mariana from utah

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   mariana  From utah
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well, silly me! i posted a return message on my own page! duh! i must be very tired. and a bit ill. i will have to topp my own page.
20/Sep/08 3:55 PM
Judy  From San Diego    Supporting Member
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Thanks for the lovely welcome for Zeke, Mariana! You certainly have a gorgeous batch of children yourself! These days may be exhausting for you, but enjoy them ... as the years with your children truly are the best of your life!
23/Sep/08 2:22 PM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Mariana, what a mess you've had with your doors! I certainly sympathize. Our project, so I've just been told, will be finished on October 7th, which will put it at a magical 30 weeks! We've tried to stay upbeat, but are fed up with excuses and the incredible lack of empathy/contrition on the part of our designer. But it does look beautiful and the space functions well. May all our skirmishes be over with quickly! And by the way, on the Fiji thing, (you'll love this question), did you see any snakes? I'm phobic and don't want any nasty surprises slithering around. Have a great day, and thanks for sharing your "Door story" with me--nice to know I'm not alone!
23/Sep/08 11:35 PM
   elsie  From strath    Supporting Member
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Hi Mariana, what a lovely family you have. I also have 5 children, so I know how big and beautiful the task is.
PS Welcome to the site (somewhat belatedly)
26/Sep/08 1:43 AM
   elsie  From strath    Supporting Member
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Mariana - my children are 17, 15, 13, 10 and 8. The boys are the only pics I've got up there. Should put the girls on. Might go and do that now.
btw, um, don't mean to be obtuse but what or where is sa6 so I can hang out?

26/Sep/08 10:28 AM
   mariana  From utah
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our kids are similar in age. mine 17, 15, 9, 6, and 2. you had a few crazy years there! 5 kids 10 and younger! here in utah 5 kids is not such an unusual thing. however in italy i am a complete wacko. my family there can hardly believe anyone would do that. how is the reaction in perth?
sa6 is sudokuaholics6 in the forum section. see you there!
27/Sep/08 1:14 AM
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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Thank you for the birthday good wishes.
27/Sep/08 5:29 AM
   Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Wonderful pictures, Mariana! I left comments on them. The one with your kids all asleep in your bed will be one you will cherish forever!
28/Sep/08 8:42 AM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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With all my pleasure I read your very kind posts and your lovely worsd.

29/Sep/08 4:58 AM
   Alison  From Utah
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Thanks for the warm welcome Mariana. You are a great friend to get me on this site. Come up here and help me out. BTW you have the cutest kids I have ever seen, next to my own!
30/Sep/08 6:00 AM
   Angie  From Wisconsin    Supporting Member
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My kids are 10, 6, and 5. It's the 6yo who just got glasses
01/Oct/08 11:03 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Mariana! I stopped by to listen to that wonderful music. You've added a few photos since I was here last. You have a beautiful family (and a very cute dog!)
01/Oct/08 3:01 PM
   Alison  From Utah
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Hello!!! How do I talk to you?
06/Oct/08 4:21 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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KMA..... Ha, ha, ha. Being a smart a*s are you? Well done young lady!
08/Oct/08 6:58 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Aww come on, Mariane, your dog is smart enough to make you happy at odd times especially when you need it! Maybe not a show dog but our pets know us well enough to do silly things that bring a smile on our faces. Now Gin well, Katie has plenty of time that we don't. Kids do that to you but they love you more!
12/Oct/08 9:10 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Mariana...I see my smilies being used all the time. I often see the original of the smilies others use before they have been edited...with a little clever editing you could probably make them original. i do know what you mean about not wanting to steal anyones smilies. I picked up one of Kathy's and had to delete it...felt too guilty to use it!! I know she spends a lot of time searching for smilies. I sent Broni a lot before we went on the cruise.... would you like them?

I've seen these both being picked up and used since Gath approved them for me so feel free to start off with them...they are no longer solely mine. In fact it is high praise when someone picks up one of your smilies. Some of them take a lot of fiddling to get them to a size suitable for submitting. I started to use paint after A LOT of instruction from Lachie.
16/Oct/08 8:37 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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The Calvin and Hobbes photo was great! Left a comment on it for you!
02/Nov/08 5:28 AM
Aimee  From Pgh, PA USA
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Hello Mariana,
Loved your photos, your children are all adorable, and you must have your hands full! The photo of you and your husband is stunning, you make a very handsome pair, but I am certain that you've heard that one before. I am guessing that Bret has beautiful blue eyes, am I right? Don't tell him this, but he looks a little like Paul Newman in his younger years. Take care and thank you for sharing your photos!

Aimee :-)
04/Nov/08 7:44 AM
   Katitude  From Brisbane    Supporting Member
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Hi Mariana,
Many thanks for taking the time to stop by and say hello. looking forward to catching up with you in the pages.
Have a good one.

