Canuk Greg from Ottawa, Canada

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Take care and stay smiling, and have a great day everyone!



May you always have love to share, health to spare, and friends that care.

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   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello there, I haven't visited your page for a while so thought I'd stop by and say "hello".

Hopefully this is what you're doing right now!!!
08/Sep/08 1:15 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Well, how'd ya be! I took you onto a new page without even realising it.
08/Sep/08 1:17 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Greg, great photos!!!!
11/Sep/08 8:20 AM
   jamie  From aggieland texas    Supporting Member
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CG - good to hear from you! Gus is doing great, but we haven't gotten him dressed in a while. Too hot and hectic to think about it.
I don't know about being a lot faster than you on the riddle - you are pretty quick thinking yourself. I DID use matrices and a fancy calculator instead of some more sedate methods, because I really do have a ton of papers to work on. With 169 students this year, the grading is really going to be time consuming.
Time to get back to the papers before I head home for a bit of sleep.
Talk to you later.
11/Sep/08 11:42 AM
   Tulio  From Cali-Colombia
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Hi CG. Thanks a lot for your message. We are doing pretty well. I do not post very often but I enjoy reading (lurking) specially the jokes. Our two sons are still with us, and they probably will be some more years.
Mateo is doing his practice (Six months of work after finishing the academic semesters) in Jhonson & Jhonson here in Cali. After he finishes it, he hopefully will be hired full time, afterwich he must be tempted to obtain a Master Degree. We will work for a Scholarship in a foreign country. (I went to The United States with a Fulbright Scholarship in Agricultural Economics betwenn 1969-1970. That was at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. I have very good memories of that time).
Lucas goes to a Business Administration School, which has a program where the student goes to classes three months and then goes to a firm to practice what he has learned for three months.
I understand that this is taken from some program at a German University. The School has the contact with the firms where the students go to practice. They are very responsible young gentlemen.http:
12/Sep/08 11:45 AM
Kate  From Sydney (Ku-ring-gai)
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Canuk Greg!

Thanks for the message ... all is well!

Incidently, you freaked out a few people by suggesting Schultz was dead (on the jigsaws last Wednesday with your RIP) - did you know?!

Hope all's well with you too.

12/Sep/08 12:30 PM
   Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
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Hey, Greg! Thanks for the birthday wishes! And thanks, too, for participating in the "hottie" silliness. See you on the pages!!!
12/Sep/08 11:17 PM
   Chris  From Canberra
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Hi CG, thanks for the push! All is well here, as I hope it is your neck of the woods (I guess I could always ask my brother, who also lives in Ottawa.)
14/Sep/08 8:50 AM
   andrĂ©  From england    Supporting Member
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Spain was wonderful... still recuperating from excess of everything. And of course I licked the choccy off the file!!! It was great to see billy, we had a lovely, lovely time indeedy. Hope all is well. Back soonish!!
16/Sep/08 7:08 AM
   Margo  From Adelaide
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Thanks for the welcome Greg - I have been around for many years - since before baby Liam was born in Toronto - I think that was about 41/2 years ago. I do the puzzles to get the brain cells working in the morning before heading to work and don't often have time to comment. I am however very passionate about tail docking and ear cropping so couldn't resist this morning.

Hope you have a good day - lucky you not having to go to work!!!
19/Sep/08 8:19 AM
   Colleen  From Kelmscott West Aust
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Hi Greg,

