Canuk Greg from Ottawa, Canada

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Take care and stay smiling, and have a great day everyone!



May you always have love to share, health to spare, and friends that care.

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   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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The magpies have flown you over the page, Greg.
20/Jun/08 3:47 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Greg, I was so pleased to receive your birthday greeting, and all the way from the Ottawa, too.
Thanks so much. All the greetings from all over the USA, and the world have really made for a great Birthday for me.

Hey, you underestimate me, I had a THREE day birthday celebration, and feel like it is still ongoing, rereading all the messages and replying. If it takes as long to answer messages as I think it will, this could turn into a RECORD BD celebration for sudokuland. hehe

again, thank you for remembering me!
20/Jun/08 7:37 PM
   Danstell  From Australia
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Greg, this one is for you....Mountain police snow sculpture in China! Check this site...
and to see much more snow sculptures ... in different colors ''click'' on HARBIN 2007 in China photographs.... Époustouflant!
21/Jun/08 2:33 PM
   Danstell  From Australia
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You did welcome me but I had deleted some messages before I realised keeping them makes life easier for all... I am originally from Montréal.... Couldn't forget the beaver tail! ... Many thanks twice... the more the goodies the better I feel ...
Glad you enjoy the site on Harbin 2007... I sent it to everyone I know ...I was so trill to see part if my world so close to Australia! I must be due for a visit up there!
22/Jun/08 7:52 AM
   Martha  From Tyalgum, NSW
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Hi Greg

after nearly 2 weeks of not being on site, I've just found your post on my page - thank you for visiting :)

Weather is all relative, I suppose, but it is interesting to read everyone's individual take on things. My parents left Canada because they couldn't cope with the cold in winter and the humidity in summer (so they tell me). So where do we live now? The sub-tropics! Not cold, but certainly humid in summer, lol.

Everything is fine in our neck of the woods - had a young visitor last weekend, a friend of our eldest son (who lives far, far away), who has joined the air force and is posted about 2 hours from us. He wanted to get away from the base for a weekend, so came here for a hug and some home-cooked food. Kind of sweet, really - his alternative was going out and getting drunk with the other boys or watching TV!
22/Jun/08 5:26 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Oh Greg...I wrote you a beautiful love letter and forgot to save it before checking out your flickr site again.... so I'll simply say that I'm happy that you enjoyed the father/son link from the other day and passed it on. Take care....we care! Sully sends his best too...
23/Jun/08 7:44 AM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Thanks CG, sorry forgot to change the comment type. Old timers disease!
23/Jun/08 9:34 AM
   jamie  From aggieland texas    Supporting Member
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CG - you wrote me a month ago, and I am finally getting around to answering! That means my message number will match the year - a great feeling for a math guy.
I am really beginning to think about retirement in a year - keeping my fingers crossed. The math training I went to this past week in California is really for outside school things, so I would have even more time to work on it when I retire.
Thanks for dropping in, and I am really glad you are enjoying retirement. I haven't heard complaints from this site about retirement.
23/Jun/08 12:12 PM
Scrappingmami  From Illinois USA
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Good MAEN Canuk Greg, thank you so much for the birthday wishes, yes I am still lurking but just don't seem to have the time I used to....bummer, I know. Hope all is well in your corner of the world! hugs!
23/Jun/08 9:45 PM
MamaMere  From MD    Supporting Member
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Hey there CG - I see you've been up to a few life-changes since last I visited . . . a birthday (congrats on making it another year) and not that long after mine! How did I miss it? And now you've gone and retired!!! That is so excellent - CONGRATS (big congratulations!) I, too, am a recent retiree (in Feb), due to health-related issues (what's that you say - sick of work? Well maybe that too)- but about a month after, I had a complete recovery and have been gadflying around - so much so that I am seldom on the site these days. I have seen nary a posting from you, so hope you are fishing/gallery-hopping/gardening/navel-gazing and generally annoying your wife and children with your new-found and oh-so-constant presence! Cheers! (imagine my champagne/streamer drawing that I haven't figured out how to turn into an icon)
24/Jun/08 2:36 AM
MamaMere  From MD    Supporting Member
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However could I have forgotten? A heaping platter of Maryland (blue) crabcakes for your retirement party!

