Shiela from MI

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(A sheila named Shiela)


To know someone here and there who thinks and feels with us, 

though distant, is close to us in spirit ...

This makes the earth for us an inhabited garden.

- Goethe

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   Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
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Thank you, Shiela, for your kind words about my brother's passing. I am still somewhat in a state of shock. It's not even been three months since his diagnosis. He will be sorely missed by all who knew him. I am just thankful that he was surrounded by his loving wife and children at the end. I am planning to head back to Michigan in early spring to help my sister-in-law get ready for her move to Oklahoma to live with her middle daughter, son-in-law and 5(!) of her grandchildren. I've already told Debby that I will let her know when I'll be there so that we can get together. Hopefully, you will be available, too. I'll keep you posted.....♥ Jane
10/Dec/08 8:56 AM
Kristy B  From Everett, WA
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Thanks for the greeting. I actually live in unincorporated Snohomish County. My address says Everett, but 2 blocks away the addresses are Bothell. It is beautiful here, but lately, very soggy.
12/Dec/08 3:53 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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oh Shiela! I sure hope you are bundled up for your tree hunting excursion! I, too, would have to cut just the perfect one...I know you'll sure enjoy that toddy when you get home.
Still waiting on our snow - storm is held up and hasn't hit yet.
14/Dec/08 7:15 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi Shiela! for the birthday wishes! They made my day! Leaving you with some left over
14/Dec/08 8:34 AM
   SweetPhotatoes  From Shelburne Falls
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Thank you for the warm welcome to Sudokuland, Shiela, and on my birthday, too! Eventually, I'll upload a picture gallery of some of my nature photos, so you'll be able to see why I have the word "photo" in my name.
14/Dec/08 10:14 AM
   Susan  From Qld    Supporting Member
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You're very welcome Shiela. I'm glad the "22 quilt" came in handy!
14/Dec/08 7:35 PM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Shiela, so sorry to hear about your aunt's passing, but it's nice to know she rejoiced in her life and was grateful for the good time she had. Bravo to her and I'll say a prayer that her journey home will be filled with peace, love and that she'll meet up with old friends who'll welcome her.
17/Dec/08 2:26 AM
Judy  From San Diego    Supporting Member
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Love to you and your family on the passing of your aunt, Shiela. I hope that we all can be that upbeat and positive as the time approaches. God bless you all.
17/Dec/08 2:47 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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I'm sorry for your loss, Shiela. Your Aunt seemed to know how to live and then, how to leave. Another angel in heaven...
My condolences to you and your family.
17/Dec/08 3:36 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Shiela, I think I would have loved your aunt. What a great outlook on life.
May I please add my sympathies to you and your family.
In memory of your Aunt.
17/Dec/08 9:02 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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My condolences to you and your family, on the passing of your Aunt Ruth.
17/Dec/08 6:32 PM
Nancy  From Michigan
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Very sorry to hear of the passing of your Aunt. She has gone on to a better place. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
18/Dec/08 7:28 AM
Lindy  From Townsville
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Just wanted to thank you personally for the birthday wishes last weekend. I hope that you and yours have a wonderful Christmas.
19/Dec/08 7:48 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Shiela, I've come to wish all the best for Christmas and I hope you have a wonderful time. There will be tears for your Aunt, but she WILL be there with you, even though you won't see her! I'll "see" you next year. We go away on Saturday for a couple of days at the river house, then drive south to Wagga Wagga for Christmas with P's brothers, sisters and their families. After that we go back to the river house for New Year!
19/Dec/08 10:30 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Shiela! Just stopping in to wish you and your family a

I know you'll miss your dear Aunt Ruth. I raise my glass again in a toast to her!
20/Dec/08 8:23 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Wishing you & yours
20/Dec/08 11:11 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Wishing you all the very best for the Festive Season

21/Dec/08 2:59 PM
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Haven't been on the site in a while. I'm sorry to read about your Aunt. My condolences.
Wishing you a peaceful Christmas and New Year and the best of health. Take care xx
21/Dec/08 9:20 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Shiela, so sorry to hear about your aunt. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

May the Christmas spirit bless you and your family and the New Year be filled with joy and prosperity! Merry Christmas!
23/Dec/08 12:26 AM
   fii  From NT
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Hello Shiela,

I guess that Christmas this year for you will include the sadness of the recelt loss of your Aunt Ruth. May it also hold joy and pece and hope for you with shared times iwth family and friends.

for your cyber friendship.

