Kate from Sydney

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View from top of hill behind Bar Point house

You Tube: Blind aboriginal singer, Gudjuk Gurrumul Yunupingu singing Djarimirri about the Rainbow Surpent. He is from the Gumatj nation, his mother from the Galpu nation both First Nations peoples from North East Arnemland.

Taken from the top of the hill after my first walk up there.

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   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Kate - I had a wonderful time in NZ, thank you. I went on lots of walks, mostly with my SIL and some with Johnathan as well. The family thought Johnathan & I had got lost on Christmas Day because we went for a big long walk. Poor boy, he had to keep stopping to rest until his Dad found us and gave him a shoulder ride home.
17/Jan/08 5:48 AM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Kate, I see that you have uploaded a whole bunch of new photos over the last few days. I really enjoyed the quick look I had. I will come back for a slow look over the next couple of days.
18/Jan/08 11:54 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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To visitors to my page, I'm sorry I haven't removed all the Christmas message etc, but as the site has been so unstable since I've been back I've decided to leave it alone for a while! Poor Gath!
18/Jan/08 2:28 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Hi Kate,
Thank you so much for your birthday wishes to me on the 16th. My apologies for being so late in replying. I had a lovely day, made even better by the greetings from my new friends on this site. Thank you so much!
PS: love the pictures on your page.
18/Jan/08 5:21 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Kate, thank you for your kind thoughts about the passing of my Canadian cousin. He was a pretty special person, more so because I was the one who finally discovered our lost links with the Canadian branch of our family. And yes, Greg does have a way with the words- I loved his poem.
Michael is back from is Christmas in Germany and I will pass on your greetings to him and to Anne.
19/Jan/08 2:39 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Kate, silly me, I replied on my own page. Here's what I said -

"Hi Kate, I guess that's payback for the pleasures of living in the bush.
I have been following your photos and you have some beauties. Unfortunately I don't have time right now to go through them slowly, but I'll get there sooner or later.
I loved the snake story. I have seen so many King More...

Browns on fishing expeditions and Red-Bellied Blacks at our previous home that I automatically think of all snakes as venomous. I realise that pythons are relatively docile creatures, but they can give a nasty bite if agitated."

Cheers, Ian
24/Jan/08 9:54 AM
   Chris  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Hi Kate, for the big hello you left on my page. I've been on the site long enough, I thought it was high time I parted with some of the hard-earned and support Gath and the site.
25/Jan/08 8:46 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Kate - thanks for visiting my page.
I'm glad you enjoyed the photos. I have to re-upload my NZ photos that I lost in the changeover. I also went on a few lovely drives while my daughter and family have been staying with me so will put some new photos on of our region as well. I seem to have had so many visitors lately I haven't had much time for anything else.
25/Jan/08 11:43 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Kate, thanks for popping in. I hope you had a restful time during our holidays.
I look forward to seeing some more of your photos in the future, you are a wonderful photographer.
Happy Australia Day
26/Jan/08 8:28 PM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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About a 1/2 hour after you posted your message, I completed uploading AGAIN (after losing them again this afternoon) - the balance of the photos in my Photo Gallery. With the 197 on Flicker that comes to 230 total on the float.
29/Jan/08 4:24 PM
   Kate  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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Kate,just want you to know how much I enjoyed your photos - you have a special talent. Was also interested in where you lived! I lived in Sydney for 30 years (in Killara) and moved to Melb 18 months ago to look after my mother.
I enjoyed the visit.
02/Feb/08 11:21 PM
   Maureen  From Dubbo, NSW    Supporting Member
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Kate, I worked out how to add the little photos to the page.
03/Feb/08 2:33 PM
   Maureen  From Dubbo, NSW    Supporting Member
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Yes, Kate I like your caterpiller. It is very green!! How small was it? It is a very good photo. 21 days till we go on holidays.
04/Feb/08 6:41 PM
   Kate  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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How amazing! We were almost neighbours. I lived in Buckingham Rd Killara for 15 years and then moved just around the corner to Norfolk St for the next 15. My kids went to Highfields School Lindfield (where I worked for 21 years) then Killara Public, Knox and PLC.
That caterpillar photo is fantastic by the way.
05/Feb/08 4:58 PM
   Maureen  From Dubbo, NSW    Supporting Member
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Kate, Lyn rang this evening and we are meeting for lunch tomorrow - Ash Wednesday, at the West Dubbo Bowling Club. Mum & Dad and Ray are coming too.
05/Feb/08 9:18 PM
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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OH Kate, thank you for my present, I'll eat it slowly. Only the best will do xx You have some beautiful photographs on your page, I love all the different costumes!!
06/Feb/08 9:02 PM
   k  From brissie    Supporting Member
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Wow Kate, thank you for the cake & bubbly, 2 of my favourite food groups! 3 if you're counting the chocolate. I don't think it will make it to the freezer though.
I had a flat in Coogee in the dark ages, so it's a special place for me, filled with some great memories.
06/Feb/08 11:03 PM
   Sandra  From LA/NC
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hi Kate. love the pictures. i hope to have more flowers this year since i have a YARD again. it feels like a long time since we had some dirt to dig in. hubby is thinking of a garden while i'm just flower-dreaming. lol
hope all is well with you and 2008 is all you want! sandra
07/Feb/08 3:35 AM
   Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
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Hi, Kate!

