CP from Canberra

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CP's Cereal Post

CoolKissAll sorts of cereals available here any time of day.Laughing

Weetbix, porridge, rice bubbles, muesli (lots of nuts and berries) and fruit loops definitely here. I'll rustle you up a coffee or tea to go with your cereal.SmileLaughingWink


Making friends with Jonesy.

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   Mary  From Bibra Lake West Oz    Supporting Member
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Hey CP, your comment 'Having a baby is easier that writing an application! (Well, for me from my end, anyway!)'reminded me of my first 'birthing experience' when a trainee nurse sat in with me to watch. She was so emotional by the end that she was crying and I felt like screaming at her'YOU'RE effing crying!!!!'
12/Jun/07 8:06 AM
Mary  From St. Louis
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Thank you for the welcome and the flower and cake. Such a friendly place.
16/Jun/07 3:17 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Hey CP, just letting you know I have emailed you details about the Bar Tour..can't wait.
17/Jun/07 11:29 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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look at what I have done.
hope you approve, if you do I will use it on site.
Can't wait till Thursday night.
18/Jun/07 10:53 PM
   Jenni  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Hi, CP. Just to let you know that I'm creating a new SA page (called Sudokuaholics Anonymous 2). You will find it in the usual place. Gath will close off comments to the old one.
20/Jun/07 1:24 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi CP. Enjoy the bar tour. but drive safely please. Hope you have fun!
21/Jun/07 9:04 AM
   Emels  From Perth
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Oh CP, Sophie just saw your avatar... and couldn't believe it!!! She wants to know if you are really naughty too!!!
25/Jun/07 6:23 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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CP, I thought I would stop by your place and say Hi! I'm glad you guys had so much fun! It must have been wonderful to get together with everyone. Hope you're having a good day! Here are some flowers to brighten it! Take care! Stop by the SA2 page anytime to chat. Cheers!
26/Jun/07 2:02 AM
   Jane  From Mississauga
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Hi CP. for the good wishes for Canada Day - I'm going to be spending it scuba diving in cold Ontario waters. I must be nuts. In case I don't have a chance on the weekend, I wish you for Sunday. From your picture, I'd say your birth year might be a little closer to Princess Diana's than mine. Interesting how this site seems to attract baby boomers and up.
26/Jun/07 1:30 PM
   Fiona  From France    Supporting Member
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hi CP - sounds like you've recovered from the weekend! thank you for my birthday wishes!
26/Jun/07 6:11 PM
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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where do I begin. thank you for all your effort and Mikes, to make my BD such a wonderful celebration,
thank you for the lovely wishes in your e-card and gift for my 50th birthday. I have great memories to keep.
receiving messages from all around the world is very humbling. I love to send the messages to others, but receiving them is something very
we share a lot here on site and I love the feeling of the huge 'sudoku worldwide family'.
To share my family celebration here in Wangaratta with some of my special 'sudoku family' was more than I could possibly ask for. We are lifelong, family friends and I cherish that.
water of course
27/Jun/07 4:03 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Happy birthday CP! Wishing you all the best, and do you realize you were born on Hope you have fireworks to celebrate as we will here in Canada!
01/Jul/07 2:18 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello CP - a very Happy Birthday to you.
to you
to you
dear Cath
to you.
Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray

Have an absolutely wonderful day.
01/Jul/07 10:51 AM
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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to you CP. I am sorry it is late. I hope you had a nice day! I have brought you a bouquet of flowers and I left them on your table. They are wild flowers. I hope you enjoy them.
02/Jul/07 3:50 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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CP, hope you had a great birthday. Another year older another year better. Since you are full of cake I will leave a platter of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Hope you enjoyed your big day.
03/Jul/07 8:11 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello CP - I think the cold is finally going and it's back to work for me tomorrow. Thank goodness I don't get colds very often if that's what I have to put up with.
How's yours going? I hope you're over it by now.
04/Jul/07 12:29 AM
   Max  From Saratoga, NY
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Thank you for visiting my page.
04/Jul/07 12:40 AM
Rufus  From Brisbane    Supporting Member
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Hi CP and thanks for saying gday.. you have a nice day
06/Jul/07 12:05 AM
Spellmaster  From Oz
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Hello CP...thanks for visiting my page and making me welcome. I've been to Canberra many times and through it many more when en route to the Snowy Mountains for trout fishing. Tell me...is the fountain by the bridge still working?
07/Jul/07 11:30 PM
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Thank you CP! I'll take both, the ift and the lift.

You know what is very odd? I keep seeing him! In his favorite corner, in his bed....very odd!

Boo has been sleeping in his bed ever since we told her he was not coming back. I tried moving the bed to a different place but she ignored it. As soon as I placed back in Rocko's place, she crawled back and went to sleep. I wish I knew what she was thinking.

