Jim from Jupiter

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Thanks for visiting! Pick a wild animal species and become its benefactor. I help turtles. Perhaps you might want to save Tassie Devils, or endangered Florida Panthers, or something small and not well known that only lives near you. We humans now impact every living thing... we have a moral obligation to be good stewards.

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   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Hi Jim, Sorry didn't mean to upset you.
I googled my info from www .fdrproject.org/pages/toads.htm
Which says a box were sent from Hawaii to Babinda in Qld. If they came from Hawaii, they were possibly brought in there from S. America.
Whatever happened they are a pest wherever they are! Cheers, Cynthia
06/Feb/08 3:44 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Jim, I just read on your page about picking a wild animal species and becoming it's benefactor. I won't pick toads, BUT our community, once rural with it's own large Koala population is fast becoming urban and our Koalas are being decimated. We have a koala action group in this area. I'll pick koalas.
06/Feb/08 3:47 PM
   Martha  From Tyalgum, NSW
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Hi Jim,

I heard about that shooting on the news last night - it must be very disturbing when people you are connected to in some way are so violently killed. I wonder whether things are getting worse or if it just seems that way.

Late last year a group of young people on the Gold Coast attacked an off duty police officer and beat him severely. The youngest was 11 and the ring-leader (who is now in jail awaiting trial) turned out to be a 17 year old girl I had taught the previous year. I found that profoundly disturbing.
09/Feb/08 10:53 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Amazing photos in your gallery, thanks Jim.
17/Feb/08 12:38 PM
   Linda M  From Columbus OH USA
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Jim, if you get a chance to travel to Venice (gulf coast) there is a rookery where you can photograph some native Floridian birds. I've been there twice with my parents (who of course live in Venice) but I can't remember the types of birds there. I think Anhingas and something else. I'll have to dig up my photos from there. I have thoroughly enjoyed your photo gallery! There is a girl in my daughter's Girl Scout troop who likes sea turtles; I might show her some of your pictures.
18/Feb/08 3:25 PM
   Tami  From Florida
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Jim, my in-laws took my two boys to Metrozoo yesterday. My older son has a laminated sheet of bird pictures that he brings every time and tries to identify the birds. When they left the house, he asked where his bird sheet was. His papa said it was in the trunk and that they would see a lot more bird "sheet" at the zoo. My father-in-law called me laughing hysterically. His prediction of bird "sheet" came true. As they were leaving the aviary, a large glop of orange "sheet" fell on the bird sheet and splattered over my son. I wish I was there to take a picture. Thought you might enjoy this.
03/Mar/08 5:01 AM
   Peg  From Ohio
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Hi Jim -- Thanks for welcoming me on my page! The pics you have are really cool! I have never even seen a bittern - and it looks as though you were right on top of it! Looks like life is good in Jupiter!
28/Mar/08 2:15 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Dear Jim,
I shall miss Jonas even I've never had the pleasure of meeting him. But knowing he is out there with friends and soon to be family eases the pain!
03/Apr/08 1:52 PM
steve  From missouri
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Jim, thanks for the welcome. I do a lot of volunteer work in Kirkwood. I've been there about 15 years now helping the police department with different things at special events like greentree festival and the 4th of july celebration. It's always fun to run into someone from this part of the world.
08/Apr/08 12:48 AM
steve  From missouri
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oh by the way Jim I went to Southwest HS in the city
08/Apr/08 8:13 AM
steve  From missouri
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Jim, The mayor is home now recuperating and seems to be doing ok He doesn't seem to remember a lot about that night which is understandable. As for the city of Kirkwood, there are a lot of fundraisers going on. It seems like there is always something which is good for the community. The police dept. is still trying to cope as best they can. I talk to a few of the officers on a weekly basis and they are trying to put things aside and do their jobs. The relationship with the south end of kirkwood is getting a bit better but there are always those who like to stir the pot if you know what I mean.
08/Apr/08 2:33 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Jim, I did indeed find the comment about the fourth photo from our fellow sudokuist! I thought I spotted you in the third photo background & might have missed you in the fourth if it hadn't been for Jaz's keen observation! I used to go read the Marinelife blog quite regularly after my visit there last summer, but since then have kind of forgotten about it. I really want to get back to the Center to see the new building, etc. I'm all tied up with other plans the rest of this month, but if they happen to hold off on Jonah's release until May maybe I can make it. After all, I did fill out adoption papers for him when I was there soon after his rescue. If you think of it, would you please leave notice on my page when they announce a definite date? Thank you!
13/Apr/08 7:34 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Boy, I'm showing my age - now I remember that you told me a long time ago that Jonah's release would not be public. Please forgive my forgetfulness. Also, I feel silly for not recognizing you in the fourth photo. Maybe I was so focused on the guy in the back I forgot to check out the guy in the front! But it does seem to me that you look slimmer & have had a haircut - am I right on that at least?
13/Apr/08 10:18 AM
sue b  From Naperville IL
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Hi Jim, thanks for the note-- it truly is a small world isn't it?? I have just started working at Edward Hospital-- so far a great place to work-- haven't heard any complaints from long term employees.  So where in Florida is Jupiter??  I am not particularly familiar with Florida's geography... I am becoming less enamored with the winters here-- though I do truly love the snow-- just the kid in me-- nothing like a good snowball fight or a walk in the snow with it crunching under your feet.. have a good day..
14/Apr/08 3:42 AM
   Eri  From St. Louis, USA
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Hi, Jim-

