Rolanda from Perth

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   Shelley  From Ballston, NY
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Thanks so much for the birthday wishes, it was a nice day made nicer by all the the birthday wishes from everybody. Have a great day!
13/Jul/08 11:44 AM
   Judy  From Oklahoma City, OK
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Rolanda, thank you for the birthday greetings. That was very sweet of you!
14/Jul/08 1:53 PM
   Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Thanks for the wonderful B'day wishes, Rolanda! Here's a piece of my b'day cake for you to enjoy! Loved your page and gallery - sweet horses
15/Jul/08 1:18 AM
JulieK  From Melbourne
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Hi there Rola

Many thanks for your kind birthday wishes *smiles*

Julie in melbourne
15/Jul/08 12:47 PM
   Elise  From Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Hi Rolanda
I was just wondering today if Jamie was a he!!
Thank you very much for letting me know.
In future I must ask someone first.
15/Jul/08 8:22 PM
   Eri  From St. Louis, USA
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Thanks for the good wishes! That's fun about our same due date (plus/minus a few years). I am hoping to be right on time, like you were; I have too much to do to be early - ha!
15/Jul/08 10:43 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Hi Rolanda! Haven't talk to you in a while! Hope all is well with you and yours. Thanks for all of your support and for always being there!!

Tell Stephen, for me! I hope he has a wonderful day and a great time celebrating (well, not TOO good of a time, lol)! 19 on the 19th has got to be an extra special celebration!

Take care!
17/Jul/08 1:10 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Many happy returns. Have a great day.
19/Jul/08 12:07 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Rolanda, your boys were so precious then! Bet they're handsome men now! I still get choked up seeing those pics of Peters and you.
19/Jul/08 1:19 AM
jano  From Lebanon
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to Stephen and a hug for you Rolanda
19/Jul/08 1:51 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Gee Rolanda, there is always something going on in your corner of the world isn't there? Please give my best wishes to Stephen for a happy 19th birthday! All the best to you Stephen!
19/Jul/08 7:12 AM
   Colleen  From Kelmscott West Aust
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Hi Rolanda, The holiday was beautiful - it only rained a lot on Tuesday and Friday so Monday, Wednesday and Thursday were good. Not bad for a winder holiday. Thanks for the comments on my flowers etc. We watched a lot of DVDs in front of a log fire - nice an cosy.
Say happy birthday to Stephen today I hope he has a wonderful day.
19/Jul/08 11:01 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Thank You Rolanda, for making my birthday special. With so many sudoku friends around the world it made the day truly wonderful.
23/Jul/08 11:50 PM
   Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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OH MY GOSH, Rolanda...are those the precious boys???? WOW! Bet it seems like just yesterday that you took that picture of them.
I loved the menu for the birthday dinner. That is the way to celebrate! My mouth is watering just thinking about your meal!
Glad you were all able to be together to celebrate. My step daughters (Ali & Lis) are 27 and 25 - it seems like it was just yesterday that they moved in with us (they wer 12 & 10)
Not an easy time, back then, but we are all getting along famously now!
Loved visiting with you...stop by anytime!
25/Jul/08 12:21 PM
   Colleen  From Kelmscott West Aust
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Hi Rolanda,
you are welcome for the birthday wishes - the menu sounds delicious.
25/Jul/08 1:56 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Newsbreak Rolanda......You are no longer the mother of two boys.....But you are the very proud Mum of two very handsome, and very grown young men who will one day soon will make fine husbands for some lucky young ladies (who must pass a very difficult test from all of the aunties worldwide) due to great parenting by you and Peter....Great pictures! Great Guys! Let's keep the love flowing! Thanks.
25/Jul/08 2:49 PM
   Mary  From Bibra Lake WA    Supporting Member
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hey Rolanda, glad the birthday went well...
25/Jul/08 3:10 PM
   andrĂ©  From england    Supporting Member
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Rolanda - great piccy's of the boys. You must be very proud. They are lovely. Don't they grow so fast. Hard to believe they were so little only a moment ago, which makes me feel so, so old now!!!
25/Jul/08 7:42 PM
   Vici  From California    Supporting Member
Check out my page's AMAZING how much the boys still look like their younger pictures!!!
What a couple of handsome guys. Are they as sweet as they look?
Thanks for letting me know about your recent photos - I just love visiting people's pages!
Have a great weekend!
26/Jul/08 1:40 AM
Cheryl  From Ontario, Canada
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Dinner sounded yummie, Stephen has good taste...
Glad the B.D. was successful.
26/Jul/08 5:10 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Great photo of your boys Rolanda.
26/Jul/08 5:26 AM
   andrĂ©  From england    Supporting Member
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My babies were 19 on the 30th May Rolanda. It is a nice age, they talk with you and can reason without grunting and such like, quite delightful... They will both be at university in September again... the house won't need cleaning!!! Take care x
26/Jul/08 6:20 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Rolanda - Thank you for stopping by. I will pass your message on to Billy. He is about your son's age. He is 20.
26/Jul/08 9:33 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Hi Rola! for your comforting post! And those notes that melt a doting grandmother's heart! He's my first grandchild from a son who is two years older than your older son. Kind of surprising since his older brother is 12 years older than him and his blushing bride says in about 2-3 years she'll think about it - she heads her own department at Disney and the both of them are either somewhere in the US for business or sailboat racing.
26/Jul/08 10:44 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Rola! Stopped by to see your newest pictures. Those cute little guys of yours sure turned into cute big guys! Amazing how quickly that happens. Be sure to enjoy what time you have left with them before some other woman tries to move in & take your place. She'll try but she won't ever succeed. Moms have a special place in our hearts forever!
26/Jul/08 12:23 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Hi Rolanda - what lovely pics of your boys. Tell them they were soooo cute as babies - it'll embarrass them! Yes, I will keep you up to date on our trip west. Settlement is supposed to be this Fri 1/8 but I am so sure that the light at the end of the tunnel is the light of an oncoming train that I have made no definite bookings. Probably last week in August, fly to Perth for 4-5 days or so then pick up hire car and head south to Busselton, Margaret River and Albany. Hopefully, if all goes well, I should have more detail early in August and can let you know (and Anne in Albany). Looking forward to meeting you then.
26/Jul/08 2:59 PM
   Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Hey Rolanda...
You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the dancing queen
Saw it yesterday with gal-pals...what a hoot!...ordered the CD this a.m.
My favorite scene was all the women doing "Dancing Queen"
26/Jul/08 11:17 PM
   Susan  From Qld    Supporting Member
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Hi Rolanda. I'm sorry that I missed Stephen's birthday. Pleae pass on our best wishes to him. I get so little time off that I'm missing everything! We also let our kids choose their birthday dinner. Son #2 chose McDonald's! Yay! So much easier to organise than the banquet you did (especially when Son #1 went and picked it up!). Your ensuite looks great, just like the rest of your house and garden (never did get to see the 'back room' though did we!) LOL Lately I've had an entire house like your back room.
28/Jul/08 1:00 AM
   Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Hi Rolanda!
Thanks for stopping by to feed the kids (I think Panda would be happy with the bamboo leaves!)
Just discovered Google earth (through eaa) and have been spending a lot of time on the West Coast of Tassie - think I'll head on over to Perth and check out the scene!
BTW - my ABBA soundtrack should arrive from Amazon today or tomorrow!
One of my all time favorite movies is Muriel's Wedding.
Catch you later, gator!
28/Jul/08 10:57 PM
   Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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PS - LOVE the avatar!
28/Jul/08 11:22 PM
   ally  From oz
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DEar rola