I see my last message posted twice - (I kept getting this Windows IE msg: "Whew! I'm a bit busy - try posting again in a few seconds" , so I did, I did, I did, I did . . .)
24/Jun/08 2:53 AM
   Rose  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hey Greg. I am really starting to get excited about it. I haven't been back to Fiji since my family left in 1970 (my dad's mother's family has lived there for years- in fact, my grandmother's grandfather was a missionary who was shipwrecked off one of the islands!) and I was 4 and all the whites got kicked out. But I probably wont relax until after the dreaded wedding is over on Thursday 3rd. You can be assured of many photos up on my page when I get back! (It's the modern version of a slide night! )
24/Jun/08 9:47 AM
   Linda  From Minnesota
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Hi Greg, we do keep missing each other on site. things are going well, how are you doing? We are still doing laundry, I can't believe how much she brought home!!!!
24/Jun/08 9:49 AM
   dino  From Sth Gippsland    Supporting Member
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Hi CG, I see you turned over a new leaf on my page. Now I wonder what that means to a recent retiree?
24/Jun/08 10:51 AM
Cheryl  From Ontario, Canada
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Hi Greg - So nice of you to drop by. Yup, I've been pretty busy. You know how it is, all the snow we get in the winter nobody wants to come up to see me, but... come summer (such as it is this year) and they All want to come... and I love it. Had 3 of my childhood friends up last weekend, I've known them since I was 2 year old. We all grew up on the same street (Galley) - so we are the Galley gang (fits huh). I'm one of the 'little kids' there are 5 of us and 7 'big kids', the little kids older sisters... real old, at least 3, 4 years... (yah but it does make a difference when you're young). We All get together once or twice a year. A couple of years ago we had a full page written up about us in the Toronto Sun (well 3/4 of a page). Guess its pretty unusual to stay in touch all those years... we're all seniors now. Was to Gananoque a couple of weeks ago to visit the 1000 Islands... great trip - but that's another story. Hope all is well with you and thanks again for saying hello.
24/Jun/08 2:54 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Greg! Glad you enjoyed the sportsmanship video. Seems the media often publicizes more things bad than good about sports & sports figures these days. I never read or saw anything about those girls in the the newpapers or on TV. Only heard about it in an e-mail. So how are you enjoying retirement? Hope you've resolved the health issues you mentioned. Summer should be a pretty nice time of year to enjoy life in Ottawa. Take care!
25/Jun/08 5:15 AM
   Simo  From Australia
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Thanks for the warm welcome Greg. Came across this site whilst browsing just newly retired from a life at sea as an Electrical Engineer.

I am a pen maker in my spare time and currently doing a swap with a Canadian pen turner. He lives in Bothwell ON

I was in St John NB many years ago when I was a young first tripper in the British Merchant Navy.


My web page is
25/Jun/08 8:13 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Thank you CG! You're the greatest! But after working out with my grandson, whew! Will post some pics of Kathy and Jane on my page when I get back!
25/Jun/08 2:52 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Greg, we had a wonderful time, and thank you for asking. The motor home turned out to be very easy to drive, cruised at 95kph, sailed up hills and was very comfortable - even on the coldest of nights. Last week we did a second trip, this time up to Newcastle to the place where we bought it to have a curtain fitted and the TV replaced. We were away for a couple of nights. Anne and I both love driving it.
26/Jun/08 3:24 PM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Greg! Thanks for the birthday wishes for Scott! He is 29 years old today! Doesn't time go by fast? It seems like he was just a little boy yesterday. I will pass the greetings onto him. Thanks!
27/Jun/08 4:22 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hey! How is retirement? Are you use to it yet or do you still wake up early in the morning? My husband has been retired for 2 years now and I think he is still adjusting. It is sure nice to take off and have breakfast or lunch with friends. Won't it be nice this winter when it is snowing and blowing knowing you don't have to be out in it? Have a great day, Greg! Cheers!
27/Jun/08 4:54 AM
emm  From germany
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Hi CG. That's a great question that you pose regarding the choice between driving or that I wish everyone would consider.
27/Jun/08 4:57 AM
   Elise  From Pt Macquarie, Aust
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I am going silly here looking for Brandons tiara??????
I cannot see it in the pics.
Help !!!
29/Jun/08 9:48 AM
   Elise  From Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Hang on, it might be in the pics on Kathy's page.
29/Jun/08 9:49 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Thank you so much for the John Paul Young song, Greg. I loved that song when it was first out.
A much older John sang it in a popular movie back in the 80's or 90's called Strictly Ballroom which I'm sure most Aussies would have seen. I'll play it for you one day as I have it on video.
29/Jun/08 2:00 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Greg, I spotted the following on 'Easy' today - "Born in Scotland, raised in Ian's city, Sydney, Australia, enjoy John Paul Young Singing "Love Is In The Air'" . Does it refer to you?
29/Jun/08 5:44 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi Greg, nice to see you! I will pass on your message to Mum. She has been shocked to discover that people really like her paintings. I say I've been telling her that for years...

