Kate from Sydney

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View from top of hill behind Bar Point house

You Tube: Blind aboriginal singer, Gudjuk Gurrumul Yunupingu singing Djarimirri about the Rainbow Surpent. He is from the Gumatj nation, his mother from the Galpu nation both First Nations peoples from North East Arnemland.

Taken from the top of the hill after my first walk up there.

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   Maureen  From Dubbo, NSW    Supporting Member
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Hi Kate, I just got home from babysitting Payton and Addison. Elizabeth said you had arrived home safely. I will speak to you soon.
11/May/08 9:16 PM
   Maureen  From Dubbo, NSW    Supporting Member
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I made it first on the new page!!!
11/May/08 9:17 PM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Kate how did you know that as child my most favorite garden flower was the pansy because of the little fairy in the center of the flower? oh you took me back and gave me a wonderful childhood memory!!! Thank you, thank you!!!!
13/May/08 12:13 PM
   Shiela  From MI
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Nice photos on the puzzle page today, Kate!
(Fed & exercised your fish for you!)
15/May/08 12:32 PM
   Maureen  From Dubbo, NSW    Supporting Member
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Thanks for visiting my page, Kate. I was beginning to think no one loves me as I hadn't had a message for over two weeks!
16/May/08 8:24 AM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Kate, for dropping in and also all the wonderful notes you left behind in my gallery.

I must admit, I hadn't given it much thought to sending in pics for the jigsaws. May is really hectic here, so may look into it next month sometime.
Thanks again.