Your chocolate cake recipe sounds fantastic! What is the name of it? At the end of the month I'll add all the new recipes to the book, so if you have any more goodies to share, please post them!!!

Thanks! Jane
07/Feb/08 1:32 PM
   Maureen  From Dubbo, NSW    Supporting Member
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Hay Kate, a Robin from Kurrajong asked you a question of Tough Sudoku today, 7/2/08, about Bar Point and he is not a member and he wrote after you had been on. (so I thought you may not go back today). Anyway now you have exactly twice as many post as I have. Bo Ho!
07/Feb/08 5:26 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Kate, there's a big bunch of brown, muddy water headed down the river today towards Bars Point - I hope you are relatively immune from floods and the like.
07/Feb/08 7:50 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Robin From Kurrajong
I hope your still here! I just read your note on yesterday's page. So I'm answering you question about Bar Pt! You can walk along the front in some places, but there's a "bushfire" trail at the back & up the hill a little which goes along to the Pt. But sometimes it's easier to go by boat! Haven't been as far as Gunderman by boat yet, but we sometimes take our visitors to Spencer if they've got Cafe coffee cravings!
08/Feb/08 10:11 AM
   Orianne  From Ottawa,Canada
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What an interesting tour I took of your photo gallery ...I wrote a comment under the avalenche, what a miracle that he came out alive. Thank you for visiting my gallery. I have two brothers and 5 sisters, we do not see our brothers often ...one lives in Vancouver, B.C we see him every 5 years and the other one is not far but busy with wife, children and grandchildren. We get to see him on NewYear's Day. My sisters live within a half hour drive and I see them regularly. Jeannelle and I are 13 months apart ...we get along very well.
Since it is my first visit here I brought you a sugar pie and vanilla ice cream...one of my favorite. Hope to see you soon...
08/Feb/08 2:20 PM
Robin  From Kurrajong
Thanks, Kate! Not being such an early player, I had thought I had missed the 'boat'! Might meet you at Spencer sometime..I stay at a friend's place at Gunderman fairly often..try to fish off the jetty...no luck yet, but bought some more gear at Spencer recently, and want to try crabbing too..Paul seems to have a dab hand at picking the spots.
Im most impressed by your photos though. I use a Canon SLR 300D and havent got it all sorted yet. Your closeups that keep a background focus as well reminded me of some earlier work by Densey Clyne around the Hawkesbury..beautiful.
And I loved the one of the chooks pointing out the python! Great character shots!
09/Feb/08 7:57 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Kate, thanks for the vist to my page and all the comments about the photos. The smocked dress Laura is wearing was bought at the markets in Vietnam for about $7. It is hand embroideryed.
I notice the National Trust festival has included Bar Island in their boat trip on 19 April.
10/Feb/08 10:29 AM
   Maureen  From Dubbo, NSW    Supporting Member
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Hi, Kate, how did you listen to my YouTube? Have you got new speakers now?
11/Feb/08 3:46 PM
   Orianne  From Ottawa,Canada
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Thank you for the wishes the cake and the flowers...having so much fun!!!
12/Feb/08 4:16 AM
   bluey  From Port Kembla    Supporting Member
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Hello Kate, nice to see you!! Have a cuppa, and a lamington! Bit early for bubbles yet. Looks very dark over the west, so we might get even more rain. Everything is already soggy at our place. Catch you later, Bluey.
12/Feb/08 3:20 PM
   Maureen  From Dubbo, NSW    Supporting Member
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Glad you have YouTube now. Did you have any trouble getting it down loaded? (I did at first)
12/Feb/08 3:45 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Kate.....A great big thank you for a great 'you tube' selection. As a jazz fan of many years, I have enjoyed much of Billie's music....I never tire of listening to her. The links are great also. I also enjoyed your picture gallery.Peace.
12/Feb/08 4:28 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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anyone home
Special delivery for Kate

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday Kate, may today be filled with fun, love and joy.
14/Feb/08 12:09 AM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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to you
to you
dear Kate
to you

You were quite a Valentine. Double the truffles for you on this glorious day.

14/Feb/08 12:11 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Kate! I hope you have a wonderful day! May all of your wishes come true!
14/Feb/08 12:11 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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to you, Kate. I hope you have a wonderful day!
14/Feb/08 12:15 AM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Kate, hope you have a great year.
14/Feb/08 12:18 AM
   Dorthea  From San Francisco    Supporting Member
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I'm glad you enjoyed the u-tube. My family were professional musicians. That's mom, dad. Kay, Frank and me. I quit when I lost some teeth. Hard to play brass instruments with lost teeth..
14/Feb/08 12:40 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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A very Happy Birthday to you, Kate. I hope you have as lovely a day as I've had on my birthday.

14/Feb/08 1:00 AM
   Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
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Today’s the birthday of dear Kate
The one who takes the shots
I’ve long admired all her pix
Talent? She’s got lots!

As you celebrate your day
Take a tip from I*
Be careful how much wine you drink
Or you will get red-eye!

* I know, I know, it should be “me”
14/Feb/08 1:26 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Kate! Enjoy your special day!

AND Happy Valentine's Day!
14/Feb/08 1:42 AM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Dear KATE.
to KATE .
to KATE .

All my best wishes to You.
14/Feb/08 1:59 AM
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