Vibrant Vici from California

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   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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hey, I'd better take this across to a new page -
- with one of my 'C' smileys.
24/Nov/08 3:24 PM
   Colleen  From Kelmscott West Aust
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Hi Vici - thanks for your kind comments about my photos. It was a very pleasant night.
24/Nov/08 5:04 PM
Kezza  From Northam West Aust    Supporting Member
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Dear Vici SO much for your kind birthday greeting! My page isnt fancy yet, as I am only NEW to Sudokuland! I am overwhelmed by the Birthday wishes from kind folk whom I havent met! PLEASE keep in touch! I have thoroughly enjoyed my visit to you page, and your "Don't Quit" poem is more timely than you could ever imagine as I am going through some pretty tough trials at present, but I sure won't quit! Thank you AGAIN! Warmest regards from Australia
26/Nov/08 6:51 AM
Kezza  From Northam West Aust    Supporting Member
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Dear Vici... SO much for your lovely note! I am truly touched by your kindness and the well wishes of my fellow Sudokuers! I KNOW that God has His hand upon my life and that with His help I can endure ANYTHING! I KNOW that He has a MUCH better year in store for me! I greatly appreciate your thoughts and prayers! HUGS from Western Australia
26/Nov/08 3:51 PM
Kezza  From Northam West Aust    Supporting Member
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Dear Vici...I dont know WHAT I've done, but somehow I managed to get my message onto your page...TWICE! I think I am getting "trigger happy" with ALL of the Birthday greetings to respond to! LOL! I have had a BALL!
26/Nov/08 3:52 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Vibrant Vici! Thank you so much for the birthday greetings. As always, birthdays here in Sudokuland last 2 days, so I really don't start celebrating until tomorrow. Thanks for the kind greeting and warm thoughts. Have a great day, both today and tomorrow!
27/Nov/08 3:24 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello there Vibrant Vici!!! I hope you had a very nice Thanksgiving Day! Ours was quiet considering we have 9 people here. I hope you have a great week-end!
29/Nov/08 12:47 AM
   Katitude  From Brisbane    Supporting Member
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Hi Vici,
Happy Thanksgiving. Hope you had a lovely day and enjoyed the festivities.
We have our itinerary at the travel agent for a quote at the moment, but it's roughly like this: LA, San Francisco, New York, Washington, Niagara Falls, then driving back to LA via route 66. Itinerary may change, but that's the basic plan. Staying at various points along the way and then about six days in Hawaii on the way home. all up about 6 weeks + Hawaii. The plan at the moment is for April/May but could end up being May/June or July/August. I know that makes it hard, but a lot of things are up in the air at the moment. It was supposed to be this year for our 25th Wedding anniversary, but I had an accident at work and we couldn't go. Now it depends on how much the travel agent comes back with and what the dollar is doing. We will still be coming over, but the trip may need to be shortened a little.
Hopefully, we will pick the quote up today and I will have more info!!
Will let you know.
29/Nov/08 7:54 AM
   fii  From NT
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Hi Vici,

An ark - now there's a thought... but I think that one has been played before and God promised not to do it again. The cyclone season is coming. I just pray that any big ones will miss the populated areas.

Hope that life is treating you well. You've certainly been dancing around the pages of Sudoku in a big way ... Enjoy.
30/Nov/08 7:32 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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hey yah...ow wud ya be?..
Cute avatar...must go shopping for stockings...would go nicely in my advent calendar...
[might steal yours if I can't find one!!!...I mean...what are friends for]
01/Dec/08 12:22 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Oh NOooooooooooo...just read Katitudes post above...I am sooooooooooooooooo JEALOUS!!!
01/Dec/08 12:25 AM
   HalT  From S Carolina
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Hi, Vici. Thanks for all of your kind comments on my pix. Yes, we were in Phoenix at the right time for flowers. We have been to Sedona 3-4 times and see something new every time. Poop? Are you saying my pix look like...
I have submitted one pic for the 'Tough'. It took eight months to appear; and all that time there were many repeats. Go figure. So, no, I havn't been submitting other than to my page.
I took a look at your gallery. I liked the scenes from the mountains. Especially the Wallowa mountains with the fence in the foreground. Cheers.
01/Dec/08 7:57 AM
   Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
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Dear Vici,

Words cannot adequately express how thankful I am to have such good friends in times like this. The outpouring of love and prayers from the site has been nearly overwhelming. Thanks so much for caring!