Have an amazing weekend.
16/May/08 9:43 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Kate, no wonder your computer got overloaded! Wow, I can hardly keep up with all your new photos. Forgot to say I love the action shot of Ralph. He's a great looking dog - I think he & Ebony would be a stunning couple!!! Bet they would love swimming together. Does he have any girlfriends now? Have a good weekend.
16/May/08 10:31 PM
   eaa  From Tassie
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The tagging game is up and running again and your IT.
21/May/08 8:27 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
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Kate why were you still up at 1:00 am, enjoying some quiet time or some free download time? Thank you again for spending time in my galleries and taking the time to add comments it is very much appreciated, eaa.
22/May/08 8:10 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Gee, Ralph is lucky to have so many playmates in so many different places! He's obviously a very popular "guy". In addition to swimming, it looks like his gang also enjoys fetching. Ebony much prefers sticks to tennis balls. It's so funny to watch her hunt for the ones we throw in the back yard when she doesn't see exactly where they land. I think she loves the thrill of "search & find"!
22/May/08 9:23 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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Thank you Kate for making my birthday a special one.
Many sudoku friends from around the world coming to visit me and wishing me a Happy Birthday have overwhelmed me.
My Husband and sons took me out to dinner to a Chinese Restaurant, and on the Sunday, we had a delicious Roast Dinner at MIL’s.
22/May/08 2:00 PM
   HalT  From S Carolina
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Thanks for the info on the Lunar Park picture, Kate. It looked like a place we would have liked to visit but with only 2 nights in Sydney and a full schedule of events planned for us, there just wasn't enough time. We could have easily spent a week in Sydney. Oh well, maybe another time.
23/May/08 7:18 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Has it changed?
26/May/08 9:32 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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26/May/08 9:33 AM
   Deb  From Calamvale
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Oh my gosh!!!! I had about 22 messages in my inbox today just from Sudoku friends wishing me a 'Happy Birthday'! Thank you so much for all of your kind thoughts and wishes especially when I haven't been around for so long. It has been a wonderful day and a lovely weekend. Rick and I went away to a romantic chalet at Springbrook with an open fireplace and we went bushwalking etc. I have uploaded a photo of Kiarah and some others onto 'my page'. Photos taken 26th May 2008. Kiarah is just about 18 months old now and still gorgeous hahaha....
27/May/08 8:08 PM
   Kate  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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Hi Kate,
Thanks for your message re Mum. The support from the wonderful people on this site has been amazing and very much appreciated. I will probably come to Sydney some time in July - perhaps we could meet in Lindfield for a coffee?
27/May/08 10:28 PM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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Hi Kate. Thanks for dropping by. I haven't been around all that much this year. I haven't even been posting on my other sites either. We have been fairly busy and over the last week or two I just seem to be in a real slump emotionally. Looks like you have been busy with the camera. Great photos by the way!!
27/May/08 11:20 PM
   Shiela  From MI
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for the birthday greetings! This was my first Sudoku birthday and I was overwhelmed by all of the good wishes! It made having one of those "biggie" birthdays almost enjoyable...!
28/May/08 4:30 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Wanted to let you know how good it was to be remembered on my bithday by so many...one may think that when you are as old as I, birthdays would be 'old hat', but I don't feel that way and my Sudoku family helped make a good day better...glad you were a part of that.
28/May/08 5:22 AM
   Plum  From SW Michigan, USA
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Hi there. Thanks for stopping by to wish a newbie a warm welcome. I'm intrigued by your gifts. I've never had Tasmanian anything before.
Do you think these raspberries are much different than the wild black raspberries that will be blooming around my place in about a month? And the flowers, what do we have here? (My eyes can't distinguish the detail they once did.) The white blossom looks rather flat. I can't tell if it's more like a new guinea impatience, a gardenia or a tropical stephanotis (sp?). The purple blossom looks rather like a pansy or even an orchid, but it looks like it may be rather huge and "plastic-y." Can you give me names? Did you take the photos yourself? Do you garden them too or do you just take exquisite photos?
29/May/08 2:12 PM
   Kay  From Wilmington NC USA    Supporting Member
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Thank you Kate, for the lovely compliments regarding my artwork. You chose some of my favorite pieces for your comments. Your photography is spectacular, and your gardening skills are superb. My black thumbs would fade right into the background against your green ones! Your large photo of the Larokeet on the pink blossums is out of this world -- I could stare at it for hours and not get tired of looking at it. Thanks again, and I look forward to your puzzle photos and your comments every day.
29/May/08 5:25 PM
   Kay  From Wilmington NC USA    Supporting Member
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I really murdered "Lorikeet" in my previous message! I will forever more remember the correct spelling. Sorry! K
29/May/08 5:28 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Kate, I have looked & looked but can't find the picture you mentioned of a painted bunting. I checked the Birds set & a few other possibilities & still couldn't spot it. Can you help me??? Thanks.
Have a good day!
29/May/08 10:32 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Kate! You mentioned that you had started a new page so I mistakenly thought the picture of the painted bunting was on the page, not in the coffee shop - ha ha! It's interesting that they displayed a picture of an American bird, when Australia has many more brightly colored birds there than we do here!! Guess ALL (well, many anyway) of us are curious about flora & fauna of other countries besides our own! How did you like that parrot flower from Thailand??!!!