Her next project is to populate an old courthouse with wooden people - well, she will do the wood and face painting and leave the dressing to others.

Have a great day!
29/Jun/08 6:57 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Thanks Greg, now I understand.
30/Jun/08 10:19 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Greg, here's the answer to the question you asked me on Saturday! Braidwood is South of Sydney and East of Canberra. It's between Canberra & Bateman's Bay which is on the Coast & is the closest beach to Canberra (Bateman's Bay, that is!). Mick Jagger stayed in Braidwood in 1969 when he was staring in that Ned Kelly movie. It's a small town with a lot of history. Like a lot of towns in Canada, the US & Australia it was started by a gold find & ensuing Rush!
30/Jun/08 1:38 PM
   Celia L  From Toronto    Supporting Member
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Hi Greg, thanks for your message. My profile has surfaced again with a comment today--and I've even managed to post a new picture on my page!!! Yes, I'm still riding; well, I should say am back to riding after a 4-week absence due to a pulled lower-back muscle (extreme agony) caused NOT from riding but from a household chore...if I'm going to suffer pain I'd rather it be from something I enjoy doing!!
01/Jul/08 1:20 AM
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Goodness me -51 pages!!!
Happy Canada Day!!
01/Jul/08 10:57 PM
Suzanne  From Seattle    Supporting Member
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hey greg, is today's riddle answer that there are no "E"s in it?
02/Jul/08 10:02 AM
   Plum  From SW Michigan, USA
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Thanks for your encouragement. I'm sorry my comments sounded so harsh. I posted a clarification on Easy p. 4. Hope it clears things up.
02/Jul/08 10:48 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Thanks for the visit! Grandchild is due in January.
02/Jul/08 10:55 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Greg, after your statement yesterday (kids 4X4Easy): "Well I don't want a pickle, I just want to ride on my motorcycle" I've put Arlo on my You Tube, so if you want you can listen to the whole 6+ minutes of it! I think I'll follow it up with the 18+mins of Alice's Restautrant Massacree!!!!
02/Jul/08 3:31 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Greg, many thanks for your birthday greetings yesterday. I find the response a bit overwhelming but I appreciate every comment that has been made. Your thoughts I appreciate in particular.

Thanks also for the 'Heads Up' about Sully. We have just returned from the funeral of an old friend - there's a lot of it going around.

Take care,

03/Jul/08 7:51 PM
appy  From india
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Hello CGreg..glad you enjoyed the clip.It was awesome and I just couldnt wait sharing it with you all. And well it was verymuch from the net.Got it from a forum, which referred it to the original publication.The article is by one Brian McMahon. Thats from the following link.You can also try it.
hope you enjoy it.

03/Jul/08 9:08 PM
   Amelia  From Robinvale Aust    Supporting Member
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Hello Greg how are you liking your retirement? We have decided that we will have to settle for a caravan as we don't seem to be able to find the motorhome that we wanted second hand as we can't afford it new, never mind as long as we are comfy thats all that matters. Bills retirement date is the 19th August not long to go [sigh] where has the year gone.
05/Jul/08 4:32 PM
   Susan  From Qld    Supporting Member
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Hi CG! Don't feel bad about not visiting my page earlier! I don't often get around to other people's pages. This site has become so big that it's hard to keep up. Your page has more pages on it than any others I've seen. Mr Popularity! I hope you enjoy your retirement.
06/Jul/08 3:51 PM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Your video rings too true for me!!!
As for middle age men, maybe you'll have better luck looking under middle age crisis!
06/Jul/08 9:39 PM
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