broni from qld, australia

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Bella Basset and I both are looking forward and enjoying each day.


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   eaa  From Tassie
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Page 3.
02/Mar/08 8:58 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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WoooHooo TY eaa
02/Mar/08 11:42 PM
Thanks for the welcome Broni. Love your farsighted dog.
03/Mar/08 1:07 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Thank you, Broni for the birthday wishes!
What fun celebrating with all the Sudoku family!
03/Mar/08 3:42 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Great pictures Broni...everyone really looks as if it was great fun. Beautiful smiles all around.
03/Mar/08 3:00 PM
   Meg  From Kingaroy Qld
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Thanks for the pics Broni. Now I can show my family who these 'unknown' people were that I took off to Brisbane to meet. LOL Thanks for a great time!
03/Mar/08 3:18 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Great photos of the Brisbane Meet. Looks like you all had a wonderful time.
03/Mar/08 4:20 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Great pictures Broni! It looks like you all had a great time and the location looks very beautiful! Glad everything worked out so well! Have a great day!
04/Mar/08 12:35 AM
   Sabina  From Brisbane
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Lovely pictures Broni, It's nice to put faces to names.
04/Mar/08 9:34 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Great photos Broni. Thanks heaps for sharing them with us.
04/Mar/08 10:04 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Thanks for sharing the photos Broni! Looks like you had a lot of fun!
04/Mar/08 1:43 PM
Judy  From San Diego    Supporting Member
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What a great looking bunch of women, Broni! I'll bet that you laughed yourselves silly! Thanks for sharing with us.
04/Mar/08 2:57 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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soooo cute. LOL
05/Mar/08 9:55 PM
   eaa  From Tassie
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Thanks for your best wishes Broni. Love the movements of your little basset very cute. I won't stop with my jokes. You are welcome to take a trip to my part of the world,throught my galleries. Catch you in easy or when I return. Cheers.
07/Mar/08 8:13 AM
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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thank you for the good wishes for Graeme on his birthday. he was very chuffed to get so many special messages.
pleased you enjoyed your get together in brisbane, it adds a new dimension to the chatter on site when you have met people.
08/Mar/08 12:10 PM
Jeana  From Maine, USA
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Broni, You are welcome! You also have a great day (I'm actually off to bed now) and stop by anynow.
12/Mar/08 1:33 PM
Jeana  From Maine, USA
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anynow = anytime! zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
12/Mar/08 1:34 PM
   Orianne  From Ottawa,Canada
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Hi Broni, I enjoyed chatting with you this morning and I hope we can do it again soon!
13/Mar/08 8:18 AM
Cheryl  From Ontario, Canada
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Hi Broni: Love wacky and thanks for the welcome to Sudokuland. I have lots to learn to find my way around but look forward it. Drop in anytime.
13/Mar/08 12:10 PM
   Eri  From St. Louis, USA
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Hi, Broni-
Love the pic of Bella with glasses on!
14/Mar/08 12:44 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Broni - a long over due visit and thanks for your best wishes. I love the way you've decorated your page, it's great!
I was trying to have another look in your photo gallery but unfortunately your photos are too large and won't download properly for me because my computer is very slow. When I submit photos into my gallery I open them in "paint", reduce them by 50%, save them in my documents, then submit the new one. (sorry, not telling you what to do, but I learnt that when we first had our own photo gallery on our page)