01/Jun/08 12:15 AM
   Plum  From SW Michigan, USA
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The weather in Sydney sounds horrible today. Just what IS the temperature? I looked it up on weather.com and it didn't sound so bad. Do you wood heat? Did the electricity go out for many households in Sydney, or are you one of the lucky ones out on a country service line?
02/Jun/08 11:17 AM
Kate  From Sidney, Ohio
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Its my right leg about an inch or two above my ankle which was so dilocated that my leg was facing north and my foot was completly facing east. I had a few surgeries to get it back together, but now it is plated and screwed together and I can't walk for about 5 1/2 more weeks, but whose counting. Ha ha
02/Jun/08 11:28 AM
Kate  From Sidney, Ohio
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if you zoom out on a map either google, mapquest, or google earth, you will see piqua to the south. there is an even smaller town called platsville almost directly between them maybe a little toward sidney. that town has, rounding up, 20 houses and i live south east of that town. to give you an idea of what i see everyday, if you go to the highest points of the house and the furthest points on the property, you will see a whopping total of 8 different houses. Nothing like your Sidney is it.
02/Jun/08 11:58 AM
   Judy  From Oklahoma City, OK
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Kate, thanks for your reply -- OMG, that flower looks exactly like a bottle brush. Amazing. You do such good work too -- thanks for sharing the sights of your magnificent coutry!
02/Jun/08 2:05 PM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Thank you for visiting! I had so much fun today! Jano is such an elegant lady! and her family delightful! If ever you can meet them, do so. You'll be amazed at our sudoku family. Gath attracts the best!
02/Jun/08 2:31 PM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Kate - I have posted my Salsa on the recipe page under forum. I must appologize. I do not have a recipe. These are our favorite ingredients. We discovered some of these ingredients when we went to Mexico about 10 years ago. Their salsa was out of this world!!! If you make a batch, I guarantee it won't last long!
02/Jun/08 8:37 PM
   Plum  From SW Michigan, USA
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Wow, I'm learning here. Thanks for answering. I hate it when we lose electricity -- and no sudoku.
Seems that the temps here on the first day of summer are about the same as your first day of winter! Should I feel cheated or envious of you all or what? Still, we've had a good crop of fruit set on the trees this spring. I seeded the spring vegetable bed before the last two snows, and that helped as they sprouted just as everything else was greening up. Because of my knee I'm a month late getting the summer veggies in. I don't know if I'll be able to harvest many of them in time before the first frost, which usually comes around October 10. Thanks for your photos. My husband would love to have a warmer climate garden area to tend the more tender plants that won't grow around here. I guess what we can't have is always appealing.
03/Jun/08 12:03 AM
Kate  From Sidney, Ohio
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thanks for the info on therapy. at least i have my many docters appts to look forward to right now.
03/Jun/08 5:39 AM
   GannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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Kate from Sydney I don't know why they have withdrawn the YouTube of Faryl singing in the final but I have replaced it on my page with her audition video.
She has a voice that will be tingling our spines for many years to come, and only 12 years old.
03/Jun/08 5:50 PM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Kate - I see you came by and visited! It is always nice to have you stop. You flowers are just beauuuutifullll!!!! What is the one on the upper left hand corner? Is it a blossom from a Christmas Cactus? I see you are "burning wood." We burn wood all winter to heat our house. It sure saves a lot of money. What is your average temperature down there for this time of the year? It is suppose to be about 22 (C) here today. We have rain coming in, but we can use it. We planted a vegetable garden on Saturday. We haven't had one in several years and I have missed it. Have a great day, Kate, and please stop by again.
03/Jun/08 9:30 PM
   dino  From Sth Gippsland    Supporting Member
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Hi Kate. I've just fed your fish so they should get nice and fat. They must be happy swimming around underneath your glorious flower collage.
I don't think I'd even get a visa to China, let alone being stopped at the border!
I always enjoy checking out your photos on Flickr. Keep them coming! And do drop in again.
03/Jun/08 10:01 PM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Kate - I have to ask. Just who is this person on the motorcycle doing a wheelie? Anyone you know? What kind of a motorcycle is it?
04/Jun/08 11:23 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Ooooh, yes a real terror! I am told that my father bought me an expensive American doll, blue eye blond. After seeing my mother at the beauty salon, at age 2, I thought I'd make a really neat beautician too. So to the horror of my nanny, I proceeded to cut the doll's hair very short! And I almost made it to the US before my family, simply by getting in line for the airport bus. I almost made it too but again my nanny grabbed me before I could board the bus!
04/Jun/08 1:09 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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PS I can hear a cockatoo at the moment - it's in my neigbours orange tree stealing the oranges.
04/Jun/08 2:16 PM
   Judy  From Oklahoma City, OK
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Kate, thanks for the website for Sue's photo. Isn't that a lovely, big plant! Well, for now.
04/Jun/08 5:39 PM
   Kay  From Wilmington NC USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Kate,

Thanks for the link to Sue's photos. She has some really great photos of flora, just as you have. I envy both of you, being so knowledgeable about plants and flowers. I grew up in a funeral home and had my fill of seeing/smelling flowers, and I've just gotten interested in them in the past couple of years. People compliment our yard all the time, but it's my husband who has the greean thumb here.
05/Jun/08 8:40 AM
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