Thank you for the birthday wishes. I am sorry I am so slow getting back to you, but I haven't been on sudoku for a very long time. from Ally
01/Aug/08 1:37 PM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Rolanda, thanks so much for stopping by with your birthday wishes! I really appreciated your thoughtfulness. And what a handsome family you have!
02/Aug/08 12:07 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
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I wish! sadly I'm not packing to go anywhere. Packing 'game' to feed the devils that are held in captivity,in Hobart and in Launceston. Thank you for your best wishes.
05/Aug/08 12:56 PM
   eaa  From Tassie
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No I don't personally feed them. We supply the fed, that include a lot of work 'cause we send a tonne at a time and thats a lot of boxes,to put in freezer and take out and put on pallets.
05/Aug/08 1:51 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Not me Rolanda! I would never be involved in a conspiracy!
06/Aug/08 4:35 PM
   Susan  From Qld    Supporting Member
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Don't believe a word Suzy says!!! Anyone with as devious a mind as hers cannot be trusted. hehe
06/Aug/08 5:20 PM
Judy  From San Diego    Supporting Member
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Hi, Rolanda! Thanks for the anniversary wishes ... I'll pass them on ... but there is even better news ... a baby due on September 17! It's a boy, and we're all getting pretty excited! I LOVE the photos of your birthday boys ... they are adorable!

Things are awesome here in the mountains. We never want to go home!

Thanks for thinking about me. I hope that you and P are well.
08/Aug/08 4:43 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Rolanda! - Thank you for coming by my place with the birthday wishes! I sure appreciate it. Have a great day.
11/Aug/08 4:34 AM
   Eri  From St. Louis, USA
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Thanks for your note (over a week ago... sorry for the slow response -- everything I do these days is slow -- ha!). No baby yet, but one week to go. I'm still feeling good most days, and hubby FINALLY started reading the birth books Sunday. Hubby's name, by the way, is Stephen Robert -- Funny coincidence!
13/Aug/08 3:24 AM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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Hi Rolanda. Thank you for the birthday wishes. I hope you are getting better weather in the west than we are here in Victoria.
I have left you a slice of . Enjoy.
13/Aug/08 11:21 PM
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