Hi Vici, have a few minutes to up date you on Harry. The operation went well, had his 3 day check up on Thursday all looked good. Go back on the 5th to have the stitches taken out. Sure hope this operation takes care of his problem.
The weather has been so nice here, until today that is. Guess it was about 3:00 when the tornado siren sounded. All we got was very heavy rain but that was enough. All my Iris are on the ground now because of the storm.
28/Apr/09 3:39 PM
JaniceM  From California
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Thank you for your very kind welcome :-)

Have a great day!
02/May/09 2:17 AM
   k (brissie)  From Queensland, Aust.    Supporting Member
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Hi Vici, thanks for taking the time to call us yesterday, it was great talking to you too. I didn't realise you were coming down under! I guess I missed that somehow. If you need a bed or guide in Brisbane let me know. I'm looking forward to meeting you -woohoo another gathering.
04/May/09 9:57 AM
   k (brissie)  From Queensland, Aust.    Supporting Member
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PS I think CynB DID eat the chicken -how could she?
04/May/09 10:06 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Thanks for the anniversary wishes! It was truely a wonderful day for us! Over 40 friends and family were with us was like icing on our cake of life! And, yes! I'm still in love after all these years!
05/May/09 12:19 AM
Aimee  From Pgh, PA USA
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Thanks for the birthday wishes, this is a big one for me (50)so I have already told my family that I will be celebrating for the whole month, or at least until my daughter's birthday which is on 5/28, I can hardly believe that I have been on this Earth for 50 years, I plan on making the next 50 (or so) very memorable for all those around me!

Take care and be well,
Aimee :)
05/May/09 12:52 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi Vici!
That's a loooong drive! And it goes right past me - well, if you count a few hours detour each way as 'right past'. It will take you a whole day at least, the detour would take it into another day. There are lots of beautiful things to see along the way though. It's so exciting that you're coming over. As your plans start to firm up we'll have to see what we can do... maybe I can get to Sydney, I think that would be closer than you driving out to the coast to see me....
05/May/09 7:57 AM
Dick  From Northern Idaho
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Hi Vici...

I'm quite familiar with Grass Valley. Have been there many times. I used to live in Granite Bay up against Lake Folsom just east of Roseville. A wolf in the wild is no fun to rum up against. Fortunately I had my .40 S&W on my hip, so if he attacked me or my Nikki, there would have been a dead wolf... law or no law. I heard they just tripled registration fees on vehicles in California. How's that working out for you?

Later... Dick
08/May/09 9:02 AM
Dick  From Northern Idaho
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Firearms and taxes were two of the biggest reasons why we left! It's nice here but we have had a lot of snow the last two years. 18.5 feet last year alone!

Later... Dick
08/May/09 2:44 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Thank you Vici for the birthday wishes. I had a lovely day with cheese cake and a movie. Thanks for being such a good friend. I wish I had some of your beautiful flowers!
08/May/09 8:57 PM
   marylinn  From Utah
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thank you for your kind mentions on the easy homepage earlier :) I appreciate it..
08/May/09 11:29 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Let us hope that I am here for more than 5 minutes....This dodgy internet connection is REALLY getting me down! It was so good to chat to you today...made my day! Hope to manage to play a bit of scrabble before we disappear of the face of the earth..........
08/May/09 11:40 PM
Dick  From Northern Idaho
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I thought you might like to know that the wolf appeared closer to home today. My neighbor next door spotted him in his meadow. Gotta keep the dog close to home tonight!
10/May/09 10:17 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Thank you Vici!!! I plan to eat out!! Told hubby that it was against the law to have to cook on your birthday!! Other than that it's business as usual (watching my kids take their state standards tests - 6 days of it!) Your little buddy,
ps I'm still jealous!!! As I said, I have first dibs to the space in your suitcase!!!
13/May/09 10:55 AM
   possum  From qld aus
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hi vici thanks for the how are you doing
14/May/09 6:38 PM
   Dorthea  From San Francisco    Supporting Member
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Crystal is working now at a new job and can't get anytime off. I would lave to come, but parking is not possible as I have a wheel chair van that wont fit into parking garages, and I don't know anything about BART. Give my love to Keith.
15/May/09 12:27 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Vici, I am so envious of your up coming trip. Have you got all the details planned? Meeting as many people as possible while seeing as much of the country as you can.
The lily from todays easy jigsaw is another easy flower to grow, they come in many colors as well.
15/May/09 2:19 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Thanks Vici for the BD parcel. xxxxxxxxxxxxx
15/May/09 5:00 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Hi V V. Ohhhh you are coming to Oz. How fantastic. I am five hours North of Sydney.
Maybe I should start thinking about maybe getting down to June's. I will see.
You will have a fantastic trip anyhow for sure.
15/May/09 10:35 PM
   Dorthea  From San Francisco    Supporting Member
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I didn't know I had to come to your page to comfirm friends. I like the idea.
16/May/09 8:25 AM
   Linda  From Pioneer
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Hi Vici - for the invite to the SF gathering. I won't be able to make it , (we're taking our grandson to see The Lion King ), but I'll think of you! Have a fabulous time.

Hey - it looks like you are going to Australia. How exciting!!
16/May/09 4:09 PM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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Hi Vici. Wow it feels like forever since I was here. I have been so busy with the chemo and radiation and have been super tired, that I haven't turned the computer on all that much. Thanks for the cute doctor.... wish some of mine looked even remotely like that!! lol
Hope you had a happy easter. I finally finished treatment last week and my skin totally broke down after treatment finished.. like the worst sunburn you could imagine. Very very painful. However it is on the road to recovery now.
18/May/09 9:30 PM
JaniceM  From California
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Hi Vici,

It looks like I will probably not be able to make it to Pier 33 (unfortunately). I'm getting a little overwhelmed looking for a job, and I live in Orange County (near Los Angeles). I wish I could go. I hope you guys have a great time. Please let me know how much fun you had as soon as you can. I hope to find out about future get-togethers in the Orange County / Los Angeles area.

Thanks! Janice
19/May/09 7:47 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Thanks Vici! Your flower pictures are beautiful! I actually went to the tulip fest with you in mind. I hadn't been to it in over 20 years. It was cloudy, extremely windy and much colder than I thought it was going to be, but the crowds weren't there yet so I could actually get close to the flowers.
20/May/09 12:26 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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for the lovely birthday wishes!
What a special group of friends I have here!
27/May/09 12:34 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Vici, that was a lot of fun going through the photos of your meet with Keith, Kathi and Rob. Thank you for sharing it with us. I so wish I could have been there...
28/May/09 4:29 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi sweetums, just popping in to let you know that one of your photos was on today's medium jigsaw. It received many oohs and aahs.
31/May/09 4:26 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Thank you so much for the lovely birthday wishes,I think it will take me ages to reply to everyone.
I was tickled pink that sudoku members took the time to e-mail me.
03/Jun/09 3:42 PM
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