Judy from Oklahoma City, OK

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Hi, y'all, and welcome to my page!

Sit down and I'll get us some tea (iced).  Have a plate of fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy -- comfort food!  Try a bite of fried okra, I bet you'll like it.  For dessert we have pecan pie and/or chocolate cake with chocolate icing -- better loosen up your belt..

Now stay awhile and tell me what's going on in your world. 



Judy Y



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   eaa  From Tassie
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Page two, many more to come.
30/Apr/08 9:23 PM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Judy, there were storms all around us, the closest tornado was maybe 20 miles away. Had hard rain and lots of wind, some small branches down is all. We never lost power so that is good, although all that was on TV last night was weather reports. Was a little cool this am but warmed up nicely, just whsh the winds would go away my allergies are real bad.
Harry is doing nicely, a nurse comes in every day and changes the dressing on his foot. Maybe starting to get better, but it has a long way to go.
03/May/08 3:46 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Judy, thanks for your enquiry. Anne and I are both well and looking forward to taking delivery of our new baby on 20 May. Then it will be up,up and away - follow the winds and the nose of the motorhome.
03/May/08 3:54 PM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Judy just saw your comment on the easy jigsaw, yes, that is the name a few people call me.
03/May/08 4:08 PM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Judy, jigsaw from 2 May was taken in Ponca City. Not sure what the building was, just liked it's looks.
04/May/08 2:07 PM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Oh Judy, I wish. . . but I think I'm closer to your age if not past you! Thank you, thank you for your wongerful b'day wish. See I can't even get myself to say the word!!!
13/May/08 12:20 PM
   Kay  From Wilmington NC USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Judy, and thank you so much for suggesting the National Geographic site for more puzzles. I had read briefly about that site a while ago, but then forgot about it. I am on the way there now!
18/May/08 8:57 PM
   Dorthea  From San Francisco    Supporting Member
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I'm so glad you liked my you tube. Drop by anytime. Have you tried zigzone jizsaw puzzles? I like 91 pieces. Try It.
20/May/08 4:06 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Judy, we picked her up today and will do a shake-down trip early in June. We can't wait.
20/May/08 11:25 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hey Judy, I've been wandering around pages that for some reason or other I have missed and am trying to remedy that situation...Looks as if you've been around for a good while, and I've seen your comments both on easy and the jigsaws...so I have no clue as to how I missed getting here before now...so...hello, welcome and hope you enjoy the Philly Cheese steaks and Pa wine from our local wineries. Looking forward to getting to know you and hope you will visit my page. Peace.
21/May/08 7:08 AM
   Plum  From SW Michigan, USA
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Thanks for the welcome. No, never heard of Stephanie Plum until you mentioned her. Wikipedia...hmm. Might do some light reading!
Have a Mountain View Cur named Gracie Lou named after the Sandra Bullock FBI/beauty queen character in Miss Congeniality (we have pets with split personalities ). See wikipedia mentions SB a popular casting choice for a Stephanie Plum movie.
Name because Plum is my fav color and a fav fruit. Always choose Plum playing Clue. Love plum pierogi fried in butter topped with sour cream, but it's a rare lux food since so hi-fat.
23/May/08 10:57 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Judy. You asked about my avatar. Its an Australian flower called a bottle brush. That photo is taken looking straight down the branch. the bit of green in the middle is a couple of leaves on the end of the branch. If you imagine turning it around so you're looking it from the side it looks like one of those bottle scrubbers with the bristles in a cylinder around a wire stem!
02/Jun/08 12:29 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Actually I've just change the photo on my page & it's a side view of a bottle brush flower, possibly the same one as the avatar!
02/Jun/08 12:34 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Judy if you want to see today's flower from Sue before it was shrunk for the jigsaw go to: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sistersmason/2230077922/
04/Jun/08 4:28 PM
   Candace  From Lauderdale by the Sea    Supporting Member
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Judy, thanks for stopping by the other day. Bringing you an orchid today as the avatar. (don't know how yet to do additional picutes to send
05/Jun/08 1:31 AM
   Candace  From Lauderdale by the Sea    Supporting Member
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Thanks Judy, now maybe you can help me with the other little symbols? Love the heart, but do you get these from a special site or how do you import? in appreciation!
05/Jun/08 4:30 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Judy. I'm glad you liked my flower the other day! Thanks. I visited that Murraya site, thanks. Wonderful photos. The flower that was on jigsaw is on a bush that is part of a hedge too. But there are a couple of errors on the page! The Murraya actually comes from India, but her photos were taken in Hawaii (she may have thought it was a native because it's also growing wild), like mine was taken in Australia. The flowers look like orange blossom but smell more like a jasmine or a Cestrum/Jessamine; another name for it is Orange Jessamine. It's also called Satin wood & Cosmetic bark & it does come from the Rutaceae family! The Mock orange is another plant altogether, it definitely smells of orange flowers, but looks more like a white apple blossom! This scent is a lot stronger than the Murraya, if you like orange blossom (which I do!) it's heavenly! Its Botanical name is Philadelphus coroniarius, from the Saxifragaceae family. It originated in Asia Minor! I'm not criticizing the photographer - it's great that she's gone to all that trouble, I'm just adding to her information!
10/Jun/08 9:51 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Judy - it seems that I've never welcomed you to your own page since you became a member. I may have mixed you up with our other Judy, I think. Heaven help!
I was reading your comment on my photo on medium jigsaw today and thought I'd say thank you on your page, then realised I'd never been here before.
I used to do the jigsaws all the time now I hardly ever go in there. Also I haven't had a great deal of spare time since before Christmas, so had to stop one of my time wasters.
10/Jun/08 3:48 PM
   Kay  From Wilmington NC USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Judy, thanks for the compliments on my "Shadows of Fort Fisher." That's one of the first (real!) paintings that I did and it's still my favorite. Many couples get married there, and they recognize the spot in my painting. It's one of the few that I had signed & numbered prints done from. I have sent in a couple of photos of that place at Fort Fisher, don't know when they will come up. Again, thanks! By the way, I have a cousin named Judy (Haley) in OK, but don't remember exactly where at the moment. They have a ranch, and she's a teacher. K
14/Jun/08 4:04 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Judy, I was just doing some page cleaning and noticed your comments on my pics. for dropping in and meeting my tribe.
Mum and Dad live in Adelaide which is a ten hour drive from here but they are now both in their eighties and I miss them terribly. I try to get back as often as I can.
The birds you asked about are King Parrots and yes, they are wild, although, if you put seed in your hand, they will eat right out of it. Incredible! We used to have those hanging baskets full of seed for them but now we only put out seed occasionally.
The grey cat you met, Punch, would have to be one of the nicest cats I have ever met. He is a real smooch, and often sits behind me on my pooter chair!
Well my dear, it is very late here and I really should be going to bed. Have to get my youngest up for school in the morning...a daunting task at the best of times!
Thanks again for the visit and next time I pop in, I hope to be able to look through some of your photos, maybe your travel ones.
All the best, take care,
15/Jun/08 11:23 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Judy - a big for your best wishes on the birth of my newest grandson, Bailey.
17/Jun/08 11:58 PM
   dino  From Sth Gippsland    Supporting Member
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Actually, Judy, Merlin had a visit today from a doggie friend who looks very much like Serena (Hey, how about a good pic of her??????) His friend, Charlie, had covered about 3k to get here. He belongs to good friends of mine who had wondered where their dog had gone! Merlin sends licks to Serina
26/Jun/08 6:29 PM
weezie56  From nh/usa    Supporting Member
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Hi Judy:
Yes it is my birthday but it's almost done. I always thought it should be a week long event. But I will be thankful for the day I spent out on the ocean with my sons and husband and the seafood lunch we had after. Thank you so much for taking a moment to wish me well.
08/Jul/08 9:52 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Judy, Judy, Judy did not know you are a fellow "Cancer" baby. You are a few days older than me, or at least your birthday is a few days before mine. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO..............