15/Mar/08 4:21 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Great youtube. Love to see something to give me a laugh.
16/Mar/08 9:50 PM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Dear Broni,
Thank you for your kind words. I am coping because I had resigned myself to the inevitable several months ago as my mom entered the moderate to severe range of Alzheimers. I think my dad had done the same because he is still calm and in command of his faculties. Thank you again my dear friend!
17/Mar/08 3:01 AM
   Carol  From Punta Gorda    Supporting Member
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Hi Broni!
Thanks for saying Hi. I have been off and on the site for about two years. I totally love being even a little bit in touch with people from all over the world. West Florida Sudokuites are meeting for lunch in April in Venice, Florida. Wish you could join us!
18/Mar/08 11:01 AM
rts  From California    Supporting Member
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Thank you for my welcomes! :) Love the pics!
20/Mar/08 3:58 AM
Cheryl  From Ontario, Canada
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Hi Broni Just popping in to wish you and your family a Happy Easter. Spring has arrived but we still have snow here - lots of sunshine today though so it looks promising and am looking forward to the warmer weather. Love your dogs Bella and BJ - Think I need a pet (does my goldfish count lol) and I Do Love Dogs... however, I am out a lot and not fair to a dog... than again maybe I should get two like you so they'd be company for each other... hmmmm.
Have a great day with my best wishes. Cheers.
23/Mar/08 1:08 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Everyone is welcome to join us at
Markwell's Cafe and Bar
Griffith Street (opposite Showcase on the Beach)
at 12:00 (midday)
on Wednesday 23rd April

Come and meet Martha, Madby3, CynB, Broni(?) and Squirt.
RSVP if you can come so we can organise a table.
27/Mar/08 2:36 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Broni, It should be another great day. I'm really looking forward to it - especially as I'll be on holidays!!! I put the ? behind your name as I had heard you were coming but wasn't sure if you were taking the day off work.

Great to hear about you and Theresa going o/seas later in the year. What a lot of fun you two will have. I'll look forward to hear where you are going and what you will be doing. I've never been to Europe or such far flung places - just NZ and Fiji. I haven't even been to many places in Oz yet. So much to see and so little time to see it all in!
27/Mar/08 3:03 PM
   Peg  From Ohio
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Hi Broni - Thanks for the kind welcome! I love this site already! Sudoku and nice folks - what's not to love about that?
29/Mar/08 5:18 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Broni, I need the rest of that joke also, please! a lineman's cable subed for a bungy cord? not a good outcome I am sure!
30/Mar/08 12:13 AM
   Martha  From Tyalgum, NSW
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I'm sooo glad you finally managed to post the rest of the Darwin awards - left in mid sentence - it was killing me. I went onto the Darwin awards site in the end (in desperation), but couldn't find the same list, just a whole heap of "nominations", which were very funny anyway.
30/Mar/08 11:29 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Thank You Much Broni, I never did see the rest of the Darwin Awards on EASY, and would have missed it entirely if you had not sent to me. Sorry you had problems posting. Glad you are back with us now.
30/Mar/08 11:37 PM
   Junebug_Jenny  From Michigan
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Hi Broni,

Thanks for the birthday wishes! And thanks for visiting. Have a lovely day.

31/Mar/08 2:12 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Broni, the whole thing is not as complicated as it looks, years of practice and training go into it. But it is so much fun - and we used to get paid to do it!
31/Mar/08 5:46 PM
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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Broni, thank you for your kind words and support. Pet lovers all know the sorrow that comes after years of joy. I know it will get better over time.
02/Apr/08 6:59 AM
   Linda  From Qld
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Hi Broni
Just joined, but I am not very good with computers yet(i'm learning as fast as I can) so please excuse my lack of fancy bits. (they will come in time I hope) Love to come to Coolie just tell me where and when (My daughter lives in Banora Pt)We live 3 hrs N/W in Kilcoy.
02/Apr/08 7:49 AM
   k  From brissie    Supporting Member
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Hi Broni, thanks for the birthday wishes, I've had a great day today -lunch with friends and dinner with my family, and all those lovely birthday greetings for all over the world, doesn't get much better. I hope to see you all at Coolangatta, will let you know soon ♥
02/Apr/08 11:21 PM
   Deb  From Calamvale
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Hi Broni....Thanks for the invite but I work Mon-Fri so wont be able to make it...sorry.

03/Apr/08 4:09 PM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Many thanks for your interest of my picture cof Saint Dimyanna.
For your interest I placed this picture with full size as a face of my own page Today.
This Red cover is for the Holly Table .
Hope it meets your interest and my best wishes to you.
04/Apr/08 3:07 AM
   Peter  From 42° South
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Thanks for your concern. We're OK. The area we live in was the worst hit but we sustained no damage apart from the swing being blown off the balcony - Fortunately I wasn't sitting in it..........
04/Apr/08 3:37 PM
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