Debby from Michigan,USA

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Welcome to my house in the Fall

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   Mon  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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Hi Debby. Thank you for your birthday wishes the other week. I do appreciate them.
19/Oct/08 9:54 AM
   Plum  From SW Michigan, USA
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It means a lot to me that you were so kind to think about my problem and offer an idea for a solution.
I thought about a party -- and a pot luck sounds great because I'd love to just relax to enjoy my friends -- but we have no place to have an indoor party in late November, plus it's so close to Thanksgiving that it's hard to coordinate with everyone's holiday plans. If I belonged to a church with a building I could use, I'd throw a party for our 25th, but I'd have to rent any space I'd use, and that's too hard to do right now.
I'm thinking of just making it a point throughout the year of having "come on over" dinners for 1 or 2 families -- you, know, just entertaining more. I'm coming to the conclusion that the way to mark our 25th is not by looking back or by having a big event, but by consciously choosing to DO things that are meaningful while we still can. I have a tendency to put things off. So, at 25 years I'm resolving that "the day" has finally come, e.g., I'm getting out the guest towels and using them for everyday!
22/Oct/08 7:57 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Debby! I just dropped by to tell you I miss seeing you on Easy. Hope you are having a great time in VA. Don't know if you ever have access to a computer anywhere. Don't think you have ever mentioned having a laptop. Less than two weeks now til we leave on our big trip. Will you be home before Nov. 13?
02/Nov/08 9:25 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Thanks Debby...touch wood, all is well with my mob at this second! Hope you can say the same about yours.
Rena will be here soon, she arrives in Perth in just over a week, she will be staying with Rolanda for a week then coming over here to Melbourne and staying at my place for a week. We will be having a gathering here in her honour on Saturday 29th November...any chance you can make it??? Suppose not, seeing as you only just got hgome! Haven't had a chance to have a look through your fall photos as yet, but it is on my to-do list. Right now, I better go and spend some qt with hubby!
Thanks for dropping in, lovely to share a coffee and a chat with you.
09/Nov/08 11:28 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Debby. Sorry about my out burst yesterday. I was feeling down about a few other things that are going on around me at the moment & someone said something about one of my pictures being a repeat but hadn't said anything about all the others. I stupidly took it personally even though my head was telling me it wasn't (& I know it wasn't because this person doesn't do that). Ended up yelling about nothing because I wanted to yell about something more serious!! Anyway thank you very much for you king words. I wanted to say so yesterday afternoon after I saw them, but was interrupted & didn't get back to the computer till now! I stayed home from the river this weekend because I want to do some Christmas sewing! P & the dog will have a great time by themselves! Maybe they'll bring home some crabs for dinner tomorrow night!!
15/Nov/08 10:54 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Debby. Sorry I missed you when you dropped in!! I enjoyed your photos earlier in the day (?yesterday!) and I love the way you change the wonderful photo of your home to suit the season. I hope the snow doesn't linger for you yet! We had snow (in the mountains - about 50ks away) in October; that was weird! But even weirder was that we had the highest October temp for 30 years a couple of days before the temp dropped to a record low! And some people don't think there's a problem!!!
16/Nov/08 1:29 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Thank you for visiting. We did have a lot of fun. We were a boisterous group - just about chased every other customer out! But it would have been even better with you! These sudoku meetings kind of develops a life of its own. When you least expect it you're caught!
17/Nov/08 3:36 PM
   Terry  From Homewood, Il
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Hi Debby, I just got in. (I work the 3-11 shift) Watched the end of the Hawks-Coyotes game. I have a little time to do my E-Mail and the "hard puzzle for the day. To answer your question; Homewood is about 1 mile south of I-80 and 5or 6 miles from the Ill /Ind state line. only flurries so far for us, nothing stuck. Hoever just 10 miles away they had 8 inches of lake affect snow. Oh and Hoffman Estates..I think I am closer to the Ind/Mich state line!
19/Nov/08 4:34 PM
   Dorthea  From San Francisco    Supporting Member
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Thank you for the information on my photos. The children will be here on Wens. for Thanksgiving and I'm sure they will figure it out. Happy Holidays
25/Nov/08 12:24 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Debby! Thank you so much for the birthday greetings. As always, birthdays here in Sudokuland last 2 days, so I really don't start celebrating until tomorrow. Thanks for the kind greeting and warm thoughts. Have a great day!
27/Nov/08 3:18 AM
   Sophia  From Country Vic, Aust.
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Hi Debby, read your comment about the roaming wild turkeys so stopped to check out your page. Your home is beautiful it must be divine to live where you do you have a large block and are neighbours close by, I love the bush and nature and seeing your place makes me wish we had something like that here, happy thanksgiving and God bless you and your family.
28/Nov/08 11:43 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Hi dear friend! Thanks for popping by my page. I saw that I was following you around the site this morning. Hope you didn't stay up too late cleaning up after your big dinner! We had a quiet night at home with prime rib. We will celebrate our turkey day on Saturday when my step daughters are here.
29/Nov/08 1:28 AM
   Carol  From Punta Gorda
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Hi Debby, We are back in Florida but I don't get on Sudoku much. When I do I like to read your posts...Hope you are well and that the holidays coming up bring much joy! I bet you are doing alot of music. Went to California to visit daughter and son came here for Thanksgiving. The Christmas lights go up tomorrow. How are your parents? If you ever come down our way please call and we can get together.
30/Nov/08 11:00 AM
   Aileen  From California    Supporting Member
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Hi, Debby!
Beautiful snowfall photos, but I'm glad we only get the occasional rainfall down here.