I'm afraid I don't have a good answer for you. We are St. Louis transplants...just moved here 2 years ago. There is a funny radio commercial on lately that suggests answering, "I got my G.E.D. in Ladue" to confuse people! :) I get such a kick out of that.

I liked all of your photos -- I, too, have a soft spot for animals. I used to go to more baseball games "in my younger days", but the last game I've been to was over a year ago (our neighbor snagged Cardinals tickets at the end of the season before last -- the good season!).

I hope you're weather was nicer than ours this weekend. Typical St. Louis: rain and snow flurries, but it should be 70 in a few more days.
14/Apr/08 4:27 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Jim, good point you made about taxes today. Worrisome.
16/Apr/08 4:57 AM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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BTW, did you see the video a week or so ago on the killing of the 300 year old turtle in the Gaza strip? Absolutely sickening.
16/Apr/08 4:57 AM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Hope all is well. I've noticed you posting these last couple of days, and seem to always be just missing you by (-) that much!

Ok, have made up a smilie for you, sigh not the one I really wanted to use, but somehow I don't think Gath would approve a 1900 one. (rofl)

so what do you think of this?

Have a great day,
Chat soon.
17/Apr/08 11:31 PM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL
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Well, here is 6 degrees of seperation - I also work at Edward - have been for the past 28 years, and both my children were born there, I've to look Sue up - that is close. Take care and enjoy your day, Mary
17/Apr/08 11:33 PM
   Candace  From Lauderdale by the Sea    Supporting Member
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Hi Jim, I stopped by the other day to tell you how great your photos are of the wildlife, but think the post got lost. You are inspiring me as I have just got started with the digital, and am avoiding most of the moving targets. take care up their in Jupiter.
24/Apr/08 2:50 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Woohoo, Jonah!!! Here's hoping that he lives a long life and proliferates! He may be cranky to us but I'm sure he'll be a Casanova in the turtle world! (Let's hope he turns out that way!) for letting me know! It seems right to be able to say I know of one particular turtle out in the Atlantic!
24/Apr/08 10:39 AM
   Judy  From Oklahoma City, OK
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Jim, I was so sorry to read of your loss. I know you loved and still love her dearly. Thank you for reaching out and also for reminding us to be kind and loving to one another. May your day be a bit easier knowing that others care.
27/Apr/08 1:02 AM
Judy  From San Diego    Supporting Member
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Dearest Jim, thank you for the photo of Linda, and for your loving and heart-wrenching tribute. What a wonderful love you must have shared. I will think of you both today. God bless you.
27/Apr/08 1:03 AM
   Orianne  From Ottawa,Canada
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Dear Jim, it took a lot of courage for you to share that lost with us, may it bring you some comfort. You had a beautiful relationship that ended over night. Thanks for reminding us to be devoted to the ones that are close. I am sending you positive thoughts and I will keep both of you in my heart, especially today. I am sorry for your lost.
27/Apr/08 2:00 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Dear Jim
Again, I can see I must say, I am so sorry for you. Your wife was very beautiful and looked like a person who lived her life to the fullest. I know there must be an ache in your heart but you must go on, There's a lot of people for whom you've made a difference. I am one, I looked (and still do) forward to your postings and notes about Jonah.
27/Apr/08 2:37 AM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL    Supporting Member
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That's a nice picture of Linda, love the room. thinking of you today and wishing you fond memeories. She was very young - as I was born in the same year. Take care of yourself, Mary
27/Apr/08 3:21 AM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Jim & Will
They are not dead,
Who leave us this great heritage of remembering joy.
They still live in our hearts,
In the happiness we knew, in the dreams we shared.
They still breathe,
In the lingering fragrance,windblown, from their favourite flowers.
They still smile in the moonlight’s silver,
And laugh in the sunlight’s sparking gold.
They still speak in the echoes of the words we’ve heard them say again and again.
They still move,
In the rhythm of waving grasses, in the dance of the tossing branches.
They are not dead;
Their memory is warm in our hearts, comfort in our sorrow.
They are not apart from us, but part of us,
For love is eternal,
And those we love shall be with us throughout all eternity.