Thank you for listening - it helps.
15/Jul/07 1:07 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi CP, I hear that you are ill. I hope you are feeling better soon. Take care.
19/Jul/07 10:58 PM
   Mickey  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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To Cp, Thank you very much for Kalleb's birthday wishes, he had a good day
24/Jul/07 9:10 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Gday CP, I cannot believe I have left it this long to visit your page. It was great to be able to meet your family and other Sudokuists in your photos. May I say what an absolute pleasure it was to meet you and Mike on the Melb Bar Tour. Do hope we get another chance in the future. You have been in my thoughts these last few days with your trials and tribulations. I hope you get some satisfaction from your letter to the manager.
I've brought you a bottle of bubbly, a plate of nibblies and an invitation to my page to meet the rest of my tribe. Love to see you there.
28/Jul/07 9:42 AM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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CP in response to your observation on Sukodu this morning, my day starts at 5.00, pooter for an hour, brekkie in front of Sunrise, a snooze, shower and then into the day's activities - whatever they are.
31/Jul/07 7:44 AM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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CP - couldn't remember the exact words of the 4Ts, but remembered how funny they were and appropriate for a teenager.

Stop on by for some Strawberry Pie & an old fashion laugh (Laugh-in)now playing on Utube.
01/Aug/07 11:04 AM
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi CP - While you are working hard on your birthday list, I thought you might like to add one more. My birthday is August 10. I will make the August list look bigger! August is an exciting time for my family. My oldest daughter was born on August 5 and my DIL is the 11th. We usually have one big party!

I hope all is well with you and your family!
02/Aug/07 9:08 PM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Congratulations, CP, on getting the job! How exciting, and I wish you all the best. Hope everything turns out exactly right for you.
03/Aug/07 4:05 AM
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi! I am back just to say congratulations! I hope all goes well for you!
03/Aug/07 6:22 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hello CP! Just wanted to wish you all the best in your new position and responsibilities. I'm sure you are more then deserving. You already have an exciting and rewarding ''job'' so enjoy it to the fullest. My thoughts are with you, and I do hope all continues to go well!
03/Aug/07 7:33 AM
   k  From brissie    Supporting Member
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Congratulations CP on your Level 2 appointment. I hope you find a great deal of satisfaction and enjoyment in the new position
03/Aug/07 4:38 PM
   Jaz  From Melbourne, Australia
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Hey CP! CONGRATULATIONS! WELL DONE! I AM SURE YOUR PROMOTION IS MORE THAN DESERVED! Wearing your naughty jammies to the interview would have been the clincher very becoming attire. Hope Brian is staying safe xxx
03/Aug/07 11:12 PM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Thanks, CP, for the lovely anniversary wishes--we've been having a ball these last twenty-five years (plus our 8 1/2 dating years) and look forward to keeping the fun going! Cheers to you and have a great day!
08/Aug/07 11:20 PM
   Karen  From Riesel, Texas
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Just dropped by because I am nosy. I hope you are not offended by this, but by the way you seem like you are always on the go, I expected a much younger person. I think it is the turtle icon that throws me off.
Jonesy is adoreable. Is he a pet? I have never known kangaroos to be pets. But I am learning a lot from this site. Too bad they are not the exam questions I am asked at school.
Have a great day.
12/Aug/07 9:25 AM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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CP: I hope you enjoyed the Corries. It is to bad that Roy Williamson died 17 years ago. I don't know if you caught my story about Sweetheart Abbey. The daughter of the widow pensioner that owned the B&B went with us to a pub in Dumfries. They didn't serve food there - so we settled for a bag of potato chips and ale. On the way home, the daughter told us her mother had never seen the Abbey lit. It was the 700th anniversary. So when we got back to their home, we drove mom up to see the Abbey beautifully lit up. Our reward was we were asked to join them to watch their favorite TV program - The Corries. About 20 minutes latter the daughter came in with a plate of finger sandwiches. The following morning, they were hugging us and crying as we left. So that is why I put the picture of Sweetheart Abbey with the Corries - they are forever linked in my mind.

It took me longer than I had anticipated to do the change over - kept getting 'page to long'. So I sat too long & when I got up -oooh- ouch! I'm going to go sleep on the floor again tonight - do another round of exercises and collapse.

That page change will be around till I return late next week. I'm working one of the Martha Graham Dance shows. I'll worry about which one when I get back. I rather dread the drive with my back this way. Thanks for your thoughts - it is appreciated.

13/Aug/07 8:36 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Thanks for hubby's birthday wishes. He got quite a kick out of receiving so many from all over the world. We had a great day of retail therapy, what more can you ask for!
15/Aug/07 10:06 PM
   Becky  From Ohio
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I know this is late, congratulations on your new position.
18/Aug/07 2:31 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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CP for your birthday wishes for James. Everytime my boys celebrate their birthdays I think back to their births - probably happens with all mums - that sweet little 4.3kg bundle with the squashed up face and turned over ear because he had run out of room. Sort of makes me glad I'm too old to have more. He's turning into quite a nice young man (or at least that is what other people tell me), we only get Mr Grumpy at home. Today he is Mr Happy in honour of his birthday.
20/Aug/07 1:28 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Fantastic quilt photos, CP. It never ceases to amaze me the work and dedication put into these pieces of art.
20/Aug/07 8:34 PM
   Sarah Beth  From Littleton, Co    Supporting Member
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CP, I am humbled and in awe of the talents of the quilters at this show!
21/Aug/07 2:23 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi CP! Thought I'd stop by for a quick visit tonight to see your new quilt photos. They are amazing! I don't do any quilting myself, but I sure do admire those that can create works of art like these. I must let my friend Celia, who DOES do quilting, know to come take a look. Hope all is well with you, your family. & your new job. Cheers!
24/Aug/07 12:37 PM
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