08/Nov/08 6:02 PM
   Terry  From Homewood, Il
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Hi Mariana,
From the better late than not at all file: Thank you for the welcome note two weeks back.
17/Nov/08 4:39 PM
   momofm3  From Waltham, MA
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These Flight of the Conchords are great! I've never heard of them, but I hope they become popular here.. isn't YouTube great?!
20/Nov/08 1:33 AM
Kezza  From Northam West Aust    Supporting Member
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Dear Mariana SO much for your thoughtful Birthday wishes! I am overwhelmed by the kindness of my fellow Sudokuers! I have thoroughly enjoyed your HILARIOUS video! I nearly wet myself laughing! Can't wait to show it to my hubby! Keep in touch! Thank you again! Warmest regards from Australia...
26/Nov/08 11:35 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Mariana! Thank you so much for the birthday greetings. I am enjoying my 2-day birthday celebration, although today, Thanksgiving, is the actual day. Thanks for the kind greeting and warm thoughts. Have a great day, both today and tomorrow! Happy Thanksgiving to your family!
28/Nov/08 8:39 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Mariana - just wanted you to know how thrilled I am for you and the joy you are getting AND giving through your singing.
Would love to hear you. I'm going to our local High School Chamber Choir's Madrigal Dinner on Sunday this week. A girl I am friends with is in the Chamber Choir. I'm sure I'll be thinking of you when I'm listening to them.
02/Dec/08 2:48 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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I don't think I'll be disappointed, Mariana. Our local High School (which is HUGE because of the small area and rural population) has an incredible leader who has been at his post for decades. The main choir at the school has several hundred members and it is considered very "cool" to be part of it. The Chamber Choir is the best of them and they travel around the state and to Europe to perform.
My favorite part of the bigger performances I have attended is the last song. It is a song that everyone has learned over the course of this teacher's tenure and is always performed at the end of each concert. The Alumni are invited down to the stage to join in the singing and the other choir members work their way out into the tiered concert hall - taking places all amongst us to sing the final song. It always gets me all choked up! But I'm a weenie and I get choked up easily!
03/Dec/08 1:02 AM
   Kate  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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Hi Mariana, thank you so much for your birthday greetings. I feel very lucky to have received messages from so many parts of the world and have had quite a special day.
04/Dec/08 5:52 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hi Mariana! I was wondering if "My Family" is the English show with Zoe Wanamaker and Robert Lindsay? If that's the one then I also find it hilarious. :)
Enjoyed looking at your photos - your family is gorgeous! Also love your new house - hope the work is finished without too many hassles.
07/Dec/08 1:56 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Mariana! I'm slowly catching up on Sudoku after our long trip through Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, & Cambodia. Thank you for your birthday greeting on Dec. 4. I had a wonderful day which began when we watched the sun rise at Angkor Wat in Cambodia - unforgettable! We took MANY pictures which I will try to whittle down to our favorites & post on Flickr as soon as I can find time. Meanwhile, Rob & I would like to wish you & your family a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. It will be 2009 before we know it!
14/Dec/08 11:03 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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for the birthday wishes Mariana. There was a lot of love in my day!! Love your avatars.....and your youtube!
15/Dec/08 6:36 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Mariana, just stopping by to wish you and your family
17/Dec/08 7:11 AM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Hi Mariana
Sending lots of wishes to your son. I know he will have a great day.
17/Dec/08 11:11 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi Mariana...just popping in to leave a message for Henry and hope you have had a wonderful day.
Hi Henry.. I hope your mum has been baking....
What more could a boy want.... he he
17/Dec/08 12:03 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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ooh...lost track of my smilies...don't tell me I have wished 2 puppies on you....but soooooo cute...
17/Dec/08 12:05 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Henry, hope you have a wonderful 7th birthday. Save me a piece of

Since I don't live near you, eat an extra piece and say it is mine
17/Dec/08 2:08 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Henry! ...or should I say Calvin! Hope you have a wonderful celebration with your family and friends!!
17/Dec/08 2:42 PM
   Lee  From Cleveland Qld Aust    Supporting Member
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Just popping in, better late than never, to wish your son a By the look of your family in your photos I'm sure you will all make sure he has a fantastic day . All the best
17/Dec/08 9:47 PM
   andrĂ©  From england    Supporting Member
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Just popped in to say thank you, rather belatedly, for my birthday wishes.I haven't been on the site for quite a while and have only just got round to thanking everyone. I hope all is well with you. Have a wonderful Christmas and a peaceful New Year.
19/Dec/08 2:39 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Wishing you all the very best for the Festive Season

20/Dec/08 8:03 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Hi Mariana - wishing you and your lovely family a wonderful and safe Christmas. Enjoy! But above all, take care on those mountain roads!!
20/Dec/08 9:31 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Mariana, may the Christmas spirit bless you and your family and the New Year be filled with joy and prosperity! Merry Christmas!

ps: have a wonderful time visiting your family!
20/Dec/08 11:05 PM
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