27/Apr/08 3:36 AM
   Dorthea  From San Francisco    Supporting Member
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So sorry to hear about your wife. Please accept 100 hugs.
27/Apr/08 4:00 AM
   Carol  From Punta Gorda    Supporting Member
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Jim, your wife was a beautiful woman. I am truly sorry for your loss. But as my husband and I relax on our lanai this evening, I will remember her picture and be thankful for our time together. Thank you for sending her picture out to us.
27/Apr/08 4:27 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Jim, I know it's a tough day for you and your son, but stay focused. It's hard, and it hurts, and everyone cares, and we can offer moral support, but only you can deal with the loss, try to move forward and live for your son. My thoughts are with you.
27/Apr/08 4:50 AM
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Jim and Will, she was and always will be a beautiful lady, take care x
27/Apr/08 5:11 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Jim, I took your good advice. Thanks for the reminder. I am sorry that you were not as fortunate as we are to have a friend let you know how important it is. Thanks again & take care.
27/Apr/08 5:38 AM
   ceecee  From florida
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Jimmy, just wanted to let you know you and bunny are in my thoughts
27/Apr/08 5:47 AM
   Deb  From Calamvale
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What a beautiful lady, Jim. I'm sure beautiful on the inside as well as the outside. I cannot imagine the pain you have endured these last four years. My heart goes out to you.
27/Apr/08 8:05 AM
Caligirl  From California    Supporting Member
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Jim--you're in our thoughts and prayers--and thanks for the reminder of how short our time here can be and to relish every minute of it!
27/Apr/08 8:27 AM
   dino  From Sth Gippsland    Supporting Member
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Jim, how tragic to lose your wife in that way. What a tearing in your heart. May our cyber hugs and real prayers be with you and your son.
27/Apr/08 8:53 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Jim, Thank you for an extensive tour of many of the wildlife that I didn't know enough about nor appreciated the beauty of.....lessons learned and beauty appreciated! Your love of life comes through loud and clear....may all heed your call !
27/Apr/08 9:08 AM
   Tree Sheila  From Deniliquin, NSW, AU    Supporting Member
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Jim, I haven't been on much lately but saw your comment about your beloved Linda Sue. I am so very sad for you and understand what a terrible shock it must have been for you. It's wonderful to see how you have kept yourself busy and become such a saviour of your beautiful turtles. If only there were more like you! Thankyou very much for all the terrific photos - such a diverse variety of wildlife, and such a beautiful place to live. I will never get to Florida but now I know just that little bit more about it.
27/Apr/08 10:33 AM
   Cyndi  From sc/usa    Supporting Member
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Jim; She was indeed a lovely lady. My sincerest condolences to you on this anniversary of your loss. Continue to keep her alive in your memories and expressed thoughts. Thank you for posting the picture of Linda Sue so we could all get to see her.
27/Apr/08 1:42 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Jim, a lot of good photos are just luck, and yours is a beauty. I am ashamed to say that I have two cameras - a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ 7, and a Pentax K 100 D. I use the smaller of the two for travelling. Although it can't be classified as a 'pocket' camera, it is easy enough to lug around and is quite flexible. I know the problem of the sun shining on the viewing screen and that is one of the reasons I chose the Panasonic - it has both a viewing screen and a viewfinder and I can swap between the two.
The big Pentax is a SLR (Single Lens Reflex) and you can only look through the viewfinder. I use it only for 'serious' photography, but I have taken some of my better photos with the Lumix. While I was in Hong Kong last year I bought a new lens for the Pentax - it is a 28 - 300mm zoom. It does all that I want and I don't have to change lenses any more.
I didn't have much time to browse your photos but I did notice that you are taking some very good photos. The dolphin one stood out.
Jim, I am really sad for you at the loss of your lovely wife. You should do your best to enjoy now the blessings that you still have.
27/Apr/08 3:40 PM
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