I went to school in Idaho, and it was interesting living in snow country for 3 yrs, but I didn't have to drive in it or shovel it!
02/Dec/08 3:11 AM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hi Debby! I've just had a look at your photos - some beautiful views there! Thanks for showing me another part of the world. Loved the baby birds, and the humming birds - just gorgeous! :)
02/Dec/08 5:12 PM
   Kate  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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Hi Debby, thank you so much for the birthday greetings. I have had a fantastic day and very much enjoyed all the messages from near and far.
I love your fireplace, very welcoming!
04/Dec/08 8:11 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Debby, thanks for cisiting my page. the Australian friend pictured with me on the big rock mountain is not one of our Sudoku group. she is in my internet quilting group and I got to show her around the Atlanta Ga area 2 days during her visit through the USA.

The stone is STONE MOUNTAIN Ga, and the carving was done over years and years, it is of Robert E Lee, a confederate General. . this is just one huge rock that came up out of the ground, everything around it is relatively flat.

The heart quilt was done as a 4 patch, 4 blocks of fabric sewn together, then the white hearts appliqued over the junction. the fabrics are 30's flour sack kind of prints. That is the favorite fabric of the lady this quilt was made for. I designed the block and the setting and the borders. all the quilting ladies made the blocks and sent to me to put it together, make and put on the borders. It was a lot of fun to make that one. Someone else did the quilting and finishing of the quilt. I always love talking about my quilts hehehe.
05/Dec/08 1:09 AM
   (Sugar) Plum  From SW Michigan, USA
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C'mon over to my updated page. Merry Christmas.
05/Dec/08 6:12 AM
   elsie  From strath
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Thankyou for your birthday wishes. I had a wonderful day.

Just in case I don't pop back in soon - I hope your preparations for Christmas don't spoilt your celebrations. Have a wonderful and blessed Christmas.
05/Dec/08 10:10 AM
   Judy  From Bendigo    Supporting Member
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Hello, Debby. Thanks for your kind birthday greetings. It was a nice surprise to hear from a number of people, even though my name doesn't appear on the birthday list and I rarely post on the site. The 16x16 takes up too much of my day, I'm afraid. Sudokuholism (????) takes a number of different forms.
05/Dec/08 1:25 PM
   HalT  From S Carolina
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Hi Debby. Thank you for your kind comments on my photos. About the 'hummer': I'm not sure what kind it is. Those little guys move so quickly it's hard to identify them. And the pic doesn't show that much color. But I'm guessing it's a female of any one of 4 or 5 kinds. Like you, we only have the ruby throated here in SC.
BTW, I took a gander at your pictures, and I only have one comment: You got way too much of that white, cold stuff.
Just kidding, you have some very nice pix.
Thanks again.
06/Dec/08 1:54 PM
   Amelia  From Salt Ash    Supporting Member
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Thank you Debbie no matter how late it's always nice to get your best wishes. Now to get organised for Christmas as I will have 30 family here for the day.
12/Dec/08 9:11 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Debby! I just popped in to say hi and saw your wonderful wood burning fireplace. We also have a wood burner. Nothing like it on a cold winter's night! Bit of a mess to clean, but well worth it!
12/Dec/08 1:04 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi Debby, for the birthday wishes. The messages made my day!

