Sarah Beth from Taos Mesa

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   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Sarah and a great big
Love the youtube.
12/Jun/07 8:47 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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didn't realise but I managed to get you onto a
12/Jun/07 8:48 PM
   Dave  From Oregon/Arizona    Supporting Member
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Thanks for the visit Cowgirl. Linda and I love Colorado and have talked about relocating there but really enjoy Oregon. We have the best of both in a beautiful place and travelling in our RV to places we enjoy. Can't get much better than that. We just got back for Moab UT, not in CO but just down the road...
13/Jun/07 9:19 AM
Floss  From Hawks Nest    Supporting Member
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Hi Sarah, loved the country boys clip, I was in the front row with billy and angie also, one of my favs is John Michael Montgomery, when he sings 'I could love you like that' I swoon, melt, knees go to water, etc.
13/Jun/07 10:14 AM
   Sandra  From LA/NC
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hi Sarah Beth, saw your post from yesterday (6/14) and just wanted to send a word of encouragement about the job. i, too, have applied for a job i really really wanted, but it's been 3 weeks and i haven't gotten an interview nor a 'dear reject' letter. i guess we both will get the job that we're supposed to have, not necessarily the one we want. hang in there = it WILL happen! visit my page anytime!
14/Jun/07 10:18 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Cool You Tube Sarah Beth. I've never heard of Cowboy Crush before. Are they a local band? Surprised to see them singing a country twang rock song.
15/Jun/07 6:09 AM
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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Hey Sarah ~ You didn't get the patient smilie?
or Gath didn't put it through?chat later ok...
15/Jun/07 6:16 AM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL
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Sarah Beth, Just dropping in with a shout out from IL. I've only been to the 'springs' but loved the horsebacking riding in the 'Garden of the Gods' Enjoy you day - love you cowgirl. Mary
15/Jun/07 9:02 AM
   Fiona  From France    Supporting Member
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Hi Sarah Beth - thank you for my birthday message!
26/Jun/07 6:10 PM
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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hey Sarah ~sorry I didn't get here sooner ,I was going to send you a smilie I know you will love but my emails not working or my IM,tomorrow I hope I wanted to chat about your trip and what all happened but my thangy's broke! Chat tomorrow ok,hey I got Phil Vassar on the tube ''take that as a yes''
27/Jun/07 4:27 PM
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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Hey there Sarah ,very nice fireworks display
Hope you had a great time with the gals and got to relax
hey that Plil Vassar is still on my page but I had to change it to the live version ,the one I had wouldn't load...hate when that happens!
03/Jul/07 2:02 PM
   Fiona  From France    Supporting Member
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you must be very excited!! But not much longer to wait - I guessed early for the date, as it's a first baby she may be a little later...! Hope all goes well for her, sure it will x
06/Jul/07 3:28 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Oh Sarah Beth, you are in for a wonderful surprise. Remember that first moment when you held your child for the first time? Well get ready for another rush of emotions! When I hold my grandson I can feel so much love that I will burst any moment. You'll love it, even if you are a bit young for the experience. Don't argue, we're all too young to be grandmothers. But we all have a HUGE capacity for love!
06/Jul/07 4:57 AM
   jamie  From aggieland texas    Supporting Member
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Sarah Beth - Looking forward to hearing stories!
06/Jul/07 8:24 AM
   Deb  From Calamvale
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Hi Sarah Beth......hhhmmmm, thinking I should change the weight but I will go with what I have said. There is nothing more beautiful than a woman with child and this photo is just perfect.
06/Jul/07 9:27 AM
   Tami  From Florida
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Sarah Beth, whenever the baby is born I hope he is healthy and that your daughter has an easy delivery. Babies are a blessing. Wishing you lots of luck with your new grandson.
07/Jul/07 9:38 AM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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just popping in very quickly to check out the photo before I put in my guess for the comps.
I have a very strange feeling this little young man is going to be very very spoilt by you.
on and BTW can you let me know if you like the smilie I have for you?
09/Jul/07 2:42 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Sarah Beth! Have been enjoying your pictures, the competition, and your UN-birthday! Just thought I should comment on today's picture, though. Hope Bergen's daddy doesn't do too much bike riding - or there won't be any/many siblings for Bergen. JK!
We kid our SIL about it, too.
10/Jul/07 2:15 AM
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Hope your Grandson does not make his arrival until after I have had time to post my guess! - It's midnight in Miami and I must get to ZZZZZ