to you,
to you,
dear Judy,
to you & many, many more.
13/Jul/08 12:45 AM
   Linda  From Pioneer
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Good Morning, Judy! I hope you have a wonderful day!!
13/Jul/08 1:27 AM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL    Supporting Member
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to you, after a night of storms - it's a nice cool summer day today - fine arts fair going on this weekend - but I'm heading off to the Hallmark Christmas party. I hope you enjoy your special day, Mary
13/Jul/08 1:33 AM
   Vici  From California
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Happy Birhtday, Judy! Hope you are having a great day in OK City. July babies are the best (I'm one, too!) - a big b'day hug to you!
13/Jul/08 3:43 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Judy. Hope you have a wonderful birthday.
(A kindred spirit. I also love to travel)
13/Jul/08 6:48 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I hope you have many more, each better than the last!
13/Jul/08 7:31 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Judy! to you! I hope your day has been filled with love, joy, laughter, friends, family and many surprises!
13/Jul/08 7:49 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Judy! Have a fantastic day!!
13/Jul/08 7:58 AM
   Elizabeth  From Portarlington    Supporting Member
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Judy and thanks for your wishes for mine. Hope your day is everything you want it to be!
13/Jul/08 8:30 AM
   jamie  From aggieland texas    Supporting Member
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Judy - Happy Birthday!!! Hope it isn't any hotter in Oklahoma than it is in Texas.
13/Jul/08 8:56 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Judy, a very to you.
I have brought you a bottle of Aussie bubbly, a Choc Mud and a bouquet of roses to help with the celebrations.
Have a truly wongerful day.
13/Jul/08 10:13 AM
   Elise  From Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Birthday Wishes coming your way Judy.
Have a great day.
13/Jul/08 10:17 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Heavens...can't believe I haven't dropped in before now...better late than never!!Serena is a 'cutie'.
13/Jul/08 12:29 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Judy, hope you day is filled with laughter, family and friends and the coming year is all you wish for.
13/Jul/08 3:13 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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13/Jul/08 5:16 PM
noblewine  From US -- Oklahoma    Supporting Member
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Happy Birthday, Judy! I hope your home did not flood in last night's rain. Be sure you celebrate your special day!

Have a super birthday!
13/Jul/08 10:30 PM
   Vici  From California
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Glad to hear your b'day was special and that the celebration continues today! My husband jokes around my birthday by adding to his "yes" answers, "Afterall, it is YOUR day!" He says this for about 2 weeks and I take full advantage of it! Continued good times to you!
13/Jul/08 11:29 PM
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