I guess that while we swelter in Darwin in barefoot and thongs, you will celebrate a white Christmas with cold toes. Whatever and where ever, may it be a lovely celebration for you.

Here’s the traditional

Juice of 7 large lemons
Grated rind of 5 large lemons
1 kg sugar
1.25 litres of water
25g citric acid
1.In a large pan, boil up sugar, water, grated peel and citric acid.
2.Take off and add juice, If preferred, this may be strained.
3.Bottle whilst still hot into clean, sterilised (in oven) bottles

Mix it with gin and soda if you want an alcoholic drink or make a hot toddy with whiskey and honey .

May 2009 be a healthy, peaceful, joyful, hopeful, satisfying year for you
23/Dec/08 2:26 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Shelia! How goes all in your life? I wanted to send my best wishes to you and to all those you care for. Enjoy the festive season, and may today and all future days bring you good health, happiness and peace. Cheers!
23/Dec/08 6:30 AM
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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On Christmas morning, gather around the with your family and friends, with cups of coffee liberally laced with , and make sure everybody knows you them and wish them joy. May you and yours have the best of holiday seasons.
23/Dec/08 2:59 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hiya Sheila..

Best wishes for the festive season to you and your family - I hope that 2009 brings all that you desire....
23/Dec/08 11:25 PM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Shiela, I'm dropping in with a holiday hug for you and to wish you a very Merry Christmas! May the coming year bring you health, happiness and at least a dozen smiles a day. I know you'll share a story or two about your aunt, and I hope the memories of such a special lady will bring you joy. All the best of the holidays to you, my friend!
24/Dec/08 4:21 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Shiela - Just stopping by to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas May God's Blessing be with all of you through the New Year.
24/Dec/08 9:14 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Merry Christmas Shiela!
Stopping in with Holiday greetings for you! Wishing you a Christmas full of love and joy ...and blessings throughout the new year!
24/Dec/08 9:15 AM
Noemi B  From Israel    Supporting Member
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This was a GREAT surprise ! Thank you for your b-day wishes ! I wish you Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year !
25/Dec/08 12:41 AM
   Aileen  From California    Supporting Member
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MERRY CHRISTMAS, Shiela, to you and your family!

Be safe driving around in this winter season!
25/Dec/08 2:56 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I hope you have a wonderful day!
26/Dec/08 8:06 AM
Thank you Shiela for all the good wishes. Have a good new years! Hope you find a warm place to celebrate. We are heading for Key West!
27/Dec/08 2:35 AM
   Cazablanka  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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Thanks for the birthday wishes Shiela. I hope you had a great Christmas, I have not been on much, I got married on the 13th of December so it has been a bit hectic. I forgot to mention this to people. Ha ha ha
27/Dec/08 8:52 AM
   Judy  From Bendigo    Supporting Member
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Thanks for your feedback, Shiela - and my condolences on your loss. My comments were based in part on the fact that, as I wrote Christmas cards to family and friends this year, there were 8 people who had lost a parent or partner during the year and others facing serious health issues, so I had to find special ways of expressing greetings. No year is all happy - or all sad - but sometimes tha balance falls heavily in one direction or the other.
I hope that, in time, the happy memories of your aunt will be stronger than the sadness of her passing and you can think of her with a smile on your face.
28/Dec/08 7:46 PM
James  From North Cove
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Shiela, I reread your solution, and my "Well done" may have been premature. What if the inheritor saw two white dots? The puzzle must be solved without any conditions other than those stated. (By raising his hand, the inheritor indicated that he/she had seen at least one white circle, but maybe it was two.)
31/Dec/08 5:42 AM
Kate  From Sydney (Ku-ring-gai)
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Shiela and family!
31/Dec/08 9:34 PM
   (Sugar) Plum  From SW Michigan, USA
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Why is Persuasion your favorite Austen novel?
01/Jan/09 12:28 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Shiela! Wishing you a great new year!
01/Jan/09 9:58 AM
   tricia  From nemo, tx    Supporting Member
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Thank you for the birthday wishes. This was a very big suprise and made my day special.
06/Jan/09 11:07 PM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Stopping by with a prayer and hug for you on this special day--I'm sure you're eagerly waiting by the phone! May you be blessed with joyous news as you prepare to welcome a sweet addition to your family!
07/Jan/09 2:10 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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What a lovely way to start the New Year!
07/Jan/09 7:06 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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The cycle of life is a beautiful thing.

Welcome your new grandchild with all your love.
Cherish every day.
07/Jan/09 8:28 AM
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