I posted an update in my page. Knowing so many are praying and sending positive thoughts Rocko's way helps tremendously.
11/Jul/07 2:06 PM
Ian  From Boston
Assuming you're talking about dates (and not dinner parties or that sort of thing), when I was just starting to date in my teens, my older sister (funny thing, though, she's my little sister now,) told me in no uncertain terms that I should never arrive exactly on time. Five-ten minutes late was just perfect, because the woman was probably scurrying around at the last second. But if I was going to be more than 15 minutes late, I had better call. I have seldom broken that rule in the following forty years.
12/Jul/07 9:07 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Sarah Beth, somehow the date I guessed is not on your list. Not that it really matters since I never guess right, but I thought I would let you know.
14/Jul/07 7:54 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Sarah Beth. You must be getting anxious aboot Ashsley. Hope you are holding up, and hope the birth goes smoothly. With her size in the photos you showed, it might be twins!
14/Jul/07 9:12 AM
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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Sarah Beth ........any reason why my guess was missing from your list today??

boooo hoooooooooooooooo
17/Jul/07 10:16 PM
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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Never mind (just joking - not grumpy)

But it DOES look like I got in before the cutoff by Gath phewww.

Good luck to Ashley anyway. (I have an Ashley - but he's a boy)
17/Jul/07 10:21 PM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Hi Sara Beth, Thank you very much for the birthday wishes, I had a very nice day. Went to my favorite Mexican resturant, even had dessert 'flan' yum, yum.

19/Jul/07 5:33 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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How wonderful Sarah Beth! A new grandson! I'm sure Ashley and her mate are over-joyed, as I'm sure you are too! Glad everytthing went well. Now I'll check for the photo! Cheers!
20/Jul/07 8:06 AM
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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congratulations to your son and DIL and the rest of the family on the safe arrival of Bergen Michael. he is cute, cute cute.
20/Jul/07 8:36 AM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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CONGRATULATIONS - He is beautiful! Be proud and spoil him rotten!!!
20/Jul/07 9:02 AM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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CONGRATULATIONS to You, Ashley and your Son on the safe arrival of Bergen Michael.
20/Jul/07 10:19 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Congratulations Sarah Beth! I'm sure Ashley is so happy that Bergen has finally made his appearance in this world! God bless him and his family!
20/Jul/07 10:35 AM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Please pass on my congratulations to your son and DIL, Beran is adorable.
20/Jul/07 11:08 AM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Bergen not Beran.
20/Jul/07 11:09 AM
   vdV  From Melbourne
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Congratulations on the new Grandchild.
Beautiful photo.
20/Jul/07 11:14 AM
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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Sarah Beth !
20/Jul/07 12:25 PM
   Rola  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Congratulations Sarah Beth, with the birth of your Grandchild.

Bergen Michael

20/Jul/07 1:05 PM
appy  From india
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Congrats Sarah..blessings and best wishes for baby Bergen and DIL..
20/Jul/07 1:06 PM
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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Sarah Beth ~ no wonder Ashley was so uncomfortable and big as Bergen is! He's one big baby!
20/Jul/07 1:17 PM
   Deb  From Calamvale
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Oh, he is just gorgeous and a biggun
Congratulations to you and to the new parents. It's hard work but worth every minute of it (even being the Grandmother). What are you going to be called?
20/Jul/07 5:25 PM
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Congratulations Sarah Beth and family. Welcome to the grandparents club - certainly one of the best we've ever joined!!
Bergen Michael.
20/Jul/07 11:33 PM
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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It's kind of a pity Mr P isn't in Colorado Springs right now as he was meant to be - his trip got cancelled. But he leaves for Washington DC next Sunday for a month, then 2 weeks in Holland.
20/Jul/07 11:36 PM
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