Jim from Jupiter

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Thanks for visiting! Pick a wild animal species and become its benefactor. I help turtles. Perhaps you might want to save Tassie Devils, or endangered Florida Panthers, or something small and not well known that only lives near you. We humans now impact every living thing... we have a moral obligation to be good stewards.

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jeb  From ks
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Just read your report on the casino people eater.
Why in the world was the alligator killed for doing what alligators do? It should have been awarded all the tasteless chicken it could eat for the rest of its life. I remember a favorite phrase from an old chief gunner's mate. "F*** with the bull, you get the horn."
16/Nov/07 5:31 PM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Jim - I am stopping by to wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving. I have left a bouquet of Fall colored flowers on your table for you.
21/Nov/07 11:34 PM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA
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Happy Thanksgiving, Jim
22/Nov/07 7:20 AM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Jim, just stopping by to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving.
22/Nov/07 1:29 PM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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22/Nov/07 4:57 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Wishing you and your family a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving! Hope your day reminds you of all of the wonderful things we have for which to be thankful!
23/Nov/07 4:42 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Jim, wishing you and your loved ones a very Happy Thanksgiving.
23/Nov/07 9:10 AM
   Angie  From Wisconsin
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Jim, somehow you sneaked onto my page without me knowing. Thanks for the chuckle about Hooved Rats. My dad still calls deer that!

Wasn't aware that you worked with sea turtles. I've never seen one (besides the pictures on the net and of course in the movie Finding Nemo, lol) When I was much younger, my grandparents used to make turtle booyah with snapping turtle meat. Of course, that was before they were endangered. We make do with chicken and beef now :)
04/Dec/07 10:54 AM
   Rayray  From Yorkshire    Supporting Member
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Dear Jim,
When you mentioned you had new pictures on your gallery I took a look here. They are a very fascinating collection of pictures.
I came across green turtles in the Torres Straits where they now farm them - on York Island. This maintains their natural numbers against hunting -for they are a popular food item among island Melanesians. In that they rescue hatchlings that would otherwise be lost to predators in their early days - so it a very worthwhile strategy.
10/Dec/07 2:02 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Jim! Came by for a look at your latest pictures. Enjoyed all, but liked that white tiger & the birds the best! Is that Anhinga a rare bird? - never heard of them before. He's quite unique! Glad we made it through hurricane season without a major hit in FL this year. Merry & to you & your son.
11/Dec/07 2:41 PM
Julie  From IL, USA
Hi, Jim! I'm getting caught up on missed comments during my time without a computer. (I'm still on borrowed time.) You mentioned your new pictures, so I came here to see them. Your picture of the Veterans Memorial in Dixon, IL, is about 3 or 4 blocks from where one of my nephews lives. What brought you to Dixon, if I may ask? I visit the area 4 or 5 times a year, as my sister is in the next town - Sterling. Hope all is well for you in Jupiter! Have a wonderful holiday!
12/Dec/07 3:43 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Thank you Jim, I have thoroughly enjoyed my trip through your photos. Fascinating.
Were you devastated when the centre closed down earlier this year or was it a move for the better?
12/Dec/07 10:52 PM
   Jim  From Jupiter
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The Loggerhead Marinelife Center did not close; we moved into our new building in April. It was a tremendous move for the better. The old facility was so run down it had become dangerous.
You can see pictures of the new center on www.marinelife.org
13/Dec/07 1:06 AM
   Jim  From Jupiter
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Julie, I have been coming to Dixon since 1982, back when I was still engaged. My in-laws live on a farm between Dixon and Sterling near Sauk Valley Community College. My own parents are dead and so is my late wife, so I treat my in-laws like my parents now. Besides, they only have one grandchild... my son!
14/Dec/07 5:06 AM
jeb  From ks
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I'll put this right on your page rather than hope you trip over it on the easy page.

Your shotgun barrel bounced me right out of my chair and I'm still trying to catch my breath. Funny, funny!

I lost my dad this past spring to just plain old worn out heart failure. He went easy and peaceful and we all knew it was comming, but it still doesn't make missing him any easier. Remembering the good along with the bad and finding good humor in a life well spent, I think, helps.
16/Dec/07 5:31 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Jim & Will
Wishing you and you both a
wonderful, safe and relaxing time
over the Christmas Season.
May 2008 bring you both
Love, happiness and fulfilment.
From all here at Foxhaven Resort

PS: I'll keep the 1900 turned on. LOL
16/Dec/07 10:44 PM
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Have a wonderful Christmas Jim and the happiest of New Years xx
17/Dec/07 8:10 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU
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Have really enjoyed your photos - I'll be back to study them more at my leisure. Love all the wildlife - keep up the good work. Ciao.
17/Dec/07 10:59 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Jim, and all the best to you. May you and all you care for enjoy happiness and peace during this festive season and in all days to come! Best wishes for a Merry Christmas!
19/Dec/07 11:38 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.

