dino from sth Gippsland

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Smile welcome to my page.Smile 
I don't post much these days, but I do keep in touch. Stay here as long as you like. May your day bring you joy, happiness and peace.

The book... finally finished

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   bluey  From Port Kembla    Supporting Member
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Hello Dino, and my best wishes on this your special day! Seems that this is my annual visit to your gallery also, and love your new additions. Particularly liked the photo of St Andrews with the office tower at the back, and your label, but what different areas of worship! Have a great day!!
11/Nov/10 10:21 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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♪♫♪ Happy Birthday Dino ♫♪♫

11/Nov/10 11:20 AM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Dear Dino.
Wishing you a very special and happy Birthday ,With my best wishes to you.

11/Nov/10 12:00 PM
Judy  From San Diego    Supporting Member
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, Dino! What a beautiful family you have to help you celebrate. You are truly blessed.
11/Nov/10 12:01 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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dear Dino! I hope you're having a wonderful day! To help you celebrate, here is a cake and some flowers and they're coming to you with love! Enjoy your day!
11/Nov/10 2:08 PM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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to you,
to you,
to you, dear Dino!!!
to you!
May your day be wongerful with a and lots of

to you,
to you,
to you, dear Dino!!!
to you!
May your day be special with a and lots of

to you!
May your day be special with a and lots of
11/Nov/10 3:11 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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dino - A most Happy Holiday to you and yours. Sending love and holiday hugs.
24/Dec/10 1:26 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Dino,
I really enjoy your comments and your photos on the site. Thank you. I've sent you a friend invitation as well.
I just wanted to send season's greetings to you and all your loved ones. I'm sure you celebrate Christmas, so I hope you enjoy the season and have a wonderful time, and my best wishes for a happy new year as well. Take care, enjoy, have fun and know you have friends out there thinking of you. Cheers!
25/Dec/10 8:01 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Thank you Dino. I am pleased to see you in my 'friends' list. As to religious beliefs, I believe all religions that recognize and believe in a concept of faith are good, as they offer hope, peace and fellowship to those who follow their believes. I put no weight on one over the other, but I do follow my own. Peace!
28/Dec/10 8:30 AM
   Jim  From Jupiter    Supporting Member
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As today's picture was coming into focus, I thought how well framed the bird of paradise flower was- what a perfect example of God's grace; a gift of such beauty. I thought "Dino will like this one, such balance." - And then I saw it was you who had submitted the photo.

You saw and caught the sublime in the everyday. Well done.
20/Jan/11 2:38 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Dino. It was good of you to think of me on my birthday, so I'm stopping in to thank you for the birthday wishes you sent my way. Yours and everyone else's from the site made my day extra special. Cheers, and stay smiling! Just to let you know that everyone will get the same message as it easier to copy and paste with the finger problems I have. Take care!
29/Mar/11 8:20 AM
   Jim  From Jupiter    Supporting Member
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Hi Dino,
Note your impending arrival in south Florida. Miami Intl Airport? Any sudoko agenda here?

I have never met the Miami sudokuists, I live a 90 minute drive north. I Rarely go to Miami; big cities.... vex my spirit? LOL The discord present overwhelms my ability to fully enjoy the moment.

For a place of quiet reflection near Miami go 25 miles SW to Everglades National Park Royal Palm Visitors Center. That place .... can provide spooky strong calling to the spirit (to me at least). There are a few places in this world simply walking can make you more whole; and I feel that place is one of them. It is more subtle than standing at the rim of Grand Canyon or being in contact with a 5000-year-old Redwood, but it is the same .... kharma? LOL
Of course, closer to Miami, Matheson Hammock State Park is very pretty as well.
I note your idea to post FB link on your page, I need to do that.
Jim Howe Jupiter Florida
25/May/11 11:38 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi dino, long time no chat!
Just leaving a note letting you know we are having a wee gathering on Sunday 18th Sept 11, at Bianchet Winery, 187 Victoria Road Chirnside Park. Just the usual suspects including Bean hopefully. I have also left a note on Liz's page inviting her. If you happen to be in the country at the time and would like to join us, drop a line on my page.
12/Sep/11 10:08 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Thanks for the words of encouragement about not smoking. I smoked for almost 40 years, so it has been difficult to quit. But I am determined ....
13/Sep/11 2:17 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Dear dino! Hope this greeting finds you well. Wishing you many blessings in the coming year
11/Nov/11 1:14 AM
   Linda  From Pioneer
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Happy birthday, dino. I hope you have a wonderful day and that the year between this birthday and the next is filled with peace and happiness.
11/Nov/11 1:29 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Wishing you health, love, and happiness in the coming year, Dino!
11/Nov/11 2:36 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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.. health? I sincerely hope so! That should be GOOD health!
11/Nov/11 2:39 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Dino, Special birthday wishes for a special lady who I hope will continue to celebrate with love,joy, peace and good health for many years to come.
Happy Birthday!
11/Nov/11 3:47 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Dino, Wishing you the best for the coming year.
11/Nov/11 4:31 AM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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to you
to you
dear Dino
to you

May you have a wonderful birthday. 11-11-11 at 11 is Armistice Day as well.

BTW 11-10 was my hubby's birthday - he would have been 73 this year.

11/Nov/11 4:40 AM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Anne and I wish you a very Happy Birthday. Hope to see you soon.
11/Nov/11 5:59 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Dino, I wish you all the best on your birthday! You already live a life of joy and inner peace, so enjoy more of the same next year and in many years yet to come!
11/Nov/11 6:10 AM
   Aileen  From California    Supporting Member
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Enjoy your day with your nearest and dearest♥
11/Nov/11 6:38 AM
Tony  From Wagga NSW
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Many happy returns for today Dino. hope this year is filled with joy.
11/Nov/11 8:08 AM
   Amelia  From Medowie    Supporting Member
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Dino,put on your and
11/Nov/11 10:59 AM
   Mr Cee  From New England NSW
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Hey have a great day.
11/Nov/11 11:05 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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♪♫♪ Happy Birthday Dino

11/Nov/11 11:22 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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to you,
to you,
dear Dino!!!
to you!
May your day be special with a and lots of
11/Nov/11 2:44 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Dino, hope you have enjoyed celebrating your special day
11/Nov/11 10:13 PM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Dino, thanks for the lovely message on my page. It is good to hear from you again, although it could have been on a better occasion. I am doing well, at the moment it seems OK, that he is gone, but I am not sure I have internalized that this is forever. Hugs to you, till later.
30/Nov/11 10:13 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Wishing you and your family a beautiful holiday and blessings the year long
24/Dec/11 2:08 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Dino, and I hope all is well in your life. I just wanted to wish you and all those you care for a very happy Christmas, and all the best in the year to come. Cheers!
25/Dec/11 11:56 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Dear Dino,
May your have lots of !!!! May you look forward to with family and friends. And may your life be with joy!
25/Dec/11 6:04 PM
   Mr Cee  From SEQ
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Hope you had a good day.
25/Dec/11 8:47 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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dino - wishing you many blessings in the coming year.
11/Nov/12 1:32 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Dino. We don't here from you very often anymore, but I hope all is well and that you are happy and healthy. Have a wonderful birthday!
11/Nov/12 4:42 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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to you!
to you!
dear dino!!!
to you!
May your special day have a and lots of !
11/Nov/12 5:43 AM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Anne and I wish you a very Happy Birthday Dino. We hope life goes well with you.
11/Nov/12 5:58 AM
   Amelia  From Medowie    Supporting Member
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Dino, have a wonderful fun filled day.
11/Nov/12 7:12 AM
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