♥ Jane
02/Dec/08 8:02 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Vibrant Vici! Please keep your vibrancy vibrating! I'm so sorry I seem to be insensitive to your ulcer. I just haven't been reading posts - just the occasional pop-in and say HI! Both FIL and hubby have dealt with ulcers, so know it's not a good situation. At least they now know they're caused by a virus (I think - or is bacteria?). They used to tell FIL to drink milk and coat his stomach. Anyway, please know that we all want you to feel better! You've had a couple of hectic weeks, and maybe you're stressing out a bit over the holidays. Remember: NOTHING is more important than your health. Everything else can wait. Please take care of yourself! Hugs! (((((Vici)))))
02/Dec/08 8:45 AM
   mariana  From utah    Supporting Member
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every once in a while i am pleasanty surprised by an incredibly good high school choir. you may be in for quite a treat. enjoy!
02/Dec/08 5:41 PM
   Rena  From ChristinaLake,BC,Can
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Hi Vici. Thanks for the birthday wishes for Amber. After our flight, she had a surprise party at my niece's.
So glad you could join us at Gail's BBQ. It was nice to be able to talk to you.
03/Dec/08 7:39 PM
   Kate  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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Hi Vici, thank you so much for your birthday greetings and especially for the cake!! I opted for red wine at lunch with friends....thought it was better for me! It was lovely to see you at Gail's but someone was hogging the speaking bit, so I could only look at you looking beautiful in your tiara!
04/Dec/08 8:19 PM
   elsie  From strath
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Thankyou for your birthday wishes. I had a wonderful day.

Just in case I don't pop back in soon - I hope your preparations for Christmas don't spoilt your celebrations. Have a wonderful and blessed Christmas.
05/Dec/08 10:11 AM
   Colleen  From Kelmscott West Aust
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Hi Vici - it looks like the get together was a "hoot" and everyone looks great. Nice to see people that you read comments from. Have fun preparing for Christmas.
06/Dec/08 11:13 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Hey Vici! Thank you for your wonderful message! Yep mom's back in the nursing home and going to bedevil the nurses there. But at least she's ok for now. You know I'm going to have to get some Christmas smilie now that I'm back in the mood for a jolly one! You know when you come down south I do have a guest room and breakfast in on the house, literally, the way I cook!
07/Dec/08 1:15 PM
   Zoki  From Sydney
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for birthday wishes for my son, we had a great day. Gathering with family and close friends.
08/Dec/08 1:51 AM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL    Supporting Member
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Hi Vici, I'm lounging at home today -- little uneady in not helping out at work -- but it has been so stressful there -- I need to time to myself -- and of course, my house is calling me to put up my Christmas items and get my gift list together -- enjoy your day. Mary
08/Dec/08 3:48 AM
   Colleen  From Kelmscott West Aust
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Hi Vici - thanks for visiting my page and commenting so kindly on my pictures.
08/Dec/08 9:12 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Your wonderful surprise arrived today.
You are such a special person.
I am glad I have met you.