Thanks for dropping by and looking at my photos. Personally I love your photo in India despite the suggestive comments it incited.
My life goes well for the most part I really can't complain. I am holiday at the end of next week for a couple of weeks - can hardly wait!
19/Sep/08 9:21 AM
   Judy  From Oklahoma City, OK    Supporting Member
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Greg, thanks for your note! I'm so glad you stopped by and visited my little gallery. All in my world is indeed well -- as long as I can get that little gal to eat (getting old). Today has been an excellent day -- hope your day was likewise!
19/Sep/08 3:48 PM
   mariana  From utah
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no one harmonizes quite like simon and garfunkle! it brings back great memeories of singing to their music with my family. thanks.
20/Sep/08 5:22 AM
   Wilodene  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Hi Greg, thanks for the birthday greetings. Yes, it has been a long time since I commented on much, but I do try to do a puzzle a day and read some of everyone else's comments. I have 5 grandchildren living with me that I help homeschool, and another 12 grandchildren that expect regular visits (3-6 hours away). I also managed to be in the hospital for a week this summer with pneumonia and am still in recovery mode. I love your polar bear photo and caption! I know I can always count on your comments being positive and hope all is well with you!
20/Sep/08 9:24 AM
   Colleen  From Kelmscott West Aust
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Hi again Greg,
after browsing through your photos I was inspired to post some of my own childhood and younger self photos. Thanks for the inspiration.
22/Sep/08 6:35 PM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Aw, shucks, Greg--we're already friends! But I'm thrilled to have our friendship "formalized." Should I wear something special to the swearing in ceremony? (Now, be nice ...) You're a real prince, and I can't tell you the many laughs you've brought me and how very much I have appreciated you being ready with a kind word or offer of counsel. (Do you believe that on Sept. 30, my mom will have been gone for one year? I still remember your kindness during those sad days). Now I think we should have a special celebration for Grandma Judy ... something with plenty of hot dogs and bull-riding.
23/Sep/08 6:00 AM
   Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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How lovely it was to find your kind post on my page, Greg. Thank you so much for your warm sentiments - they are deeply appreciated.
I guess that video is a bit old. They are a couple of Aussie fellows. It was sent to me in an e-mail a while ago and I fell in love with it. So heartwarming! Of course, the background music adds to the tear factor for me.
23/Sep/08 9:01 AM
Judy  From San Diego    Supporting Member
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Thanks so much for your good wishes for Zeke, Greg! How can you make me feel so good and, at the same time, tease me mercilessly?! It's definitely a gift! Zeke is a blessing to us, and, yes, I will chase him around ... but probably in a different manner than you suggested! Your caring means a lot.
23/Sep/08 12:30 PM
   Grass-hopper  From Qld
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My daughter is now 25 & is the worst person to take camping! Terrified by snakes & spiders! Comes from growing up in the Venomous Snake Capital of Oz! Don't really see many snakes though, as we learn't early to keep cats & the snakes stay away.
24/Sep/08 8:09 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Thanks Greg for the welcome. Have been doing puzzles for a while but don't get much time to stay and chat. Love seeing pages from other countries - must do something about mine!!
25/Sep/08 10:12 AM
   Kay  From Wilmington NC USA    Supporting Member
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Good morning, Greg! Thank you so much for the warm birthday wishes. It's shaping up to be a great day for me so far!
26/Sep/08 11:49 PM
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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Thank you for the birthday good wishes.
27/Sep/08 5:28 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Thanks for the "Welcome home"!
Wales is beautiful, rugged and worth many trips. It's a land of castles, mountains & history. Brecon, where we have spent a lot of our time is over 900 years old! I love all of the castles (I've been to almost fifteen of them... but Harlech, Beaumaris & Dolbadarn are my favorites!), the Pembrokeshire coastal path near St. David is fantastic, the coastal village of Tenby is lovely, the Brecon Beacons National Park, the Snowonia Mountains area, the coal mines, gardens, manor houses, rivers, bridges, sheep & more sheep, but most of all the people... Well, lets just say, there isn't anything in Wales I HAVEN'T liked!
(But I haven't figured out how to post photos!... darn!)
28/Sep/08 2:01 AM
Daplap  From PA
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WHO TOLD!!!???