20/Dec/07 10:21 AM
bert  From bwi    Supporting Member
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Jim, Knock! Knock! Anybody home? It's a special time of year. Have you any room for a little bubbly? Well, then. I will leave this case of Veuve Clicquot Brut. I hope this messsage finds you and your family in the best of health and spirits. You are always a delight on the site. Celebrate the season.
21/Dec/07 5:27 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Jim, Wishing you and your family, health, peace, love, and happiness during this Christmas Season and throughout the New Year! Merry Christmas! Stella & family
24/Dec/07 1:30 AM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL
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Just dropping in to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Enjoy your day, Mary
24/Dec/07 2:45 AM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Dear JIM.
Wish You,
Merry Christmas,
Happy New Year.
24/Dec/07 3:15 AM
   ceecee  From florida
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Hi Jimmy,
I hope you and the young prince had a memerable Christmas and some of your wishes were granted. I know mine were.
Happy Holidays!
27/Dec/07 8:26 AM
   Geo  From So. Cal.
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Finally.....they'll (sulcatas) get some recognition from the master.....LOL
30/Dec/07 3:15 AM
   dino  From Sth Gippsland    Supporting Member
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Jim, dropped by to enjoy your pics and the kind energy you send out.
and a Happy New Year.
30/Dec/07 7:13 PM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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Stopped by to wish you good cheer
Brought a little bubblie here
May your toast be great
For two thousand eight
May you have a very

Hope your Christmas was blest.
No resolutions to obsess
It is not too late
For to celebrate
Our Lord Saviour’s Righteousness
01/Jan/08 5:10 AM
Kate  From Sydney (Lane Cove)
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Jim and your family in Jupiter!
Best wishes for 2008!
01/Jan/08 10:43 AM
   Tami  From Florida
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Jim, I was at Metrozoo on Saturday, 1-5. For me it is about a 45 min. trip. We have a membership there as my kids love nature. I think the aviary is their favorite. I always have to visit the Australia area. Actually saw the koala move its head.
08/Jan/08 5:49 PM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Jim, one, let us know when Jonas the turtle goes back to the sea. Two when you hold a turtle up in the picture, it's more respectful if you hold his head to the camera, not his butt! Ah, I think that was his . . . wait a minute . . . could that have been his head? Oooops! maybe he should pop out a nose to let us know which end is which, no the nose might look too much like the tail. Oh now I'm so confused I don't know which end is up!
24/Jan/08 3:02 PM
   Lynda  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Jim why would one want to save feral felines? By that I mean wild once domestic cats and their offspring.The casualties caused by these cats here in Western Australia is huge, they are responsible for the demise of many small native animals. Incidently are the beef cans full? Keep up the good work.
25/Jan/08 11:46 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Jim, I expect that Jonas will be released with some fanfare. Please let me know. I have a little boy who is struggling in math right now and knowing that a turtle with his name is going to be freed will raise his spirits. Thanks, shosho
25/Jan/08 4:07 PM
   Amelia  From Robinvale Aust    Supporting Member
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Hi Jim, I have just viewed your photos they are fantastic you must have had a wonderful trip. Keep up the good work with the sea turtles.
25/Jan/08 7:44 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi Jim, loved your photos, though the last one didn't seem to fit with the others... You do some amazing work, including your photography skills.
26/Jan/08 7:07 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I did wonder Jim, thanks for the explanation! I have a mink coat that I will never wear - don't believe in them - but I inherited it from a great aunt and can't bear to part with it. It hangs in my closet as a reminder of both my aunt and my hypocrisy.
26/Jan/08 7:47 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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That came out wrong - meant to imply that my original comment wasn't supposed to sound judgemental, and ended up sounding even more judgemental!! Sorry about that!
26/Jan/08 7:50 AM
Jyrki  From Finland    Supporting Member
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Thanks for sharing your memories of Harry Carey, much appreciated.

30/Jan/08 1:43 AM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia
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Hi Jim,
Don't think we have been introduced yet.
Like your comments.
Only learning this site.
Take care,
Broni & Bella Basset
30/Jan/08 11:10 PM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Jim! Thanks for your visit. Thank you also for taking a look at my pictures. I will change my label when I leave here on the Sandhill Crane. It was so much fun last summer to watch the baby grow! These birds have been coming to our neighbors for several years now, but this was the first time we have seen any babies! Their property has water on it and part of their land is very wet! We have a lot of wetlands here in our area. (And mosquitoes to go with them)

I am glad you enjoyed looking at my musical instruments. I joined a mountain band about 4 years ago here locally. We have a lot of fun getting together in the summer and playing our music.

Where is Jupiter in Florida? East or West Coast? Are you near Miami? My parents live in Cape Coral.

02/Feb/08 2:55 AM
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