08/Dec/08 9:15 PM
   eaa  From Tassie
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Hi Vici, this fuzzy wittle nose has been busy. We have had a fair bit of rain so the weeds and lawns are growing flat out. We have had no summer as yet a lot of grey days.
yesterday i had my grandson for the day. i took him tiddly fishing, had a ball. he is a joy to gave. i will miss his innocence 'cause now he says it as he sees it. 30 is old, gran [that me]walk funny. then i showed him the bruise on my ankle, where i was kicked my a cow. then he gave the bruise a gentle kiss to make it better.
my birthday is nearing he said i will be 38,now thats really old.
just flid through your pics look like the get together was a blast.
09/Dec/08 11:01 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Oh Wow! Vici. I came here to thank you for your lovely comments on my reunion pics and just saw your wnderful Christmas YouTube - glorious!
Also thanks for the card - it arrived on Friday - posted mine to you today, so hope it makes it to you by 25th!!
09/Dec/08 4:19 PM
   Amelia  From Salt Ash    Supporting Member
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Thank you Vici for your birthday wishes it cheered me up no end. I will have to get around to updating the family photos as my dancing grdaughter has blossomed into a beautiful teenager they had their concert last week and Danielle got the most outstanding improvement award for the school guess who's the proud Grannie.
11/Dec/08 9:11 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Vici, I just took a look at your SF photos & enjoyed them so much. I left a few comments. Judy's comment about the pic where he's facing backward cracked me up. I was glad you included the name of the cute surfer (the first one) who posed with us. I remembered it was kind of unique, but I just couldn't think what it was! What's this I see above about ulcers? Hope you are feeling better.
12/Dec/08 12:06 PM
Kristy B  From Everett, WA
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Thanks for the greeting. It's amazing how many wlcomes I've received.
12/Dec/08 1:18 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Vici - You wants to be fwends with me? Thank you - I'm honoured! :)
I don't know what you mean by "silliness" though - doesn't everyone talk like that? ;)
(Sorry you missed the dance - it was brilliant!)
13/Dec/08 11:11 AM
   dino  From Sth Gippsland    Supporting Member
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Oh, the comments are back again. I've sent you a personal message, so meanwhile.... may all your dreams come true.
13/Dec/08 3:31 PM
   Shiela  From MI
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Yes! A hot toddy would hit the cold spot! Just in time for when we go get our Christmas tree! We usually cut it ourselves! Brrrr! I usually make my hubby look at every tree at the tree farm! Twice! So I think I'll save it for when we get back!
14/Dec/08 3:44 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi Vici, for the birthday wishes. It was so wonderful to see your smiling face on my page. You spread good cheer wherever you go!! Leaving some left over for you to enjoy.
14/Dec/08 8:20 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Vici! I'm slowly catching up on Sudoku after our long trip through Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, & Cambodia. Thank you for your birthday greeting on Dec. 4. I DID have a wonderful day which began when we watched the sun rise at Angkor Wat in Cambodia - unforgettable! I have posted only one picture of our trip on my page so far, but I will try to whittle down the thousands of pictures we took to just our favorites & post them on Flickr as soon as I can find time. Meanwhile, Rob & I would like to wish you & your hubby a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. It will be 2009 before we know it!
14/Dec/08 1:26 PM
   Jim  From Jupiter    Supporting Member
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Thanks for stopping into my gallery and commenting on my corn harvest series of photos! When I took them, sudoku was far from my thoughts. I was thinking of getting pictures of my son's grandfather at his trade for my boy. In 30 years he may find them fascinating. I am glad you did today.

I found your series of photos of the California get-together a lot of fun to look at - tho not nearly as much fun as all in the group seemed to be having. You and shosho in the 'tall and short' pic seem to be having a ball! You look great in a tiara .
15/Dec/08 3:09 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Vici, I'm so sad.
I wasn't even going to log in this morning but I just had to see if there was any response to all the feelers I put out for her last night.
I can't believe another of us has gone. Earlier this year, one of our dear SA friends passed away, Lynda from Perth, and I feel as in shock now as I did then.
Thank you for coming to see me. Even though you have brought the tears on, I really feel it needed to happen.
17/Dec/08 8:23 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Vici. You have some beautiful white photos in your gallery!! I've dropped in to wish you a wonderful Christmas and a rip roaring I hope brings you exactly what you want!
We're going Up-the-River for the weekend, then back here Sunday or Monday; off to Wagga Wagga on Tuesday for Christmas with P's family. Back here Boxing Day, then Up-the-River again till after New Year! So I'll "see" you again next year!
17/Dec/08 10:57 AM
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Just popped in to say thank you, rather belatedly, for my birthday wishes.I haven't been on the site for quite a while and have only just got round to thanking everyone. I hope all is well with you. Have a wonderful Christmas.
18/Dec/08 8:43 AM
Lindy  From Townsville
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Just wanted to thank you personally for the birthday wishes last weekend. I hope that you and yours have a wonderful Christmas.
19/Dec/08 7:44 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Vici!
Just stopping by to wish you and your family a
19/Dec/08 8:40 AM
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