28/Sep/08 7:47 AM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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It was a great day Greg, wish you could have been here too. So when are you coming out to the Land of Oz?
28/Sep/08 8:21 AM
   Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
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Greg - thanks so much for your comments. It is encouraging to hear about your friend. Unfortunately, my brother's cancer is at the juncture of the esophogus and stomach, so the stomach is involved. The initial prognosis was very dismal - partly because the doctor assumed that other organs were involved. However, it seems my brother's liver and kidneys are clean, as is his blood (aside from some anemia due to his difficulty in eating). I don't know what kinds of tests determined this, but in any case, the doctor now thinks there might be a chance of managing the cancer but needs the results from a PET scan to determine if the cancer has spread beyond the primary site. And as I mentioned, my brother has so far refused to have this done. In any case, I really do appreciate your encouraging comments. Bless you for sharing!
28/Sep/08 10:21 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Oh, Greg, thank you for putting on the Paul Newman You Tube, it was great.
28/Sep/08 11:29 AM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hi Greg! Just dropped in to look at your Paul Newman tribute - a great actor. (Love the music too.) Also have to thank you for all your humorous stories, which have often brightened my day. :)
28/Sep/08 11:32 AM
jano  From Lebanon
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Hello Greg

for the You tube , i love it .
28/Sep/08 5:15 PM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Your very kind words of your post makes me very happy and makes me forgot the hard time of my eyes problems.
Thanks God I am very well now and injoying your friendship of Sudoku Family.

My best wishes to you.
29/Sep/08 5:29 AM
   Grass-hopper  From Qld
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Aardvark? who needs them we have the Echnidna! To every problem there is a solution, the trick is to bring them together!
29/Sep/08 5:44 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Sorry to disappoint you, but I have a severe case of Mono AND a head cold. The cold won't last long, the Mono has been going on for about a month and a half.
29/Sep/08 6:33 AM
   gloria  From sydney oz
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Hi Greg, Haven't been on the site much, retirement seems to be much busier than working!! Chatted with Billy yesterday and sent a few messages to individual pages. Did the puzzle today and noticed a posting from Deb saying that Rosemary no longer visited. Can't find the actual details. What happened. Hope all is well with you. Can't believe it is over a year ago that we were in Canada - such a good time. Cheers
30/Sep/08 2:39 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Thank you my friend.
01/Oct/08 3:16 PM
   Jim  From Jupiter
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I tried to post this info several times yesterday, kept failing go thru. So I will tell you on your page.
"Seward's Folly" was a nickname for Alaska given to it by those who called US Secretary of State William Seward's decision to unilaterally purchase 6,000,000 acres from the Russians, for $7.2 million, in 1867, a waste of money.
Check it out:
Too many Americans are taught by nitwits. Since they themselves see no value in math or history, they are unable to teach these subjects. Perhaps that is why 10% of the American public think New Mexico is part of Mexico, and act surprised to find that Alaska and Russia are close together. Imagine how they would feel if the found out that (gasp) Japan seized some of the Aleutian Islands from Alaska in WWII, or that Lincoln was a Republican, or that Monday was not the first time the stock market responded negatively to an economic 'bubble bursting.'
03/Oct/08 3:58 AM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hello again Greg! Thanks for visiting my page - and gifts of food are always appreciated! :) We visited Canada (briefly) a few years ago - saw many amazing sights and have some great memories. I loved the "Anne of Green Gables" books when I was young, so would like to visit places I read about, but that will have to wait for another trip - so many amzing places to see in this world, so little time - and money! ;)
Have a great day Greg!
03/Oct/08 8:38 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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oh CG, were you lurking to pounce upon that page?
04/Oct/08 10:50 AM
   Angie  From Wisconsin    Supporting Member
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Hiya Greggers. Thanks for popping into my page and commenting. With my snowmobile stiiilllll broken, I'm actually hoping for winter to hold off a little while this year! Take Care, I Care.
06/Oct/08 6:38 AM
   Jaz  From Melbourne, Australia
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Thanks Heaps for the Birthday Wishes, Greg. I hope you are in full swing with preparations - we really are not that scary - well, maybe Billy but most of us are normal - Thanks
06/Oct/08 9:35 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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GREG, it seems I got a very different idea about what Broni meant by reporting a post as abusive. My take on it was this. . . . .

Heidi came to SA 6 and said she had started some comments on EASY with her post, it was considered by some as flaming and she might have to stay away a while, "hide out on SA" and that was said in a joking manner.

Broni answered that Heidi could report her own post on EASY as abusive and get Gath to remove it, since it was causing a problem.

Since I know both of these ladies and talk with them often, that is my understanding of Heidi's and Broni's post on SA6.
07/Oct/08 2:17 AM
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