I enjoyed my tour around your photo gallery!!
14/Dec/08 8:28 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Debby! I'm slowly catching up on Sudoku after our long trip through Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, & Cambodia. Thank you for your birthday greeting on Dec. 4. I had a very special day which began when we watched the sun rise at Angkor Wat in Cambodia - unforgettable! I have posted only one
picture of our trip on my page so far, but I will try to whittle down the thousands of pictures we took to just our favorites & post them on Flickr as soon as I can find time. Meanwhile, Rob & I would like to wish you & your family a very Merry Christmas (& probably a white one!) & a Happy New Year. It will be 2009 before we know it! Take care & stay warm, healthy, & happy!
14/Dec/08 1:09 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Debby, just dropping in to wish you a very happy Christmas and a wonderful
We're going Up-the-River for the weekend, then back here Sunday or Monday; off to Wagga Wagga on Tuesday for Christmas with P's family. Back here Boxing Day, then Up-the-River again till after New Year! Hope we get and when on the river! The Blue swimmers are around at the moment. We got 4 last weekend & a total of 10 over the previous 2 times we were there!
I'll catch up with you next year!
18/Dec/08 7:38 AM
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Just popped in to say thank you, rather belatedly, for my birthday wishes.I haven't been on the site for quite a while and have only just got round to thanking everyone. I hope all is well with you. Have a wonderful Christmas.
18/Dec/08 8:45 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Debby, I was decorating the new tree when you ask about Oklahoma. It can be very humid both summer and winter, but I think mostly in the summer. We do have a few days that are like Florida in the summer but very few usually. This last week is about as cold was we normally get. The snow and ice come and go through the winter, snow maybe a foot or maybe an inch. What I hate is the ice, we seem to have it too much during the winter. Switched from feeding the hummers to now feeding other birds. Took a couple pictures yesterday hope to get them on my page tonight or tomorrow.
Be careful in the snow.
18/Dec/08 10:41 AM
Lindy  From Townsville
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Just wanted to thank you personally for the birthday wishes last weekend. I hope that you and yours have a wonderful Christmas.
PS love your photo gallery
19/Dec/08 7:46 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Wishing you all the very best for the Festive Season

19/Dec/08 6:19 PM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Wishing you & yours
20/Dec/08 10:56 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Debby, may the Christmas spirit bless you and your family and the New Year be filled with joy and prosperity! Merry Christmas!

ps: I could use that warm fire! Our xmas tree is next to the fireplace so we can't light it.
21/Dec/08 12:56 AM
harry  From bayswater melbourne
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Hi Debby

A big for visiting my page.Your door is always open but I will still knock before I enter [just in case]
Anyhow my dear have a lovely Christmas with family and friends and all the very best for the new year.

22/Dec/08 7:51 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Debbie! I'm sending my best wishes to you and to all those you care for. Enjoy the festive season, and may today and all future days bring you good health, happiness and peace. Cheers!
23/Dec/08 5:34 AM
   fii  From NT
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OPPS I jsut posted under your picture rather than here... In case you miss that comment...

Hi there Deb,

it looks just exquisite!! a white winter wonderland. but it must be freezing.

I'm sitting here in barefeet, shorts and a
sleeveless top. I guess that while we swelter in Darwin you will enjoy your white Christmas and toast yourselves bedside that wonderful fireplace of yours. Whatever and where ever, may it be a lovely celebration for you. May you and your loved ones share a blessed Christmas this year

Here’s the traditional

Juice of 7 large lemons
Grated rind of 5 large lemons
1 kg sugar
1.25 litres of water
25g citric acid
1. In a large pan, boil up sugar, water, grated peel and citric acid.
2. Take off and add juice, If preferred, this may be strained.
3. Bottle whilst still hot into clean, sterilised (in oven) bottles

Mix it with gin and soda if you want an alcoholic drink but I prefer straight soda.

Actually with honey, whiskey and hot water and ounceor two of lemon cordial makes a great hot toddy.

May 2009 be a healthy, peaceful, joyful, hopeful, satisfying year for you
23/Dec/08 10:11 AM
   Kate/Melbourne  From Visiting Adelaide    Supporting Member
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Debby, Greetings for the Festive Season to you and your family and very best wishes for a wonderful 2009.
23/Dec/08 11:38 AM
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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On Christmas morning, gather around the with your family and friends, with cups of coffee liberally laced with , and make sure everybody knows you them and wish them joy. May you and yours have the best of holiday seasons.
23/Dec/08 3:01 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi Debbie

It is a long time since I've dropped in..hope you are well.
Best wishes for the festive season to you and your family - I hope that 2009 brings all that you desire....
23/Dec/08 11:28 PM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Debby, I'm stopping by to wish you and those you love a very Merry Christmas and all the best in the year ahead! Celebrate the season well with all those you hold dear.
24/Dec/08 4:39 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Merry Christmas Debby! Think I'll just stay right here by the fire - ahhhhhh!
Stopping in with Holiday greetings for you! Wishing you a Christmas full of love and joy ...and blessings throughout the new year!
24/Dec/08 8:13 AM
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